War Relief Updates - February 24, 2023

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. As you may have heard in the news, today marks the 1-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. At that time, “experts” predicted Ukraine’s collapse within days. But people prayed, people gave, and even civilians pitched in to help. Still, even after a full year, people ask, “Why did this happen?” A few days after the invasion, Sam Slobodian preached a message entitled “Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?” which is on our website.  If you have not yet viewed it, here is a link:

“Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?”

A year into this war, we rejoice to see souls coming to Christ, but our hearts break at the countless tragedies and continuing destruction. Please continue praying for the salvation of souls (on both sides of the border), and please continue giving to our War Relief Fund so we can glorify God through loving acts of compassion.

2. In last week's update, we shared that an opportunity to plant a new church has arisen in a town near Hostomel. This opportunity is more fruit from our relief activities, which include sharing the Gospel and distributing Bibles. Now a building for this new church has become available to purchase for $10,000. Please pray for these funds to come in so we can proceed with this project. You can see a video about this opportunity here:


3. In December, we shared how Misha, the nephew of one of our missionary couples in Ukraine, survived multiple serious battles and eventually put his faith in Christ. He is being sent back into the frontlines in Bakhmut, alias “the meat grinder.” The family writes, “Please pray for him to stand strong in Christ and to return safely after the war.”

4. Sasha Petrenko plans to lead another relief distribution trip to Donbas on Wednesday, March 1. There will be three vehicles loaded with food, warm clothing, batteries, and other supplies going nearly to the war front, where they meet with military acquaintances who deliver these supplies to the soldiers in need. Please pray for their safety and for God to use this effort to open hearts to the Gospel.

5. Igor Fomichov in Desna requests prayer as there has been an upswing in conscripting citizens for the war in that area. Several church members have been conscripted, so there is much concern since conscription eventually leads to being sent into battle. Some from their area are already in Bakhmut, probably the most hazardous area at the present time.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM