November Video Update

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Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings!  We trust that you are enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.  We certainly have much to be thankful for.

This month's video update comes to you from Bilogorodka, Ukraine.  Because of the coronavirus we cannot travel overseas for the time being.  However, we have excellent communication through internet-based tools like Facetime, Skype, What'sApp, and Zoom.

 In this video you will see and hear from the ladies at the church in Bilogordka who are in the middle of preparing care packages for widows, as well as for those who are suffering from Covid-19.  They are purchasing these items with funds from their church, together with funds from BIEM.   Praise God for their labor of love and for those who give to make such projects possible.  These efforts are a great blessing to the needy and greatly lift up the testimony of the church in their community.  Such projects are also carried out by BIEM church planters in other locations as well.

 In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian