October Video Update

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Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Remember the church started on the Ukrainian military base in Desna,
Ukraine? One of the men saved there was Sasha Petrenko. After some
training, Sasha and his wife Ira moved to Goncharovsk, the next
military city to the north, to start a church. God gave them a
harvest of souls, even though renting a place to meet in was always
very, very difficult. When war came to the East it became impossible,
since Goncharovsk has even tighter security than Desna. This base
provides many of the fighting men for the war.

After much prayer and consultation with our nationals, we raised
funds to buy a house in the neighboring town of Smolin, which is only
about 5 miles from Goncharovsk. This location works well for the
church and expands their outreach into Smolin. The plan was to
remodel the house into a simple church building by adding onto it.
However, it soon became apparent that this would not work, and the
only realistic solution was to demolish it and build a new structure.
This month's video features this project.

The old building has been demolished, and the church secured a
military tent to meet in while the church is being built. The
foundation has been laid and the walls are going up. It is important
that we get not only the walls up, but the roof, windows, and doors
in before the severe weather of late winter comes. We need to raise
at least $50,000 to do this, so any help would be very much

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian