
BIEMs of Light May 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, Pastor River (not his real name) was wondering how to feed his flock and reach out to unbelievers. His country is strictly locked down. Still, he says, “We praise God for the trials…. No one can be out, but we have found ways to continue meeting and evangelizing on an almost nightly basis.” Over the past couple of weeks, they have led 6 Muslims to Christ!

  • As in other parts of the world, many of our missionaries in Eastern Europe have turned to technology to hold online church services. And although online sermons lose part of the richness of worshiping alongside other believers, there is a plus. Unbelievers who have never stepped inside one of our churches are tuning in to listen!

  • In the nation of Georgia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes report, “Our new church plant among Farsi speakers has been making a lot of progress. We have two Iranian pastors in training and two more who want to sign up for our Bible School.” Also, they have a number of believers in training who are holding home Bible studies in villages and planting churches. Praise the Lord!

  • The economic slowdown in Ukraine brought about by the Coronavirus has resulted in lower construction costs that are benefitting church building programs in Smolen and Borschiv, Ukraine.  In both locations, homes are being converted into churches. Praise God for excellent progress.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Noah, a grandson of the Slobodians, has experienced serious challenges to his health almost since birth. Noah recently celebrated his 8th birthday, but behind the celebration is a hard reality. His parents write, “Noah’s heart is in rejection, and he has progressed into stage 5 full kidney failure. There are no viable options based on his overall medical complexity. Noah will be transferred to hospice. Based on his recent severe decline, they think things could go very quickly, but only God knows when He will call Noah to heaven…. Please pray for our family as we continue through this difficult journey.”

  • Please pray for those unbelievers who are watching our missionaries’ services online. May God open their eyes to their need of Christ, the Savior from sin.

  • Back in February, out of curiosity, 2 Turks began visiting services held by BIEM personnel in western Asia. At first, they asked questions out of mocking, but the answers were always serious, from God’s Word. In time the men dropped the mocking and asked sincere questions. Please pray for God to open their understanding of Christ and their need of the Savior.

  • In the country of Turkmenistan, a tornado in one city has ripped off roofs and done other severe damage to buildings, including homes of believers. Please pray for them as they rebuild and as they demonstrate Christian kindness to others in need.

BIEMs of Light April 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We praise the Lord for the vision of our brethren in Central Asia. They are training men for ministry and have organized a Bible institute that meets for classes every three months. They actively evangelize village by village, and 4 young Muslim men recently came to Christ. In Western Asia, 4 other Muslims likewise placed their faith in Christ!

  • The church in Desna, Ukraine, has often requested prayer for a believer with musical skills to lead their music ministry. God has sent them a young Christian soldier (literally) who plays multiple instruments and volunteered to help. Also, our missionaries’ teen daughter, Anya, is gaining confidence at playing a synthesizer, making this a double answer to prayer!

  • In Belarus, before the coronavirus situation became critical, BIEM’s Nikolai Ryzkuk took part in two conferences for Christian youth from small churches. In villages and small towns, such young Christians might rarely see believers their own age. These conferences not only delivered appropriate teaching from God’s Word but provided these youth with good, spiritual fellowship.

  • Before quarantine began in Ukraine, the 40-foot container of supplies we shipped months ago was recently cleared by Customs and released to our BIEM personnel. Among the contents for churches are tables, chairs, and even two pianos. Also, much gently used clothing will open hearts to share the Gospel.  We praise God for allowing us to receive these items!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • During these odd times, please pray for the health and safety of all our BIEM missionaries and their children. The mission fields need every possible light for the Gospel. We don’t want any of our missionaries or volunteers to be hindered by sickness.

  • Our missionaries had already been planning spring and summer evangelistic outreaches. The quarantine situation changes many of those plans. Please pray for wisdom as they consider ways to reach their countrymen with the Gospel.

  • One BIEM missionary family recently learned that their 2-year-old son Luke has autism. While they are thankful finally to have a diagnosis that seems to answer multiple questions, they are also in need of prayer as they help their little guy to communicate, to interact with others, and as they prepare him for a lifetime of service to God.  

  • Please pray about our upcoming seminary session in Kyiv scheduled to begin on April 27.  Ukraine has just extended their quarantine until April 24.  If public meetings of more than ten people are allowed after that and transportation is restored, our session can take place.  Otherwise this session will be conducted on an online basis.

BIEMs of Light March 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • The church on the military base in Desna, Ukraine, continues to receive visitors who are there for military training. Two female soldiers showed up for church and stayed for a birthday celebration for the pastor. Pleasantly surprised, they said how well they understood the sermon and prayers. They didn’t know such churches existed!

