War Relief Updates - June 14, 2024

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. Thank you for praying for Pasha Usach’s trip last week, when he was delivering war relief and sharing the Gospel near Kherson. Best of all, some listeners made salvation decisions during meetings as the Gospel was presented. Several youths from Pasha’s home church participated in this trip, so the team consisted of 12 people aboard multiple vehicles since they were transporting a large amount of aid from BIEM’s most recent container. Pasha reports that the trip went well and that they all returned safely. We will be posting a video featuring this trip in the near future.

2. We have been greatly encouraged by the pictures, videos, and thank-you messages that we have received from soldiers who received warm clothing, New Testaments, and Gospel literature during our special project in December - February. The upcoming issue of our newsletter, The Challenger, is an expanded version that features a sampling of testimonies and photos. Since it is at the printers, you should receive it soon if you are on the Challenger mailing list. If not, you have time to subscribe. This issue is particularly heartwarming and is sure to bless each one who gave and prayed for this project.

3. Our Ukrainian church planter Vitaly Bilyak often receives the question, “Can Ukraine Win the War?” In the following video clip, he addresses that exact same question. We encourage you to watch, listen, and then to pray!


4. Please pray that God would continue to bless our War Relief fund with donations. (And perhaps you can be a partial answer to that prayer?) Already this month, we have distributed close to $20,000 in war relief to various serious needs. Though the media do not provide much war news these days, the war continues. In fact, over the last several weeks Russia’s attacks have intensified and knocked out 50% of Ukraine’s power supply. As a result, we are getting more requests for generators, and those who have already received generators often repeat their gratitude, mentioning how these generators have been vital to their ministries. (To date, BIEM has distributed more than $250,000 just for generators. May God be praised!)

Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM