BIEMs of Light June 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • On May 29, our missionaries Nikolai and Svetlana Ryzhuk in Drogichin, Belarus, had a God-glorifying wedding for their son Tolik and his bride Alexandra. The ceremony also gave an opportunity for 40 unsaved relatives to hear the Gospel. One returned for church the next day.

  • In May, our director for Central Asia led a Muslim man there to faith in Christ. Also, local evangelists working with him have been blessed with additional salvation decisions. God is saving souls in spiritually difficult places!

  • Near Moscow, a recent conference was held for men who have been freed of addictions through the Christian rehabilitation ministry. It’s exciting to see how God has totally changed lives, blessed many of them with wives and children, and transformed them into active church members through this ministry. May God be praised!

  • In Kyiv, Ukraine, our missionaries the Kellers are thrilled for the increased opportunities spring weather has provided for street evangelism. They and their team use a variety of methods to engage passersby in conversation, which then naturally leads to spiritual conversations. Praise God for caring hearts and active believers.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • BIEM is currently in the midst of three church-building projects—two in Smolin and Borschiv, Ukraine, and a third project in Siberia. All three are in different stages of progress. Please pray for each one. Pray for safety for the workers, for healthy curiosity among unsaved neighbors, and for sufficient funds to push each project to completion soon.

  • In Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, our missionary Bruce Tuttle is involved 100% in pastoral/church-planting training. In recent times, he has increasingly visited Tbilisi in the Republic of Georgia to teach there as well. Seeing a need for a permanent training center in Tbilisi, Bruce is prayerfully contemplating transitioning to Tbilisi. Please pray for God’s guidance in the many decisions this will entail.

  • Praise God, of the $40,000 needed for this year’s summer camps, we now have over $35,000 on hand. Just a little over $4,000 is yet needed, so please keep praying. Also, please pray for God to prepare receptive hearts in the children, teens, and young adults who will be attending. May He be glorified through these camping ministries!

  • Please pray that the Lord will enable us to ship a container of supplies and humanitarian aid to Ukraine soon. International logistics for such shipments to Ukraine have changed, which greatly complicates matters. We need divine wisdom and guidance. Thanks for praying.