Urgent Prayer Request

Our coworker Barnabas lost control of his car when he drove over a patch of ice. Injuries from this accident resulted in the left side of his body being in pain. He is unable to get treatment at the local hospital because there is no electricity in the area. Please pray that Barnabas will be able to receive the medical attention he needs.

October BIEMs of Light

Praises Rejoice with us!


  • At last, the new church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, has begun holding services. The first service filled the church because it was a special Harvest celebration service. Many guests from other churches attended, including an entire choir. The next week 22 people attended. May God bless and grow this brand-new ministry!
  • Last month we requested prayer that tensions in east Ukraine’s war zone wouldn’t hinder students from attending the Fall session of the seminary in Kyiv. Praise God, after no students from that region for over a year, some students from the East resumed attending. There were 6 students from the East this current session.
  • Good news from the Republic of Georgia: over 100 people attended an evangelism event, and God blessed with salvation decisions! Plus, students from India who attend the medical university in Tbilisi have discovered the international church. Nine of these have trusted Christ!
  • Praise God that Brother Andrei, a Russian church planter recruited by Pastor Peter Rumachik for the new work in Shahovskaya, Russia has arrived and begun his ministry. This was no small task since they moved from faraway Siberia and have 13 children.

PrayerPray with us!

  • Tolik, one of the sons of missionary-pastor Nikolai Ryzhuk in Drogichin, Belarus, is experiencing serious recurring back problems that now prohibit him from working. Doctors have performed surgery on it before, and now he may face another surgery. Please pray.
  • In Peru, missionary Wilber Huillca Quispe is especially concerned for the indigenous people groups who live in the jungle. He and others have initiated ministry among some of these groups. Please pray for the salvation of souls.
  • Please pray for the family of Pastor Almond in Central Asia. His son Samar accidentally electrocuted himself at home and died. However, Samar had recently repented of sin and put his faith in Christ, which has provided many opportunities to share the Gospel.
  • Because floor hockey requires little equipment, it’s gaining popularity in Ukraine. Some of our church planters see potential for evangelism through floor hockey teams. They plan to try it, first in Gongarovsk and if successful in Desna. Please pray that God will guide and bless if this is a worthwhile means of touching others with the Gospel. 

Urgent Prayer Request

An Answer To Prayer:

Thank you for praying for our missionary and Pastor Almond's family. God has given some wonderful answers. For the first time ever the school where Samar attended (actually a Christian organization), held the funeral on their premises. The principal gave the sermon, and teachers gave testimonies. It was amazing and avoided conflicts with the rest of the community.

Our missionary reports they are getting to share the Gospel everywhere. People ask him why is he back so soon, and he tells them about Samar and gets to witness. Pastor Almond, when getting condolences from non-Christian neighbors ("We hope Allah will accept him"), gets to tell them his son is already in heaven because of what Jesus did for him. It is a powerful time for the Good News.

Our missionary has been sick and needs our prayers. He will be returning to the U.S. in 6 days. Pastor Almond's family is still in shock but surrounded by loving, caring Christians. They will have very hard days ahead when they realize this is not just a nightmare, but they have lost their precious son for the rest of their earthly lives. Please pray for them as you have opportunity.

Original Prayer Request:

Tragedy has stuck Pastor Almond’s family.  His middle son, 17 year old Samir, died from electrocution while connecting a water hose to wash the family car. Our BIEM missionary, is flying back with Pastor Almond’s oldest son who is here for college.  Samir had just accepted the Lord as his Savior at the Teen Camp which our missionary conducted recently.  The family is devastated.  Now there is a huge threat from the Muslim community.  It seems they are planning to cause problems at the funeral because Samir was a Christian.  

Please pray for traveling mercies for our missionary and Pastor Almond’s oldest son.  Ask God to comfort and sustain the family and other believers.  Pray for a peaceful funeral.  Also pray the Gospel will be proclaimed during this time and others will be saved.  Your prayers are so needed and greatly appreciated by all.


September Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:


Dear Pastor and Friends,

Warm greetings from the Slobodians!  

This months video update features Igor Fomichov, our national missionary in the military city of Desna, Ukraine.  This military base community has been drastically affected by the war going on in Eastern Ukraine.  Many soldiers from Desna have been deployed there along with tanks and other military equipment.  Though exact numbers are secret, it is no secret that there have been many lives lost and casualties suffered.  Please pray for the Fomichov family and this church in Desna as they serve the Lord in this community which is going through difficult times.


