BIEMs of Light August 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We requested prayer for 4 Afghani men—Salim, Amin, Shafo, and Farid—who had been listening to presentations of the Gospel. Praise God, Farid has now placed his faith in Christ!

  • In June, we also requested prayers for our camp fund, which had only 50% of the amount needed. The Lord heard those prayers and provided the rest of the funds needed. Some camps are already underway, and we’ve already received reports of salvation decisions!

  • Some weeks ago, our BIEM receptionist, Lauren, let us know she would be moving on. We prayed much concerning a replacement, since a Christian ministry needs workers who love service for the Lord rather than just people needing a job. God provided! The next time you phone the office, the new voice you hear will belong to Caileigh. Thank You, Lord!

  • The Christian rehabilitation center near Rumyantsevo, Russia, needed to replace its van. Although they were able to get some money for their old one, they still needed $5,000 for a trustworthy vehicle. Thanks to BIEM’s donors we were able to supply their need. Praise God!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • T. Smith, our Field Director for Central Asia, has severely broken the bones in one foot. His doctor advises that he stay off it until October. Please pray for good healing.

  • We have requested prayer for more ministers to serve in the rehabilitation center near Ternopil, Ukraine. God has answered. Volodya B. was once addicted to substances but went through the program and found freedom from substance abuse, plus salvation in Christ. He feels led of the Lord to stay and help others. However, in such cases the men still undergoing the program sometimes express jealousy or lack of respect toward a peer with new authority. Please pray for Volodya, that the Lord will give him divine wisdom and insight into how best to relate to the men he will be assisting out of their addictions.

  • When 40 days of rain fell in western Ukraine, flooding and tremendous property damage resulted. BIEM’s missionary Vitaly Bilyak organized relief trips to 3 villages, where volunteers delivered clothing, bottled water, food, and other necessities—including New Testaments for anyone who didn’t have one. The volunteers brought glory to God. Please pray for those villagers, for their physical needs, yes, but also for the salvation of any who don’t know Christ.

  • Due to covid-19, our mission field in Central Asia has particularly suffered. They have no government programs for unemployment, no stimulus checks, no huge humanitarian aid supply… Please pray for the believers, but also for the unbelievers who are observing them.