  • The Rehabilitation Center near Ternopil rejoices that individuals with addictions continue to come to them. One recent case is a man named Vladimir, a well-educated man who had been a dentist before getting hooked on substances. May God lead them to freedom in Christ!

  • The Hoblitzes, BIEM missionaries in Tbilisi, Georgia, report that, since the holidays, 15 souls have followed Christ and been baptized. God is blessing in other ways, too!

  • BIEM missionaries Vitaly and Alexandra Keller evangelize on the streets of Kyiv, Ukraine. One day a woman approached. Maria shared that in 2019 she had considered herself a good Orthodox believer, but in reality she thought about God only on church holidays. After hearing the Gospel from Vitaly, Maria visited a Protestant church and repented of her sins. Now Maria is active in her church and joins the Kellers in street ministry. Praise the Lord!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • A BIEM missionary in Central Asia met an elderly woman who trusted Christ in 1989, after her son got saved and overcame heroine addiction. She directed the local movie theater and allowed Christians to hold services there. For that, Muslims beat her, knocking out her teeth. For years she has feared letting anyone know she is a believer. Pray for her faith to increase, for fears to decrease, and that she would forbid her daughters-in-law from practicing witchcraft in her house.

  • Electricians recently ran a powerline to the uncompleted building purchased in Borschiv, Ukraine, to use as a church. Electricity will enable work to continue inside even during cold weather. The Skripniks request prayer for funding and experienced workers to complete the building so it can be used for church services.

  • The arrival of March means BIEM must begin plans for summer camps for children and teens. Praise God, of the at least $40,000 needed, over $9,000 has already been received as year-end gifts in 2019. Please pray for God to prompt some of His people for the remaining $31,000 needed for camps.

  • One of our experienced church planters has expressed a desire to start a church in very populated area of Kyiv which has no Gospel witness. This would be a major undertaking as far as building costs yet would have truly amazing potential.  Please pray for direction as we consider this and that God would lead and provide.

BIEMs of Light February 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • With BIEM’s assistance, churches in Brest, Belarus held an evangelistic service for kids with disabilities. The result was a filled auditorium, with 80% unbelievers. Nikolai Ryzhuk praises God for opportunities to hold such events for outreach and God’s glory.

  • We rejoice about the special evangelistic services during Christmas and New Year. Our missionaries have reported unsaved visitors, including some who had never stepped inside a church before. (One man’s mother had once been adamantly opposed to the new Baptist church but came!) Also pray that the Word sown in hearts will bear fruit.

  • In Desna, Ukraine, a soldier was ordered to escort a new Christian recruit who wanted to visit the church. (The purpose of the escort was to ensure the new man didn’t desert or do anything forbidden.) But at the church, the soldier pulling escort duty got saved!

  • In Goncharovsk, Ukraine, an influential woman in the local school phoned our missionary Ira Petrenko and asked to schedule a massage. (Ira has training in this.) Ira was tired, but her husband Sasha suggested it might be a good door for sharing God’s Word. Not only did that administrator listen, but later in a parents’ meeting, she even gave her personal endorsement of our missionary’s church!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Micah, one of our missionaries in Tbilisi, Georgia, has been meeting with a number of young people with questions about God and salvation. Most are astonished to learn that salvation resides fully in faith in Christ, not in obeying the commandments 100% until death, etc. Please pray for him as he seeks to break through preconceived notions with Gospel Truth.

  • Please continue to pray for Noah Harvey, grandson of Sam & Amy Slobodian. His January 29 surgery was successful despite complications that led to another week of hospitalization. The recovery will be slow and could result in missing a lot of school. Please pray for a quick recovery, and to gain weight, and to return to school soon.

  • Our container in Ukraine is within one last document of having all the goods released. Much of the delay is due to procedural changes from the new presidential administration. Please pray that these changes will not hamper future shipments of aid for our churches.

  • A BIEM missionary who labors in restricted lands is preparing to leave on a trip where he’ll be assisting a new church plant among Afghanis and helping to establish a Bible institute for Afghanis. Please pray for God’s protection and blessing in this dangerous area.

BIEMs of Light January 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Last month we requested prayer for Customs agents in Ukraine to release our 40-ft. container of humanitarian aid. Praise God for encouraging progress. It has been released from the port city of Odessa and is now in the control of the Customs in Kyiv. Please pray that the Customs in Kyiv will soon release it so that the aid can be disbursed.

  • Two new core groups of young believers have been organized in predominantly Muslim lands of Central Asia, as well as three Bible institutes that will operate on a modular basis.  Praise God for opening doors and touching hearts!

  • Andrei Eliseev, the minister who oversees the Christian Rehabilitation Center near Ternopil, Ukraine, praises God for working in the life of a man named Vitaly. Due to substance addictions, doctors did not even expect Vitaly to live. But believers brought him to the Rehab Center, where he has been nourished with healthful food and the Word of God. He is now making good strides, both physically and spiritually!

  • In December, Pastor Nicholai Velichko of Kyiv, Ukraine, underwent surgery to remove a tumor. Many friends of BIEM prayed for this pastor emeritus of the Baptist church called Temple of Salvation. Praise God, the surgery went well, and doctors expect a full recovery.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Due to long-standing tradition, many lands in Eastern Europe celebrate Christmas on January 7. Holiday festivities continue into January. So please pray for evangelistic outreaches that churches continue to make during this holiday season.  Pray as well for the January session of our seminary in Kyiv where BIEM is training nationals.

  • In western Ukraine, our missionaries the Skripniks wrote about a young girl named Zhenya. This girl and her brother love to come to Sunday school.  The family is very poor.  As the church helps them with some legitimate needs, the Skripniks request prayer for Zhenya’s family that  God would open the hearts of the parents to the Gospel.

  • One of BIEM’s missionary couples in a large Russian city report, “My main need right now is to build a team of devoted laborers to start new small [Bible study] groups.” As always, the fields white unto harvest outnumber the workers. Please pray for more active believers.

  • On January 29 the Slobodians’ grandson Noah, who has medical issues related to his heart transplant, will be undergoing a procedure where surgeons bypass his stomach so that the nutrition he currently receives through a tube will go directly into his intestines.  Please pray that this surgery will go well and improve processing and maintaining of nourishment.  

BIEMs of Light December 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Praise God for 2,500 illustrated Ukrainian Children’s New Testaments that friends have arranged to be delivered to our brethren in Kyiv. May God use them mightily as they are distributed in upcoming holiday events!

  • Although BIEM’s Bruce Tuttle administrates the Pastors’ Training Institute in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, he rejoices in many recent invitations for other ministries—speaking to youth groups, a university outreach, bi-weekly marriage seminars, plus an upcoming chance to teach pastors and their wives in the Republic of Georgia. An old saying says, “Busy people are happy people,” and Bruce praises the Lord for opportunities to be so happy.

  • We praise God for the good number of orders that have arrived for the new CD, Sound the Trumpet at Christmas. (If you’re interested, ordering information is available online at and also in our upcoming newsletter.)

  • A church in the Indianapolis area recently donated over 200 good-quality auditorium chairs to BIEM! These will go to churches in Ukraine aboard our next container shipment.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • The Bilyaks in Ternopil express many reasons to praise the Lord. However, they do have a concern for prayer: There are people who have attended the church for years, but who hesitate to take the step of placing faith in Christ. Others have trusted Christ and pray in church and even try to participate in certain ministries, yet they shy away from baptism. Regardless of the causes, pray for these individuals to desire to follow Christ openly and without reservation.

  • In Belarus, BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk continues to experience debilitating back pains. Although physical therapy helps somewhat, so far doctors seem unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain or to suggest a specific treatment. Please pray for the Ryzhuks.

  • Please pray concerning the 40-foot container of goods we shipped to Ukraine in September. It’s in country, but the commission that approves such containers as humanitarian aid is backlogged. Because of that, we will soon begin to incur storage expenses of $130 per day until it can be released.

  • All of BIEM’s missionaries will be involved in evangelistic outreaches around Christmas, New Year, and the beginning of January. Please pray for those who will be preaching and for all unbelievers who hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ explained to them.

BIEMs of Light November 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We praise the Lord that so many friends gave to construct a church in Siberia. That building is now open and proclaiming God’s Word. Our next Challenger newsletter will have photos!

  • Last month we requested prayer for our missionary in Belarus, Nikolai Ryzhuk, who needed to replace his failing vehicle. The search was not short, but we praise and thank the Lord for guiding Nikolai to an affordable replacement vehicle.

  • In September we requested prayer for the Skripniks, our church planters in Borschiv, Ukraine. They needed somewhere bigger than their home for services. A generous believer who loves God’s work volunteered to assist with buying a building, and negotiations are done. Praise God for providing both a suitable building and the finances to buy it!

  • The new CD, Sound the Trumpet at Christmas! is now ready. We hope and pray this CD helps bring peace and joy as you and loved ones celebrate the birth of our Savior. To order, please visit our site,

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In Ternopil, Ukraine, missionary pastor Vitaly Bilyak writes, “Please pray for resources for the ministry in the Rehabilitation Center. Winter is coming, but we have a whole list of material needs. Right now, we have 6 men undergoing rehabilitation.” The needs mentioned are a chainsaw for logging (theirs broke), an uninterruptible power supply for the boiler, which stops when they lose power ($140), and various items to prepare for winter ($400).

  • In November, a BIEM missionary who oversees evangelistic outreaches to restricted-access lands will be making a trip into a difficult area. We can’t elaborate, but please pray for safety and for God to bless projects to make Christ known in local languages of these places.

  • A church in York, Pennsylvania, recently blessed us by sending a truck full of donated supplies for shipment to Eastern Europe. Yet, there’s a need for more. Pray the Lord will prompt others to provide new or gently used clothing, shoes, musical instruments, and other items that will aid needy believers and will open doors for sharing the Gospel.

  • Friends of BIEM have traveled to Desna, Ukraine, where they installed new walls and a ceiling in the church’s large foyer. We rejoice that yet another portion of this building is now modernized and beautified for God’s glory. (Although the project focused on construction, one soul came to Christ after these workers shared their testimonies!) Please pray for this church, which longs to lead more Ukrainians to faith in the Lord.

BIEMs of Light October 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Just days before school in Ukraine began, our missionaries Lyosha and Alusia Savchuk learned that their son Kirill had meningitis. In September he spent 3 weeks in the hospital, but is now home with no apparent harm from the meningitis. We praise God for Kirill’s recovery.

  • We praise the Lord that, according to our latest update, over 60 Muslims came to Christ in Central Asia this summer!

  • BIEM has now received and translated all the reports and statistics regarding the summer camps we helped to sponsor. Hallelujah, out of several thousand children and teens who attended Christian summer camps in multiple countries, 1,019 are known to have made professions of repentance and faith in Christ! Praise God! Others who were already saved had opportunities to deepen their understanding of the Bible and to grow in grace. For those who didn’t make outward professions, we pray the Lord will water the seeds of Truth planted in their hearts and bring forth more fruit in the future.

  • Praise the Lord, in September the Seminary in Kyiv enrolled 12 new students, bringing the total number of those who are studying in order to be used of God in ministry to 45. New students are a special blessing since there was a large graduating class last spring.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • After some medical challenges, the mother of BIEM missionary Vitaly Keller has passed away. Thank you for your prayers for the encouragement and comfort of that family.

  • In the country of Georgia, missionary Micah Tuttle urges us to pray for God to raise up Christian leaders who were born and raised in that nation. Right now, there are more sheep than there are doctrinally-sound shepherds who are trained and able to lead them.

  • In Belarus, missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk has an aging vehicle that has become undependable. He hopes to sell it and to purchase a replacement vehicle. In Ukraine, church planter Anatoly Kosyanchuk is facing the same dilemma with his ministry vehicle. This is a serious need, since a missionary/pastor needs dependable transportation. Please pray for God to bless in this.

  • The film King of Glory is currently being translated into two of the languages of Afghanistan. Please pray for all those involved in this process, and ultimately for the distribution, that this film will be seen and open the eyes of people who need its message.

Challenger Update

Here is an excerpt from our most recent Challenger publication.

Summer camps provide a wonderful way to introduce children, teens, and young adults to the Gospel! Camps lift young people out of their routine and provide a wholesome atmosphere where they enjoy nourish- ing food, fun games, God-honoring music, Bible teaching, and handcrafts — all with adult leaders who reflect God’s love for them. We can’t thank you enough for your prayers and donations to make summer camps possible, but let us share quick peeks at some of the camps. This year, combined reports indicate 1,019 souls repented of sin and accepted Christ as Savior!

“My name is Julia. I’m 17. This summer I served in a camp with disabled children. My ministry was leading games. In order for this to be fun and interesting for them, I tried to prepare games accord- ing to their abilities. With great joy I observed each camper. A few moments were difficult for them, but then my team would assist them. Even the grandmothers and moms who accompanied them would get involved. This camp united us and created camaraderie. In the end, when you see a tired smile, your heart just rejoices at their joy.

“It’s so painful and hard to be in their situation. How thankful I am to God for my salvation and health.

“Thank you very much for your financial blessing, that I could help such kids at least a little bit and have a share in their difficult lives.”

More pictures and stories from this summer’s camps are featured in the Challenger.

BIEMs of Light September 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Thanks to friends of BIEM who donated specially needed items, Sam Slobodian and our director in Ukraine, Eugene Buyko, were able to deliver a much-needed computer, projector, and brand-new flannelgraph to our church planters in Lviv, Ukraine. We praise God for opportunities to provide helpful tools for our missionaries!

  • The church in Desna, Ukraine recently baptized 8 people. This church has lost many previous members as they have gone on to become missionaries in other places, so this was an exciting development!

  • Praise God, a memorial gift given to BIEM in memory of a longtime friend of this ministry will cover the cost of sending the next 40-ft. container of supplies to Ukraine. We also rejoice that 2 Ukrainian coworkers, Igor Fomichov and Eugene Buyko, will be here to help load the container in the second half of September.

  • In Central Asia, a Muslim fellow who made no decision in camp during August came to talk to our missionary after church on September 1. He said, “I can longer go through life without Christ.” Hallelujah, he put his faith in the Savior!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • The same missionaries mentioned in the first praise item above, Yura and Violetta Levtseniuk, are facing a problem as the seasons change. The church’s heating system needs to be replaced. Please pray that God will supply the $15,000 needed for this project, which includes an energy-efficient furnace, new pipes, and a new cement floor over the pipes.

  • This month, Sam Slobodian will be recording a new trumpet CD of Christmas music. Please pray for Sam and the other musicians involved that God would bless and be glorified through this project.  Look for details concerning this in our next issue of The Challenger.

  • BIEM church planters Sergei and Vika Skripnik have been laboring for several years in western Ukraine with no suitable meeting place. Currently worship services are held in their home. Recently a new, but unfinished building went on the market for $50,000. The price is excellent, but BIEM funds are currently earmarked for other projects. Please pray for wisdom as we consider this building and the need in that region.

  • Summer camps are now over! We haven’t received all the statistics from camp leaders, but we know the Gospel seed was sown and that many accepted Christ while others did not. Please pray for both kinds of campers, that God will work in their hearts and lives.

BIEMs of Light August 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We praise the Lord for quite a few recent donations of musical instruments, such as pianos, guitars, and orchestra instruments. These will go onto our next 40-foot container shipment, and they will enhance the musical ministries of various churches in Eastern Europe. If you have a good, used instrument you would like to donate, churches are always appreciative! (Tax deduction statements are available for each donation.)

  • Right on the first night of a tent camp near Desna, Ukraine, a tremendous thunderstorm blew in. Leaders led their panicking campers to the vehicles for protection from the elements. But God worked through the storm. Leaders maintained their calm and led the kids in prayer. Later, when fearful parents arrived to check, they were amazed at everyone’s calmness in camp. God used the storm to strengthen faith and to glorify Himself!

  • Once again, BIEM had opportunity to sponsor a service for widows, this time in Kodra, Ukraine. These women heard a Gospel message geared to their situations, and also enjoyed music, conversation, a complimentary meal, and a sack of groceries. The attention helped to soften hearts of the women and their relatives. May God work through such events!

  • In Lvov, Ukraine, a clogged sewer line at the church at first presented a headache but turned into a wonderful chance to share Christ with workmen. Praise the Lord for such coworkers who seek Gospel opportunities even in the midst of difficulties!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • One of our Ukrainian missionaries, Vitaly Yurchenko, will be in the U.S. to accompany Sam Slobodian as they visit churches and bring live reports. Please pray for safe travels and mutual blessings. Perhaps more believers will catch a vision for overseas ministry!

  • At the end of July, the sister-in-law of one of our missionaries in a Muslim land (Sasha) died in childbirth. This death was a shock. She leaves behind 2 sons (ages 7 and 4), who are currently with missionaries Sasha and Julia. Please pray for this husband and his children.

  • On July 10 one BIEM missionary texted to say that 22 youth in Central Asia had come to Christ through camp! Since then, others have accepted Christ, too. Please pray for these young people, who face religious opposition at home and in their communities.

  • BIEM plans to ship its next container in September. The contents will all be used for Christian ministry. The receiving church still has to complete some legal work with customs in order to receive this shipment.  Please pray that they can complete this in time.

BIEMs of Light July 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Due to a wonderful response to the tribute article about Peter Rumachik and the generosity of other donors, BIEM will be able to provide a church building for a new church in Siberia, near where Peter was once exiled for his faith. How wonderfully ironic that the USSR’s method of punishing a Christian eventually resulted in a new church in that place!

  • When our warehouse was getting filled with donations of good, used clothing to ship overseas, a youth group from Pennsylvania stopped here during their mission trip. That group sorted and packed a huge amount of those clothes. A local church also plans to send volunteers soon, so before long the next shipment should be ready to go!

  • An answer to prayer—BIEM missionary Bruce Tuttle has received word the Ukrainian embassy approved another 90-day visa for him. When he returns to Ukraine, step 2 will be to apply for a new 1-year visa to live in Ukraine, so this praise item includes a prayer need.

  • We praise the Lord for the start of a new project—dubbing the film King of Glory into the Turkmen language. This will require patience, wisdom, technical prowess, and safety.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray for one of our missionaries in Russia. Although prudence suggests we not name him, an elderly man happened to pass away during a church service. As a result, local police summoned the missionary for interrogation. (Just after BIEM received this news, we received an email from a friend who told us he was prompted to pray especially for the missionary, sensing he was in danger. This happened right during the time he was being interrogated!) Please pray there will be no negative repercussions from the authorities.