Urgent Prayer Request

Tragedy has stuck Pastor Almond’s family.  His middle son, 17 year old Samir, died from electrocution while connecting a water hose to wash the family car. Our BIEM missionary, is flying back with Pastor Almond’s oldest son who is here for college.  Samir had just accepted the Lord as his Savior at the Teen Camp which our missionary conducted recently.  The family is devastated.  Now there is a huge threat from the Muslim community.  It seems they are planning to cause problems at the funeral because Samir was a Christian.  

Please pray for traveling mercies for our missionary and Pastor Almond’s oldest son.  Ask God to comfort and sustain the family and other believers.  Pray for a peaceful funeral.  Also pray the Gospel will be proclaimed during this time and others will be saved.  Your prayers are so needed and greatly appreciated by all.

BIEMs of Light September 2016


 September 2016

Praises Rejoice with us!


  • This year, with your help, almost 2500 children and teens in multiple countries attended Christian camps. There were 494 known salvation decisions, along with an unknown number of youth who grew closer to the Lord. Praise God for summer camp ministries!
  • In Desna, Ukraine, an invitation to send kids to children’s camp has led to two adults accepting Christ! The man and wife were deep in sin and depression and considering suicide when the invitation came. The wife recognized the name of Pastor Fomichov from years ago, when he, too, lived for alcohol. She phoned and begged him to meet with them. He did, and they eagerly embraced the Gospel! Who could guess such an outcome from an invitation to kids’ camp?
  • In Peru, missionary Rolando Arias was taken to the hospital with severe abdominal pain that turned out to be acute appendicitis. Surgery was performed, but days later complications began and the spot was found to be infected. But at last Rolando is mending and grateful to God for bringing him through. (He is still on the mend and would appreciate prayers.)
  • In Belarus, Nikolai Ryzhuk praises God for a paved parking lot for the church! Although too expensive normally, the city was paving nearby and asked whether the church might be interested in asphalt.  With the price deeply discounted and BIEM’s help, the job will soon be done!

PrayerPray with us!

  • Tensions seem to be rising again in Ukraine as Russia has built up the number of troops on Ukraine’s borders. Thousands have died on both sides. BIEM missionary Bruce Tuttle wrote, “Hearts are uneasy, yet God is still in the heavens and can do whatever He wills. Please pray for God's work here, God's people, and the lost multitudes of Ukraine!”
  • In Bilogorodka, Ukraine, believers are planning a special evangelistic thrust for September 17-18. This will involve canvassing door-to-door, Bible distribution and services in the new church building. Please pray for God’s blessings on these efforts to lead to a successful launch of the new church, which will begin with regular Bible studies.
  • On the third week of September, the Fall session of our seminary in Kyiv will be begin. Please pray that the escalating tensions with Russia along the Eastern border would not prevent students from attending.
  • In the midst of projects that come and go, we never want to overlook praying for the obvious: the salvation of souls on each of BIEM’s mission fields. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily, drawing more and more perishing souls to Himself for salvation. 

Slobodian Prayer Letter

Dear Pastors and Friends,

 Greetings from the Slobodians! We are glad to update you on how God is using the prayers and support you invest in this ministry. Praise God for how He answers prayer and blesses these efforts. For example, our brethren in Belarus have reaped a harvest of souls through evangelistic meetings they recently conducted despite some of the key participants being involved in a serious car accident. However, they are being subjected to recent pressure from the authorities that have been raising issues concerning their legal status. Please pray for wisdom for Nikolai and his brother Valerie as they deal with this situation. Pray as well for the baptismal service for 8 of these new converts which provides yet another opportunity to preach the Gospel to the lost. 

Thank-you for praying for Amy, Steve and I as we participated in Ukrainian summer camps in July.  The first camp was in Bilogorodka, Ukraine and was held on the grounds of the church being built. Even though the building is not complete, it was ready enough for this event. The neighborhood was canvassed and many invitations were printed and handed out.  None of us had any idea of what to expect. Praise God that 80 children and youth attended, most from walking distance from this new church! Many parents attended the closing ceremony and expressed gratefulness for the camp and listened attentively to the Gospel that was presented.  This turned out to be a very good advertisement for the new church in this growing community.

The other camp was a youth camp conducted by the church in Ternopil, Ukraine that was held in the Carpathian Mountains. What a beautiful setting for the 40 city teenagers who attended mostly from un-churched homes.  Praise God many made salvation decisions, which was one of the goals of this camp.  Another goal was that this effort would open the doors to reaching the parents and other family members of the youth who attended.  God answered this prayer as well as a good number of the parents of these youth have signed up to attend the churches family camp which is coming up soon. Please pray that whole families would be saved and added to the church.  

