Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Update from American Missionary in Western Ukraine

Dear friends and family,

In brief, we are okay, for now. We have no better place to which we may run and hide ourselves than under God's wings. It is safer there, more pleasant, and more comforting than the proposed "no-fly zone" over Ukraine or our homely root cellar.

I can only tell you what it is like where we are. We don't know all the details about (nor are we suffering so greatly as) those in other parts of Ukraine. The sirens have sounded a number of times today, more than usual. A moment ago, a jet came over, flying low over the neighborhood. It startled all of us and visibly frightened some. We haven't heard explosions, though. For that, we are thankful!

I was reading today in the Psalms. In Psalm 119:126, David pleads something like this: "It is time, O Lord, for Thee to work." It was in a different context that David uttered/penned these words. Still, we are pleading something similar.

Today I went out to look for more groceries and to buy a second internet extender. (My internet router doesn't reach well to either the root cellar or the guest house in my back yard). Most stores are now closed. I visited 2 grocery stores and found that there are fewer and fewer food items to purchase. Expensive meats and some specialty foods are still on some shelves, probably because of their expense. But other items - staple foods - are in shorter supply. So, we wonder what will be the situation days from now. I have a good food supply in my house, but it will go quickly while feeding 7 people.
The lines of cars waiting at gas stations now stretch for several blocks, and not all gas stations are still operating. What's more, we are told that fuel is being rationed, limited to 20 liters (5.28 gallons). Long lines wait at pharmacies and bank machines. The food stores that are still open have long lines, too, either outside or in the checkout lanes.

Funds have arrived In my bank account here, but I may now only withdraw about $1,000/day. That wouldn't be troubling except for our concern whether the banking system will long be still operating. So we are hurrying to accumulate what we can. You can imagine how quickly people's needs are mounting as (1) so many are not working, (2) it's more difficult to access funds, and (3) basic supplies are becoming more difficult to find. Those who have fled the country are without work, without funds for the "long haul", without homes, separated from loved ones, friends, and the churches they left behind, and are suddenly in places that are strange to them.

You needn't grieve for us, nor worry about us; just keep on praying that God will intervene in such a way that lives and ministries are spared, our nation will not come under bondage, many hearts will turn in their helplessness to our God and Savior, and God's intervention will be realized in such a way that He will be glorified and exalted.

Once again, we are so thankful for your prayers and messages of encouragement! Please allow that my responses to your kind emails and text messages may become fewer and later. We are finding that there must be subconscious, continuing tensions (listening, watching, wondering), and these create weariness akin to that of strenuous labor.

When this is over, I suspect that we will savor each day, each experience, each friendship more have never before. And we will be forever remembering you, and be grateful to you for your kind consideration of us and this nation, and for your prayers on our behalf!

May God's blessings attend your every step as you walk with Him!
Rejoicing in the LORD . . . and again I say, REJOICING (as instructed in Phil. 4:4)!