War Relief Updates - June 7, 2024

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. This weekend, Pasha Usach and a few others are traveling to the Kherson area with a load of war-relief supplies he received from our container. One of the places where he will be distributing and sharing the Gospel is the location where two elderly ladies opened their home to start a church through Pasha’s encouragement. A few weeks ago, we posted a video about this new church. If you missed it, you can see that video via the following link:


This is a needy and dangerous area, and BIEM has regularly provided it with food, clothing, firewood, medicine, and repair of damaged homes. Many locals have come to Christ as a result of all this outreach. In fact, 70+ people now attend this new church! Please pray for Pasha and those traveling with him that the Lord would protect them and use this effort for His glory.

2. One of the key men in our war relief efforts is Yura, our church planter in Lviv, Ukraine. Besides his role in distribution, he is one of two men who uses his family car to drive us and other BIEM personnel from Poland to Ukraine and back when we arrive from the US. Because he has 3 small children, he is allowed to cross the border and so plays an important role in our efforts. Yura’s worn-out vehicle needs replacing, and he has an opportunity to upgrade to a much better vehicle for about $10,000. Please pray that the Lord will provide for this need.

3. Under the supervision of Nadia Lovytska, dedicated volunteers in Ukraine work together to create packets of dried soups and other food for soldiers on the war front. BIEM has provided war relief funds to boost this project, which is greatly valued by the recipients. A second video will be forthcoming soon, but for now the following link will give you a closer look...


4. Concerning our summer camps, about 3 weeks ago we sent out a letter informing supporters that we had only $19,000 of the $60,000 needed for our summer camps. By the time we published our June BIEM’s of Light, that amount had surpassed $34,000. Today the figure is close to $40,000, and a church just contacted us to say they are sending $5,000. Praise God! Please pray with us for the remaining $15,000 needed.In Christ,

Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM