War Relief Updates - February 17, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. Here’s an exciting announcement—Thanks to the Lord’s blessing through your compassion and generosity, BIEM has now been able to distribute one million dollars of aid to assist victims of the war in Ukraine! Our upcoming Challenger newsletter will share more details, but we hasten to mention this milestone now so you can join us in praising God. “Great things He hath done!” The war and the needs are continuing, but your gifts are making a genuine difference in people’s lives. Thank you!

2. Earlier, we had requested prayer that Vitaly Bilyak would be able to exit Ukraine temporarily to visit supporting churches and bring updated, personal reports of ministry in Ukraine. He was granted that permission, so thank you for praying. This permission was definitely not guaranteed in these times of war when Ukraine is so selective about who it permits to leave and why. We trust believers will be edified and God will be glorified through this trip.

3. More spiritual fruit from physical seeds—In the formerly occupied area of Hostomel, Ukraine (near Bucha), BIEM workers had distributed aid and a generator. Now a small group of people is meeting regularly for Bible studies. There is potential for a new church plant in this needy area. Please pray for God to open people’s eyes. Please pray for God to open people’s eyes to their spiritual needs so they can embrace Christ.

4. A Ukrainian couple who has assisted in distributing aid since the beginning of the invasion suffered a traffic accident that caused major damage to the rear of their truck while on one of these missions of mercy. Through the video link below, you can hear them tell about this ministry along with their gratitude to BIEM for financial assistance to repair the truck to continue this vital work. In this particular case, BIEM served as the financial channel for a generous financial gift from The Carpenter’s Project, an independent Baptist ministry that facilitates church planting and church growth in unevangelized countries:


5. The church in Ternopil, Ukraine, has provided war relief to thousands of war refugees. Through this outreach, church planter Vitaly Bilyak connected with a local hospital treating a steady stream of wounded soldiers. Although grateful for food, clothing, bedding, and basic medicines, the surgeons asked whether the church could obtain the specialized medical equipment needed to restore severely damaged limbs. We praise God for our friendship with Jan Milton at Operation Renewed Hope. A couple of months ago, that ministry provided a huge amount of these specific items. Just this week, they filled a second order of special requests for that hospital. This medical aid will enable hospital personnel to restore mobility to a good number of injured ones. As a bonus, Vitaly states this provision has established a warm relationship with the physicians and staff. Please join us in praying these efforts will also lead to the salvation of souls.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM