August Video Update

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Dear Pastors and Friends, 

 Hello from the Slobodians! This month's video update comes from Borschiv, Ukraine which is in an area of western Ukraine that has been neglected as far as a Gospel witness. This is where Sergei and Vika Skripnik are serving as missionaries. For a long time, this dedicated couple focused on village ministry. However, they always had a vision to one day plant a church in the city of Borschiv. Recently, through the generosity of a friend of BIEM, this dream was made possible and they were able to purchase a building right in the city.

The main need right now concerning this ministry is the vacant corner lot next door which is available for $5,000. Obtaining this would give the church more land which could be used for parking as well as other ministry needs. Furthermore, since this corner lot is across from a large field that is slated for the construction of new homes, this would give the church a wonderful degree of visibility in the community. Please pray concerning this need, and for Sergei and Vika and the believers there in Borschiv as they are working hard on this church building project.


In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian