BIEMs of Light July 2016


Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In June, Valery Ryzhuk and others made an evangelistic trip using rivers in the Far North of Russia. Praise God, souls repented and put their faith in Christ. A woman named Yulia told them that, before the brethren’s previous trip, she had been on the verge of suicide after the death of her son. The Lord used them to comfort and strengthen her in the difficult time.
  • BIEM helped sponsor a youth conference in Russia that both leaders and young people consider a huge success and blessing. Some confessed their sin and asked Christ for salvation. Others were deepened in their commitment! Pastor Pavel Rumachik writes, “Praise God for your participation in this fellowship. May God reward you as well!”
  • Thanks to the generosity of Faith Baptist Church in Lebanon, Penn., Micah and Alisha Tuttle were able to purchase and distribute 4 expensive flannel graph sets to 4 churches in the Republic of Georgia. Upon learning of the gift, a member of one church exclaimed that they had just started praying for such a tool for their children’s ministry! May God be praised.
  • Recently BIEM missionaries organized a special family camp in Central Asia. Forty-four people attended, a number of them being couples in which one is a Christian and the other is not.  By the camp’s conclusion, several attendees requested prayer and gave evidence of being close to placing faith in Christ. Praise God for such a gathering; may He bless all who attended.

PrayerPray with us!

  • Doctors for Elaine Smith, the mother of a BIEM missionary who had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure have determined that she has Lupus, which explains the issues she was having. Please pray that the treatment will be effective and that the Lord will be glorified in all this.
  • In Central Asia, Pastor Righteous reports an increase in people throwing rocks at him and his home. He notes the local populace seems to be emboldened by anti-Christian activities taking place in various countries of the world. Please uphold his family and other believers.
  • We are rejoicing that the funds needed for summer camps this year have been provided!  We Praise God for each gift.  By this point in July, some churches in Eastern Europe have already held their children’s or teen camps. Other camps have yet to take place.  Please pray for many to be saved.
  • In closing, here is one of our missionary’s plea: “Please pray with us that the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would penetrate the darkness of this increasingly Islamic land. The battle rages, time is short, Satan is powerful, we need God’s warriors kneeling in intercession before the throne of God, to keep us strong in the battle, and to help us snatch souls from the throes of death and the eternal flames of Hell.” Can you sense the sincerity of that request? Let’s pray for missionaries!