BIEMs of Light November 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In the nation of Georgia, our missionary “M.T.” started a Bible study for 4 young people. The study stopped due to quarantine, but 2 of them continued reading Scripture and trusted Christ at home. One shared her new faith with a girlfriend, and that girl trust Christ, too! A male in the group shared Scripture with 2 other teens, and they also repented and placed faith in Christ. Like ripples in a pond, the circle of believers expanding!

  • Churches in Eastern Europe and Russia have each been setting aside a Sunday to celebrate Harvest Holiday. Despite a very odd year, God has provided an increase from their gardens, fields, and orchards, plus new souls have come to the Lord. May He be praised!

  • In the 1990s, the first soul saved through Pavel Rumachik’s new church near Moscow had been a drug dealer. Recently, that man’s son, too, was baptized. Praise God for changed lives!

  • Despite the lingering Covid-19 situation, we had a good group of volunteers who donated their time to help with our calendar mailing. We thank the Lord for friends who contribute in various ways—taking photos, doing the printing, packaging… At times friends even volunteer to assist with maintenance and yardwork around BIEM. We praise God for each one!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • v Many friends recall the church on the military base in Desna. That ministry has resulted in a good number of church planters. One of those church-planting couples is heading up for us a church-building project in Smolin, which is near another military base in Goncharovsk. The foundation is in, and walls are going up. It’s important to finish the walls, roof, doors, and windows before the extreme winter weather. To do so, BIEM is trying hard to raise $50,000 quickly. Please pray that the Lord will prompt hearts of some who can help reach these goals.

  • Sasha, one of our missionaries to a predominantly Muslim land, plans to hold a baptism next week right in the Mediterranean Sea as a public testimony. This church has often done so. Pray that they may continue to have such services without incident, and that onlookers will understand the Gospel.

  • This month in the country of Belarus, multiple churches plan to hold a youth conference in Brest. Please pray for good attendance at the messages will help to solidify these young people’s faith.

  • We rejoice that in recent days a number of souls in Central Asia have come to Christ! Our missionary “Samuel” led one family to Christ, and now another woman, too. Another Muslim woman has listened to the Gospel. She dreamed about a blood-stained cross and agreed to start reading a New Testament in her language. God is moving!