BIEMs of Light June 2017

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • With God’s blessing and help from friends, we are progressing toward our goal for summer camp programs. At this time last month, we needed $26,000 to match last year’s level of $40,000. As of this writing, the need is down to $16,600. Thanks to all who are giving!
  • Our missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk had been hospitalized with severe back pain. Although he is still unable to do physical labor, we rejoice that he is able to walk and attend evangelistic tent meetings held in Drogichin, Belarus, in May. But continue praying.
  • BIEM has been hosting 2 of our Ukrainian church planters who are in the U.S. for the first time and visiting churches to share their ministries in person. Also, Vitaly Keller of Russia is visiting U.S. churches too. These meetings with supporters are mutual encouragements!
  • A second soul has come to Christ in Bilogorodka! Although Pastor Eugene Buyko’s father-in-law helped in the church’s construction, he had been skeptical of non-Orthodox believers for years. Working alongside our believers convinced him the Gospel is true. Praise God!

PrayerPray with us!

  • BIEM’s most recent shipping container of supplies was due to reach the Ukrainian port on June 1. Because this container includes items for the new church plant in Bilogorodka (hundreds of chairs, tables, pulpit, several hundred Bibles), please pray the Lord will speed its way through customs to reach the church before dedication Sunday on June 18.
  • The church in Ternopil, Ukraine, requests we pray for God to supply a youth pastor for their church. A university city, Ternopil has about 40,000 students. Opportunities for outreach abound, but missionary pastor Vitaly Bilyak is limited as he serves as pastor and oversees the youth, too. He hopes God will send a youth minister in the near future.
  • In the military city of Desna, Ukraine, literally thousands of soldiers must march past the church building on their way to showers.  Pastor Igor hopes to mount an electronic sign on the building to highlight Bible verses and give church information. Please pray that God would enable and direct in this exciting evangelistic project.
  • BIEM praises God for the $7,000+ that donors have sent to provide relief for the churches and Christian families hurt by this spring’s flooding in Peru. Please pray for these brothers and sisters as they repair their homes and church buildings. More gifts are welcome since it will take some time to recover.