  • Summer camps are being held by our personnel in various countries. There have been a few early reports of souls saved. Please keep praying!

  • Let’s never forget to pray for those evangelizing. As one example, BIEM’s Vitaly Keller and fellow church members often use various methods to strike up conversations in the parks and on sidewalks in Kyiv, Ukraine. (They meet people from all over!) Please pray that the Scriptures shared will put down roots and grow in the hearts of those who listen.

  • The First Baptist Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, received a list of about 50 disabled children in their area. Believers visited all of these children to greet them and to deliver gifts, which included Christian children’s literature. The children (and most of the parents) received the visitors with joy. Please pray for the salvation of parents and kids.

BIEMs of Light June 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Last month we requested prayer for Julia, one of our missionaries in a Muslim nation. She had been experiencing a difficult pregnancy. On May 30 she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Praise the Lord, and thank you for praying!

  • In our previous BIEMs of Light we still needed nearly $29,000 to meet our minimum amount necessary for summer camps. We praise God that friends responded. We have now received the $40,000 needed for camps this year!

  • In May, BIEM held a missions conference in Kyiv, Ukraine, primarily for seminary students, but also for others interested in ministry in Muslim nations where Russian is spoken. God blessed that conference, where a number of attendees expressed that they will pray concerning the possibility of ministry among Muslims. Others who attended also became more sensitive to the needs and promised prayers for these restricted lands.

  • In May and June, BIEM was able to host two of our church planters from Ukraine, Vitaly Bilyak and Eugene Buyko. Praise God for the warm responses from churches they were able to share their ministries with in Michigan, Missouri, Indiana and Illinois. 

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In the Republic of Georgia, BIEM missionaries declare, “We need Georgian helpers!!!” Along this line, the Lord has prompted a man named Zauri to ask that Micah train him in how to preach. They meet weekly. Pray for God to confirm this calling if it’s truly from the Lord, and for more Georgian believers who wish to be used in God’s service.

  • In Drogichin, Belarus, the church held evangelistic meetings for the community under a large tent. Praise God, there was a sunny break in a week full of rainy weather for these services. The believers praise God for the weather and good attendance, but wish more people had trusted Christ. Please pray for God to continue to work in hearts.

  • Some summer camps have already begun. Workers are thrilled for the excellent weather and large turnout of campers! Please pray for safety during the camps, for all the adult workers, and for God’s Word to bear fruit in campers’ lives.

  • On June 16 there will be an evangelistic outreach aimed at widows in Kodra, Ukraine. Local widows will be invited to the church for a meal, for testimonies, a Gospel message, and a complimentary bag of groceries. Pray for softened hearts and responses to the Gospel.

Challenger Update

Here is an excerpt from our most recent Challenger publication.

Recently one of BIEM’s dear friends, Pastor Peter Rumachik, passed away. This Challenger includes a special tribute to his life. For the rest of the article, please read the Challenger!

If you were asked to name just one Christian from our time who had lived an exemplary life for God despite great pressure, which one would you name? For many believers around the globe, the choice would be Peter Vasilievich Rumachik.

On January 29, this faithful servant of God (and long- time friend of BIEM) passed to his eternal reward at the age of 87. But who was Peter Rumachik? What makes him so respected among believers? Let’s glorify God by taking a brief look at how He led in Peter’s life.

Early life

Peter was born in the Soviet Union in 1931, the period when Stalin’s atheistic government was already working to strangle the church and eradicate faith in God. Because his mother was a Christian, Peter heard the Gospel from a young age. He and his closest childhood friend Victor regularly met to read the Bible together.

So, even as a boy, Peter believed in God, and he understood the only way to Heaven was by God’s grace through faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ. Yet, he saw the reality as the atheistic authorities imprisoned active Christians, confiscated Bibles, and seized places of worship. Understanding how difficult life could be for a Christian in the Soviet Union, at age 16 Peter made a decision about becoming a child of God. “Not right now, and not even in my youth or when I’m middle aged, but I’ll follow the path of Christ when I am per- haps 50 or 60.”

However when his best friend died at age 18, Peter realized he had no guarantee of living to old age. He could die any time. Three months later, cutting through snowy woods, he knelt in the snow and prayed, putting his trust in Jesus Christ. In 1948 he was baptized.

Becoming active

Peter once recalled, “From the very beginning of my turning to the Lord, I believed deeply in my Savior, loved Him, and strove to serve Him in any way.”

