BIEMs of Light September 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We requested prayer for 4 Afghani men—Salim, Amin, Shafo, and Farid—who had been listening to presentations of the Gospel. Praise God, Farid has now placed his faith in Christ!

  • Praise God for the street evangelism led by BIEM missionaries Vitaly and Alexandra Keller in downtown Kyiv, Ukraine.  Every week they and their team meet and engage passersby with interesting methods of introducing the Gospel. They encounter both Ukrainians and foreign visitors.  Please pray for God to impress on listeners the weight of their sins and their need of the Savior.

  • The Gospel is not bound by pandemics. In Central Asia, citizens are still under lockdown due to Covid-19, but Pastor River texted to say that last week he led 5 Muslims there to Christ!

  • Excellent progress is being made on transforming the house purchased in Borschiv, Ukraine, into a church building. From the roof to the new, large septic system, improvements and repairs are preparing this location for public worship. We praise God for it and for the generous donors who made it possible!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • By September, summer camps are over and children and teens in Eastern Europe start back to school. Please pray that the truths they heard will remain fresh in their minds. May God continue to open kids’ eyes to their spiritual needs and draw them to faith in Himself.

  • BIEM is currently involved in three church building projects. Please pray for God to supply both the resources and the workers needed for each one.

  • Please pray for brother Tim, a BIEM missionary who recently suffered 8 broken bones when a heavy item accidentally fell on his foot. He faces a difficult rehabilitation. Please pray for a full recovery and that he would be spared the arthritis that doctors mentioned as a possibility. 

  • Please pray for a BIEM missionary family in Russia we will refer to as Brother V. Due to stricter controls of the borders and international financial transfers that began with the coronavirus, this family has not been able to receive the support BIEM has collected for them in the U.S. To survive, Brother V. has taken a maintenance job. One Russian church has also taken them on for partial support during this crisis. Arrangements have been made for brother V to travel to a nearby country to receive the support that has accumulated. Please pray for God’s provision and continued blessing on the ministry despite these challenges.