BIEM's of Light Nov. 2015

Praises – Rejoice with us!

  • In Bilogorodka, Ukraine, the church building under construction is affecting hearts even before completion. A neighbor, Vladimir, took an interest and started asking questions. He has accepted Christ, been baptized, and attends services at the church across town. Another neighbor, Viktor, has a heart open to the Gospel and even helps in construction. He wants to come to church, but his wife is opposed. (So, a combined praise and prayer request!)

  • An evangelistic team from Ukraine has been traveling in Central Asia and assisting local churches with their evangelistic efforts. The Gospel has gone forth, and countless spiritual seeds have been planted in hearts. May the Lord water those seeds and receive a harvest for His glory!

  • Five months ago, Wilber Sebastian and his wife planted a new church in Sepahua, Peru. This church planter is excited about these months “of trials and of blessings.” We praise the Lord for this fellow servant of Christ and this new church, but let us also uphold his family with prayer.

  • This week BIEM has received donations of 2 pianos in good condition for shipping to churches in Eastern Europe. These will be huge blessings to churches that don’t have one. Praise God! (Bunk beds for the Rehabilitation Center are also needed, if anyone has some to donate.)

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • On October 23, BIEM bookkeeper, Amy Slobodian, experienced a mild heart attack. It required a stent to relieve 80% blockage in an artery. During her hospitalization, an Echocardiogram discovered a totally separate problem in the making: a benign tumor called a Myxoma inside her heart. This problem often goes undetected until it grows and causes a heart attack or stroke. So we thank God for revealing this problem very early. Amy will need heart surgery, probably in December. Pray for a successful removal of that tumor.

  • On October 31, a crew of volunteers loaded a 40-ft. container with aid donated by friends of BIEM. Please pray for a successful voyage as this shipment navigates both the ocean and official bureaucracy from Indiana to a new distribution point in Ternopil, Ukraine.

  • On November 8, BIEM’s Board of Directors will hold their next meeting. Please pray for the Lord’s leading as these servants of God evaluate situations and possibilities and plan for the future.

  • From time to time, BIEM invites coworkers from overseas to the U.S. to preach and to share their ministries. Vitaly Bilyak has come several times and been a huge blessing to churches. However, each time the USA has turned down his wife’s application to accompany him and thus expand their ministry here. Katya is reapplying in November. Please pray toward that goal.