BIEMs of Light December 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We praise God for more souls coming to Christ in Central Asia.   Many have been saved through the “King of Glory” film project conducted by our missionaries.  The Lord is working abundantly!  This is a wonderful answer to the prayers many have prayed for this project.

  • In Western Asia, one of our missionaries who conducts online services due to Covid restrictions, reports a number of salvation decision from viewers in various lands—Belarus, Siberia, the Republic of Georgia, Ukraine, and Abkhazia. Also, God allowed his church to hold a Thanksgiving service in an outdoor café. Many Muslim patrons of the café watched and listened to testimonies with interest. Afterward, café staff approached and requested prayer!

  • Last month we requested prayer for a planned youth conference in Brest, Belarus. Praise God, that conference took place, and as time passed, there were no reports of sickness among those who attended. The conference provided an uplifting, encouraging time for young believers.

  • Praise God for continuing opportunities provided by the Coronavirus in Ukraine where the church in Bilogorodka assembled and distributed care packages with Gospel literature.  Praise God for the compassionate hearts of these church members who reached out to widows, a local orphanage, and to families in their community stricken by the virus.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray for our missionaries. A number of them have contracted Covid-19. Several have already recovered, but each regrets those days when they couldn’t minister actively.

  • Please pray for favorable weather for construction work on the new church going up in Smolin, Ukraine. For services, believers have put up a military tent which is heated by a very simple woodburning furnace that is basically a barrel with an exhaust pipe.  Not the most comfortable setting for worship services but one that certainly demonstrates their dedication.

  • Sasha, one of our missionaries to a predominantly Muslim land, was able to conduct a baptism right in the Mediterranean Sea as a public testimony. This church has often done so. Pray that they may continue to have such services without incident, and that onlookers will understand the Gospel.

  • Please pray for a full recovery of BIEM missionary Bruce T., who is suffering from the coronavirus.  Though he is improving he has been unable to teach the students in his Pastoral Training school in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine.  Praise God that these classes have been able to continue since Bruce enlisted the help of two other missionaries, who are teaching the classes by Zoom.