
War Relief Updates Email - June 3, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

  1. Praise God, in Ukraine we have now received our 5th full, 40-foot container of humanitarian aid from friends in America. Our brethren are distributing its contents among the needy. While the 4th one was delivered to our church in Bilogorodka (in the Kyiv area), this 5th one was delivered to our church in Fastiv. Both locations are areas of great need.

  2. These containers are only part of our distribution efforts. Our folks are also delivering an amazing amount of aid using vans and SUVs, which often travel in caravans. As our brothers and sisters distribute this aid, their Christian love in action has greatly lifted the testimony of these churches, which have become distribution centers. Now the communities around these churches have a newfound appreciation for these churches, which will certainly open hearts to the Gospel.

  3. These churches have also reached out beyond their immediate communities to towns and villages farther away. Our folks in Kyiv have traveled as far as the Belarussian border to distribute aid to places others have overlooked. One of our churches was near an undisclosed location where special military units of the Ukrainian armed forces were stationed to ambush the 40-mile-long caravan of Russian military hardware heading towards Kyiv. When Pastor Igor heard that these Ukrainian soldiers were hungry, he used funds provided by BIEM so he and men from his church could take food to those soldiers. Not only did their actions spark new, high respect for Igor’s church in the eyes of the military, but the military presented Igor and two men from his church with beautiful medals and impressive citations!.

  4. I will be traveling back to Ukraine next week. On my previous visit, I stayed in the western part of Ukraine. On this trip, I plan to visit the Kyiv area. Please pray for safety and that I can be an encouragement to our people in Ukraine.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM

BIEMs of Light: June 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Recently, one of our BIEM missionaries entered a Central Asian nation (predominantly Muslim) with a bag full of Bibles. When Customs officials saw the x-ray scan containing the Bibles, they began arguing back and forth. While they debated, our missionary snatched up his bags and headed out the door. Moments later, they followed him and searched the crowd but didn’t spot him. God provided an opportunity to take in every Bible!

  • Afghans who fled the Taliban are coming to Christ in Central Asia! Plus, BIEM has organized a school to teach refugee children school subjects, which includes reading the Bible in their language. A Bible institute is also in the planning stages and is well on its way to being operational.

  • In Ukraine, in addition to hundreds of tons of aid we have distributed using vans, SUV’s, and small trucks, we have now received 5 forty-foot containers of humanitarian aid, which we transported to churches that serve as distribution centers in needy parts of Ukraine. Praise God for the compassionate friends in the USA who have provided these goods and for our Ukrainian brethren who distribute them!

  • Although the world’s attention is on Ukraine, we still have people ministering for the Lord inside Russia. We praise God for souls recently won to Christ in Siberia!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • On Easter Sunday, one of our churches in Central Asia was raided by police, who arrested the pastor. The church was fined $200, which BIEM paid. We rejoice that the punishment was relatively light, but please pray for Pastor River and his congregation as they serve God in a land that is hostile to Christian activities.

  • BIEM’s evangelistic outreaches overseas depend on our ability to transfer funds to those lands. The sanctions on some countries have a side effect of blocking our normal methods of transferring funds. Please pray that the Lord will show us effective workarounds.

  • On June 6, BIEM’s president Sam Slobodian plans to travel to Ukraine, including to Kyiv. Please pray for safe traveling as he visits our missionaries and makes plans with them.

  • Friends often say, “Pray for Ukraine.” But don’t pray only for the life of that nation. Pray for the salvation of the countless souls who are hearing the Gospel in conjunction with our aid efforts.

War Relief Updates Email - May 27, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

1. Last week we mentioned that, just a few hours after a container of humanitarian aid was unloaded in Desna, the city was bombed and that there were 8 fatalities. That figure has been revised by the government to 87 fatalities. Folks in Desna now say the real figure is even higher. This was the largest military loss for Ukraine to date in the war, according to an article by Fox News which you can access at this link:

2. Purchasing fuel is becoming more difficult. Yesterday our church planter Sasha Petrenko had to wait in line for over 12 hours to buy fuel for delivering humanitarian aid. The cost of fuel is now $8 per gallon in many places.

3. BIEM missionary Tim S. is in Ukraine for the third time to assist with humanitarian aid shipments. The first time, he went with his wife Luda. The second time he went alone. This time Sarah, his oldest daughter, is with him. Please pray for their travels and for God to bless their efforts.