The period from 1955– 1960 became particularly memorable for him. During those years he played an active role in preaching and assisting to start a house church in the Moscow suburb of Dyedovsk. By the end of the 1950s, the authorities had fined Peter and the other preachers multiple times. In 1961 the authorities began conducting searches of their homes. The authorities brought criminal charges against Peter and four others: starting an illegal church, holding crowded meetings in a home, allowing children to be present at church, and for disobedience to the VSEKhB (the government-registered and controlled group of Evangelical Christian- Baptist churches). He and the others were put on trial and punished by being exiled to Siberia’s primitive Krasnoyarsk region.

Continued in the Challenger.


BIEMs of Light May 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In April, BIEM missionary Vitaly Keller and others were able to set up a display on a main street in Kyiv, Ukraine. The collection consisted of framed works of Christian art. Using any painting, the display provided opportunities to share the Gospel with passersby. Evangelism—may God water the seeds sown in those conversations!

  • The building that BIEM helped the church in Ternopil, Ukraine, to buy now has new Sunday school rooms. Men from the church refurbished rooms that had remained in rough, unfinished condition after the purchase. They turned out beautifully and are in service!

  • Two different times recently, children of BIEM missionaries Sergei and Vika Skripnik landed in their local hospital. Praise God, neither occasion turned out to be serious, but both occasions gave opportunities to share the Gospel with others!

  • Our missionary in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, Bruce Tuttle, is thrilled with his Bible students’ receptivity and eagerness to learn. They are halfway through 6 semesters of studies. Bruce says, “Pray that every course will have a part in building the character, wisdom, abilities, and spiritual passion of our students.”

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In May, BIEM plans to hold a missions conference in Kyiv, Ukraine. A main goal is to increase understanding of the needs and opportunities in the Muslim lands of Central Asia. Please pray God will use this conference to raise up more laborers for those regions.

  • Julia, the wife of one of our missionaries in a Muslim nation, is in her 8th month of a very difficult pregnancy. Please pray for both her and the child to remain safe and healthy.

  • Elections in Ukraine recently brought a new president to that nation. Unfortunately, corruption has been a deep-rooted problem in Ukraine. While no one can promise this new administration can defeat the corruption, Scripture tells us, The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. Therefore, please pray that God will see fit to direct the newly elected leadership in ways that are righteous, especially that the current state of full religious freedom would continue in Ukraine. The blessing of this freedom has greatly aided missionary work in this needy land.

  • Funds for summer camps are slowly trickling in. We currently have $11,403 of the $40,000 needed. Please pray for God to supply the remaining $28,597 through His people.

BIEMs of Light April 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • When doctors told new believer Elena in Lvov, Ukraine her cancer would kill her in less than two months, she had one wish: to be baptized and glorify God. BIEM’s Yura Levtseniuk arranged for her to be baptized immediately. Believers and relatives attended and heard Elena’s glowing testimony. Three days later, she was with the Lord. God still saves souls!

  • In Kyiv, the Kellers rejoice: “Our little house church has multiplied by two. We prefer not to call it division, since we have multiplied purposefully to make room for new people to come. We decided to multiply every time there are more than 20 of us in one location.”

  • In Chernigiv, Ukraine, the Savchuks’ church continues their new outreach to orphans at a mental hospital. Although not always an easy ministry, the children are always glad to see them, and this work has become a special type of evangelism for this young church.

  • Over the years, ministry friends have donated guitars, orchestra instruments, and even pianos for BIEM to ship to Eastern Europe for ministry. One church in Kyiv, Ukraine, has formed a saxophone quintet using all donated instruments, and the musicians provide special music at services. Thank you to all of you who have donated good, used instruments for churches. If you have a musical instrument to donate, we can use more!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • With spring in full swing, the children’s camp season will soon be upon us.  Each year, God greatly blesses these camps for kids and teens with salvation decisions and strengthened faith in young ones growing in the Lord. Please pray that we will receive the target amount of $40,000 needed before the first camps in June. Currently we have $3,527.

  • One of our couples in the Republic of Georgia reports some conflicts and tensions among people attending the church. Please pray for peaceful resolutions and that the name of the Lord not be tarnished. Also, a woman who has translated many materials from English to Georgian for them has stepped down for health reasons. Pray for a qualified replacement.

  • In Yucay, Peru, Juan Bautista Huillca Quispe is happy that his country has religious liberty. However, he notes that his particular area is steeped in religion and customs that create barriers for the Gospel. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to open eyes and draw souls to Christ.

  • One of our missionaries in Russia (it’s best if we not name him or his city) wrote to say: “We need wisdom and strength to fulfill God’s commission in difficult times.” He and his family use a number of methods to meet and evangelize the lost. Please pray for them as they share the Good News, both with ethnic Russians and with Muslims coming for work.

