Current BIEM Building Projects

This year BIEM has taken on a record number of building projects overseas. Currently we have seven building projects underway in 5 different countries Ukraine, Russia, the Republic of Georgia, Peru, and an undisclosed location in Central Asia. Four of these projects are church-building programs, one is a Christian Drug and Rehabilitation Center for Men, and one is a Christian Shelter for Abused Women and Children.

We are amazed and thrilled as God has both opened the doors for each of these wonderful opportunities and provided the resources for these projects. Each one of these has great potential for reaching many souls for Christ and becoming a beacon of light and hope in the needy communities where they are located.

These current six projects bring us to a total of over 50 overseas building projects! Praise God!! It is amazing that God would lead BIEM in such an expansion of building projects when our economy here in the United States is so weak. When the economy of a support base is doing poorly, you would not expect such giving. However, God works in mysterious ways that we cannot comprehend. 

It is interesting that in the fields where BIEM is working the dollar has risen dramatically in comparison to local currency, despite our struggling economy here in the United States. The result of that is when it comes to purchasing building materials as well as labor in these areas, the dollar buys dramatically more than it did before. Therefore, Christians who invest in these building programs are getting a tremendous value for each dollar they are contributing.  Following are some pictures and information concerning these building programs.

Building Programs

  1. Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine

  2. Church in Ternopil Ukraine

  3. Church in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia

  4. Church in Shakhovskaya, Russia

  5. Christian Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center near Ternopil, Ukraine

  6. Shelter for Women and Children in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia

Note:  This does not include a building project just starting in the Republic of Georgia by BIEM missionary Charles Hoblitz.

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