4. We have now received a 4th full container of humanitarian aid, which has arrived in Bilogorodka in the Kyiv area. This is in addition to nearly 100 van loads of goods distributed to needy areas.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM

May Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends,

Warm greetings in Christ! This month's video update comes from the many we have posted on our website. You can view these by clicking on the "View Video Updates" section on our home page.

In case you do not already know, we have added a new email update called Ukrainian War Relief UpdatesThis will keep you updated on events in Ukraine and informed on how to pray. Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we lift up our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

You can subscribe to this new mailing by clicking on the following link:

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian


War Relief Updates Email - May 13, 2022

Thank you for your concern and for praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian People

Dear Friends of BIEM,

  1. Pray for our displaced BIEM personnel who have been scattered across various places in Europe. We have folks in Poland, Switzerland, Germany, as well as a good number in Western Ukraine. Those who were displaced from the Kyiv area are contemplating and praying about returning since the situation in Kyiv has improved after the Russian army withdrew. However, this is not an easy decision since rocket and missile attacks continue.

  2. One BIEM missionary family (Vitaly & Alexandra Keller) likely will not be able to return to Ukraine for ministry purposes. Since Vitaly has Russian citizenship, the current anti-Russian climate will likely necessitate a change of field for the Kellers. Please pray for wisdom and direction in this matter.

  3. Pray as well for our application for BIEM to be a sponsor for the “Uniting for Ukraine” program. This would enable us to sponsor Ukrainian refugees who want to come to the United States. With the likely upcoming change in mission field, the Kellers especially are considering their need to come to the United States to touch base with supporters they have not reported to for years.

  4. Praise God, BIEM has surpassed $400,000 directed to Ukraine for our War Relief efforts. This has purchased hundreds of tons of aid, plus covered the cost of transporting and distributing this aid. It has also enabled the evacuation and care of many hundreds of refugees.

Sam Slobodian
President - BIEM

Ukrainian War Relief & Update

Ukrainian War Relief & Update

Joy and Tears

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,

We rejoice in Jesus, and we weep with Ukraine. God is very kind to us and to all Ukrainians who were able to flee from the war. Thank you for your prayers! We hear so many testimonies of God’s grace and mercy from the Ukrainian people around us here in Switzerland.

April Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends,

Warm greetings in Christ! This month's video update comes from the many we have posted on our website. You can view these by clicking on the "View Video Updates" section on our home page.

In case you do not already know, we have added a new email update called Ukrainian War Relief UpdatesThis will keep you updated on events in Ukraine and informed on how to pray. Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we lift up our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

You can subscribe to this new mailing by clicking on the following link:

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian


Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

New Letter from a Christian College Interpreter

LETTER #3 (Day #41 of the War)

Traditionally, each year, I make a summary of last 12 months and the spiritual lessons associated with it. In December, I shared with my Telegram channel subscribers my thoughts that if I were asked to describe 2021 in one word, I would say “acceptance”.

· Acceptance of my age.

· Acceptance of my place of residence.

· Acceptance of my unmarried status.

· Acceptance of His will for my life because He is my Master.

I didn't come to accept these things because I understood something previously unknown to me; rather, because of the realization that obedience is more important than understanding my situation. God’s word IS ENOUGH for me to be assured of the goodness of God.

The other day I realized that this lesson is still relevant for me. I need to accept the will of God without understanding it, without asking questions, without being indignant.

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Thank you from Borschiv

Peace to you, dear friends.

Thank you for praying and for financially supporting our ministry in Borschiv.

“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” Psalm 91:2

In recent days, these words from the Word of God have become very relevant, our God is our protection, our stronghold. And the church in the town of Borshchiv has become a refuge for many people, both adults and children. We are very grateful to our Lord that He is with us, giving us strength to serve our brothers and sisters who fled their homes during the war.

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Lost in Switzerland

Our dear prayer warriors,

Greetings to you! We feel your support and your prayers. Many of you have become friends with us on Facebook and we appreciate each of your comments under the posts about Ukraine. We are grateful for every prayer. The Lord also hears your prayers and He answers.

As you know, we are in Switzerland now. It's strange to find ourselves in a country where everything is calm and peaceful. We are tormented by a sense of guilt and a desire to be among our people, where the fighting is going on. Pray for A's sister L. She stayed in Kyiv where she helps people with food distribution, shelter in the basement of the church and sending them out of Kyiv by bus. Pray for a young man Vitaly has been discipling named Zhenya. He is now in the military and is guarding a checkpoint in Kyiv. Please continue to pray for a turning point in the war. Pray that Ukraine will endure and have the victory. Pray against Satan who controls Putin. Beg God to intervene and protect our Ukrainian people!

