BIEMs of Light July 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  •  In Central Asia, another soul has come to Christ through the women’s shelter. A woman who fled from her physically abusive husband said, “I thought about everything you said and how you work. I see you are different, and I believe that your God is really true, and I want to be like you. Tell me more about Jesus … I want to receive Him as my Savior.” Hallelujah!

  • Recently, the church in Ternopil, Ukraine, ordained Andrei Eliseev to the ministry of deacon. Andrei oversees the daily operation of the nearby Christian rehabilitation center. This is especially exciting since Andrei himself was once addicted to substances but underwent rehabilitation and discovered new life in Christ. How exciting to see God redeeming ruined lives and helping such believers to grow in grace and knowledge of the Word of God!

  • The church planted by the Hoblitzes (BIEM missionaries in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia), holds evangelism dinners for university students from Africa, India, and other nations. Some students come from lands that are hostile to the Gospel, but they feel welcome there. Some haven’t accepted Christ yet but do attend services and listen. Praise God for yet another method of evangelizing.

  • Thank you to everyone who prayed for us to have wisdom concerning our next 40-foot container shipment. (Changing procedures make it more difficult to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine efficiently and economically.) We have developed a procedure that we hope will meet the required regulations while keeping expenses to a minimum. We’ll try it this autumn!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray for a need in Chernihiv, Ukraine where Lyosha Savchuk has been leading the church which is now outgrowing their facility. Pray for direction, and funds for a larger facility.

  • Last month, we requested prayer that BIEM would receive the $40,000 needed to hold this year’s summer camps. Praise the Lord, the full amount has been received! Now, if you would, please shift your camp prayers to safety for the campers, wisdom, clear articulation for camp leaders, and for the Holy Spirit to work through camps in the hearts of all campers who attend.

  • In recent days, some new believers have been baptized in Western Asia. Others there are planning to be baptized soon. Please pray for these relatively new believers who live in predominantly Muslim areas, that they will grow in grace and strength and knowledge of the Word of God.

  • As the Taliban gains strength in Afghanistan, many refugees are pouring into bordering countries where BIEM has personnel. While this does provide opportunities to reach out to these needy people there is serious concern that the Taliban will attempt to advance beyond Afghanistan. Please pray that this does not happen.