BIEMs of Light April/May 2017

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We praise God that, on April 6 & 8, friends of BIEM volunteered their time to load a 40-ft. container of aid, Bible literature, and church-planting items. It’s now bound for Ukraine. (Please pray it will arrive safely and that God will help our Ukrainian brethren to navigate successfully the bureaucracy involved in getting a container through Ukrainian Customs.)
  • From time to time, BIEM invites our national church-planters to the U.S. to visit churches and share their testimonies and news from the mission field. Praise the Lord that, after several attempts, Igor Fomichov has been granted a visa to visit the U.S.
  • A movie titled King of Glory (a 4-hour movie) was created to explain Jesus to Muslims. It shows God’s plan for mankind and emphasizes the need for a Savior. BIEM translated it into a Central Asian language, and our missionary Tim arranged for it to be shown on national TV on Easter in Central Asia! Praise God for reports of salvation decisions!
  • Sasha, a BIEM missionary in a predominantly Muslim land, rejoices that he and his wife now have several Bible studies in homes of local Muslim husbands with wives from Russia or Ukraine. In these cases, the husbands not only permit the study in their home, but have also sat and listened. Praise God! May His Word speak to hearts.

PrayerPray with us!

  • From Belarus: BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk requests prayer for evangelistic tent meetings planned for May 13 - 14. May many unsaved neighbors attend, even if out of curiosity. Pray for God to convict of sin and to draw people to Himself.
  • Also from Belarus: The spinal operation undergone by the Ryzhuks’ son, Tolik, was evidently not fully successful in correcting his problem. In addition, our missionary Nikolai is now hospitalized. MRI results reveal herniation in his spine, and physicians say he needs surgery. Pray that God will provide guidance in both members of this missionary family.
  • Summer is fast approaching! Overseas, pastors and missionaries are contacting us to ask whether there will be funds for summer camp ministries. As of this writing, BIEM needs $26,000 to match last year’s level of camp support. Please pray the Lord will prompt His people to make camp ministries possible once again in 2017.
  • Please pray for believers in Peru, which has been hit hard by heavy rains, flooding, and mudslides. Although the immediate crisis may be over, these events leave behind much devastation and needs. (Donations for relief may be designated “Peru Relief.”)