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Thank you Letter from Mikhail

Greetings in the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ!

At this difficult time for our country, and from each of us we and I personally want to express our gratitude. In some photos you see elderly people. When you don't have food, you have to make an effort to find it, and for the elderly who find it difficult to walk, it is a big problem. Therefore we thank you for the money provided so that we can buy food and fuel to deliver it to these needy people. We also thank the brothers from Western Ukraine who brought this food, putting themselves in danger. We are grateful to God that there is an opportunity to help by such means. But most of all we are grateful for your prayers. Now more than ever we feel them. Right now we are all whole, healthy and alive. In each of our journeys, and in any business in general, we see the Hand of God truly and guiding us. God continues to protect our home and so we hold youth meetings online, and there we read the Word of God, pray for our country, and support each other as much as we can.

March Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends,

Hello from the Slobodians! This month's video update is different from our typical monthly updates which usually feature our national missionaries reporting on recent events in their ministries. We have been posting many such video updates on our website. You can watch these by clicking on the "View Video Updates" section on our home page.

Instead, this month's video update is specially designed for you to share with others. It is a 1-minute video that tells how people can help BIEM's war relief efforts along with a very brief introduction to BIEM. In all of BIEM’s history, we have never faced a crisis so enormous. The needs are overwhelming. Please share this video with as many people as you can.

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian


Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Thank you from Pastor NR

Peace be with you! We sincerely thank you for your prayerful and financial support during this difficult time for us! We rejoice that in Christ Jesus we are one body, and all respond to the pain of one member of the body.

We work in Kyiv. About 80 members of our church remained in the city. We deliver food to those who need it (not only to church members, but also to unbelievers). We feed people with hot food in the basement of our church building which is equipped as a bomb shelter where not only believers, but also non-believers find shelter. We hold 2 prayer meetings a day: we sing, we preach, we pray…

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

BIEM Update on Help and Aide to Refugees

We are so grateful for the concern and prayers so many have expressed for Ukraine and for the many Ukrainian national missionaries we have there. We are also very grateful for the kind and generous donations many of you have contributed to our Ukraine Relief fund. It’s a fund we never expected to create, and it’s one we wish we had never needed to create. However, in light of all the destruction, displaced persons, and hardship now happening in Ukraine, we believe this fund will be crucial. By the end of the banking day today we will be approaching $150,000 that has already been wired to those in Ukraine positioned to provide assistance. We will resume when banking opens on Monday.

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Statement from BIEM concerning Russian Christians

Many have contacted us asking about the status of our church planters and ministry partners in Russia. We are purposely limiting our contact with our Russian personnel to just absolutely necessary details. They are certain that they are being monitored and have reason to believe so. Keep in mind that as Putin cracks down on opposition, jailing thousands who protest and banning the use of the words "war" or invasion, our people are in danger. That is because anybody with connections to the United States is suspect and could be targeted. Therefore, our people are very, very vulnerable. Following is a statement from one of our pastors who needs to be anonymous.

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

An Open Letter to American Churches

On February 23, I felt that this history was repeating itself in the life of my country. Ukraine is sinking while the whole world stands and watches it, not trying to save it, only because we are not in NATO. That day, I woke up around 5 AM to the sound of explosions. Thinking that someone was merely trying to scare us, I began to get ready for college. The first call from relatives, however, dispelled my naivety: a voice on the phone said that Russia was bombing airports and aiming at strategic objects - Ukraine is on fire. Nobody could believe it. Life turned upside down in an instant. We fell asleep on February 22 in the world, and woke up on the 23rd in a new reality that no one wanted.

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates


Further down on this page you can view some war updates from some of our missionaries. You will notice how grateful they are for the prayers of God’s people. These war updates will be updated as we hear from more of our Ukrainian pastors and friends and receive more information. This is a good way to get acquainted with Ukrainians directly who receive and distribute the aid that is sent.

Please Pray for Ukraine

Please Pray for Ukraine

As we write this letter our hearts along with everyone else are deeply concerned over the developments we are watching on the news as Russia has launched an invasion of Ukraine. We are especially concerned for our missionaries whose lives are in danger as Russian forces advance. Currently, we have many Ukrainian families supported by BIEM and numerous Ukrainian partners American in Ukraine as well as one American (Bruce Tuttle) that need your prayers.