BIEMs of Light March 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • On Feb. 20 BIEM’s David Cateam (Central Asia) underwent surgery, which he calls “a miracle blessing.” Months earlier doctors had told him he had an irreversible decompensated bladder. They predicted tubes, bags, and catheters the rest of his days. But God sent a Christian doctor who made a referral to a leading surgeon who performed a “perfect” operation, giving David his normal life back! Grateful for praying friends and this amazing answer, he says, “Our ministry continues by God’s grace for God’s glory.”

  • Praise God for the new BIEM church planter that has been appointed in Latin America.  Douglas Serrudo Quispe, his wife Julia, and daughter Heidi have begun their ministry in Cuzco, Peru.  Please pray that souls will be saved and that a strong church will be established in this place.

  • In the Republic of Georgia, the Hoblitzes are excited at how God has been growing their church. Two newer members are young men who escaped persecution in other lands and have become active in the church’s evangelism team to their community!

  • God is continuing to bless the puppet ministry of the church in Chervona Sloboda, Ukraine.  Church planter Vitaly Yurchenko reports that last month they had 15 different Evangelistic Puppet presentations in schools, orphanages, churches and other children’s institutions.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • More evangelistic services emphasizing widows have been held in Belarus, and a couple more are planned for the near future. Please pray for God to enlighten those invited, so they will appreciate not only the gift bag of groceries, but also the love of Christ and His offer of salvation. May souls come to him through these outreaches.

  • In Chernigiv, Ukraine, BIEM’s Lyosha and Alusia Savchuk and others from their church made an initial visit to an orphanage near them. Praise God, the administration appreciated this visit, which included a presentation of the Gospel. Please pray they can start a regular ministry here.

  • This month our national missionaries Vitaly and Olena Yurchenko will be visiting a number of American churches with Sam Slobodian. Please pray for safety during travels, but even more importantly that God will be glorified as they bring firsthand reports from the fields.

  • Many have been praying for Sam and Amy Slobodian's grandson Noah Harvey ever since he had his heart transplant.  The Harveys are now facing some new challenges. A website has been launched where you can get more information. It is


Prayer Request

BIEM church planter Vitaly Bilyak and a team of dedicated children’s workers have launched a new orphanage ministry in Ternopil, Ukraine. They have made several trips to a nearby orphanage and established good rapport with the director. Now that a ministry team is in place, please pray for this monthly outreach to the nearly 150 needy orphans.

BIEMs of Light February 2019

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Our dear brother in Christ, Peter Rumachik, has gone to be with the Lord. We praise God for the life of this dedicated servant of God who was a blessing and example to all of us. He spent 18.5 years in Soviet prisons and labor camps because of his uncompromising faith in the Lord. The funeral was Feb. 2. Our next Challenger will share more about brother Peter.

  • The winter session of Kyiv Theological Seminary is now completed. Subjects included “Bibliology,” “Holiness,” “Exegesis,” “Hermeneutics,” and “Methods of Teaching.” We praise the Lord, both for God-fearing instructors and for eager students, who immediately begin applying in their personal ministries the things they learn in the Seminary.

  • As one of our missionaries in Central Asia recently wrote, “This past year has been one with smattered bouts of intense persecution for some of our national church-planting families, but as always followed by waves of blessings.” We praise God for those blessings, and for strengthening those whom this world has tried to intimidate into silence.

  • In Belarus, BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk expresses thanks for you, BIEM friends. After describing a special evangelistic service held in Brest for orphans (with 250 present, 85% unbelievers), Nikolai writes, “Praise the Lord that in the West there are sweet, kind, sacrificing, and loving people—YOU—who helped us to do this!” We echo his sentiment!

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Sepahua, Peru, missionary Wilber Huillca says, “I request prayer, that God will help and give us wisdom in reaching more young people with the Gospel of Christ.” He expresses thanks to the Lord for souls saved through their ministry in 2018 but yearns to see more!

  • BIEM church planter Vitaly Bilyak and a team of dedicated children’s workers have launched a new orphanage ministry in Ternopil, Ukraine. They have made several trips to a nearby orphanage and established good rapport with the director. Now that a ministry team is in place, please pray for this monthly outreach to the nearly 150 needy orphans.

  • For this May, a special missions conference focusing on Central Asia has been planned to coincide with the Spring session of Kyiv Theological Seminary. Please pray that God will bless this effort and call Ukrainians to ministry in Muslim lands.

  • Although it’s still winter, it’s not too early for BIEM’s missionaries to begin planning for summer camps. It’s also not too early to donate to the camp fund. The camping ministry always requires many thousands of dollars, but the camps always make a valuable spiritual impact on young lives. Please pray for finances, for the leaders, and for God to prepare the hearts of children and teens!