War Relief Updates - June 21, 2024

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

1. This year, we had to do something we didn’t want to do—raise our target goal for summer camps to $60,000. Although the war in Ukraine has driven up prices, making this change necessary, that amount seemed enormous. We had never set such a goal for camp. But, praise God, He provided this amount through all of you! (In fact, for once our spring Challenger newsletter—now in production—will not mention the need for camp funds because you all beat us to it!) Also, God blessed by providing quick passage of our most recent container of supplies to Ukraine. Since we included many items for use in camps, our Ukrainian missionaries were thrilled to receive it!

2. Igor Fomichov in Desna requests prayer for two members of the church who have been sent to the war front. Vova is a deacon, and Roma is a soldier. Both were both saved through this ministry. Since both men were heavily involved in war-relief distributions, their absence will leave a gap in the ministry. They have been sent to one of the most dangerous areas of the front, where daily deadly battles take place. This is devastating news for their families and the church. Please pray that God will protect them and use them to share Christ where they are.

3. In Ukraine, the town of Posad-Pokrovske became a key strategic front in the defense of Mykolaiv and in the fight to liberate Kherson. But relentless Russian shelling left 90% of its 940 houses severely damaged or destroyed, and residents can hardly imagine how to recover. BIEM missionary Pavel Usach and a team of fellow church members have made several trips from Zdolbuniv to Posad-Pokrovske in the south near Kherson. The church building, too, was extremely damaged. So, with aid from BIEM, Pavel and the others have been serving this community and helping the congregation to make a comeback!


4. BIEM is grateful for the donations we receive for this ministry, whether they be funds, gently used clothing, medical supplies, or church furniture & equipment. This week, two extraordinary gifts especially blessed us. One was a deluxe weightlifting center, which will go to the Desna Drug and Rehabilitation Center. The rehabilitation program there emphasizes Bible study, counseling, and performing work, but it also includes physical exercise. As these men strive to build back bodies that have wasted away from drug and alcohol abuse, this equipment will get a lot of use. We also received a $12 gift from an 11-year-old named Maria. She designated her donation to help a child orphaned by the war. Maria’s gift really touched our hearts.

Sam Slobodian
President, BIEM