 In Desna, Ukraine our church planter Igor Fomichov received a phone call from a couple that had just received one of the handouts church members were distributing for their upcoming camp. The wife recognized Igor’s name on the flyer since years ago (before Igor was saved) they were part of his drug-dealing crowd. She had heard Igor had gotten religion, dramatically changed and was even a pastor! As it turns out their lives were so ruined by drugs that several drug & alcohol re-hab centers could not help them as they narrowly survived one overdose after another. They had given up and were sitting at their kitchen table discussing how to end their lives when they received the flyer and made the phone call. They begged Igor to meet with them right away.   That resulted in them eagerly receiving the Gospel and turning to Christ! Praise God! Please pray for this couple, Lena and Lyova as they are now attending church and rebuilding their lives for the glory of God.

 Please pray for our brethren in Russia as they must deal with the new anti-religious legislation that has been put into law there. They tell us that it is too early to know exactly how these new statutes will affect them but it is a real possibility that Christians there may once again have to decide between obeying God or Caesar. We plan to meet with them once the effects of this legislation become clearer. May God keep blessing each of you!

The Slobodians

August Video Update


Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:



Dear Pastors and Friends,
Warm greetings from the Slobodians!  Amy and I have recently returned from Ukraine where we were able to participate in a couple of camps, one in Bilogordka on the outskirts of Kiev, the other in Western Ukraine where the church in Ternopil conducted a wilderness camp for youth in the Carpathian mountains.  Both camps attracted a large number of youth from non-churched homes and had encouraging results you can read about in our current prayer letter.

This month's video update is from Desna, Ukraine and features Lyosha Savchuk who was saved in this ministry and is now planting a church in Chernihiv, Ukraine.  Brother Losha who speaks fluent English shares how the container shipments we send of humanitarian aid and church planting equipment are used to open hearts to the Gospel.  Praise God for the warm hearts and generous spirits of God's people in American that make this outreach possible.

BIEMs of Light August 2016


 August 2016

Praises Rejoice with us!


  • Pastor Samuel, who has been leading a growing group of believers in a predominantly Muslim area, rejoices that they can participate in the Great Commission. The church has been committed to discipleship and now sees good results, especially in college-age members who have gone on to serve as leaders of home-churches in various countries.
  • Praise the Lord’s protection through a cup of tea! One BIEM missionary couple serves in a mountainous region of Central Asia. After a female physician examined the wife, the doctor desired to become friends and invited her to tea. The husbanded regretted this delay—until on the drive home they discovered a rockslide had just occurred on their road!
  • In Peru, missionary Wilber Huillca Quispe visits jungle villages with the Gospel. Recently a couple in a village of the Yaminahua tribe donated a plot of ground with a thatched-roof structure to be used for Christian meetings. Praise God for their heartfelt gift to God’s work!
  • The church plant in Bilogorodka went ahead and conducted a camp on the church grounds even though the building is not complete. The neighborhood was canvassed, and our workers were thrilled with 80 campers from the community! Many parents attended the closing event.  Praise God for such wonderful results! This will open doors to homes and hearts of the community.

PrayerPray with us!

  • Although at this point details concerning interpretation and enforcement remain unclear, reports suggest Russia’s new anti-terrorism law could also be used as a tool against believers. Please pray for Russian believers and for their witness to increase, not decrease, for God’s glory.
  • Our first Central Asia home-church construction project is in progress. Pastor Barnabas owns a little plot of land next to his home, and the foundation for a small church building is already laid. Pray the building will be completed soon and allow believers a safe place to meet and worship.
  • Final summer camps are taking place this month, and we are rejoicing in large numbers of campers and many salvation decisions. Please continue to pray for God to work in lives, both of campers who have already been to camp and for young people soon to be in camp. Praise God for supplying the finances needed and a heartfelt word of thanks to each who gave for this need.
  • Elaine Smith, a pastor’s wife and the mother of a BIEM missionary, has been undergoing serious health issues. Praise God, physicians have located some blood clots and believe they can treat serious swelling she also has. Please pray for healing as she undergoes treatment.

BIEMs of Light July 2016


Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In June, Valery Ryzhuk and others made an evangelistic trip using rivers in the Far North of Russia. Praise God, souls repented and put their faith in Christ. A woman named Yulia told them that, before the brethren’s previous trip, she had been on the verge of suicide after the death of her son. The Lord used them to comfort and strengthen her in the difficult time.
  • BIEM helped sponsor a youth conference in Russia that both leaders and young people consider a huge success and blessing. Some confessed their sin and asked Christ for salvation. Others were deepened in their commitment! Pastor Pavel Rumachik writes, “Praise God for your participation in this fellowship. May God reward you as well!”
  • Thanks to the generosity of Faith Baptist Church in Lebanon, Penn., Micah and Alisha Tuttle were able to purchase and distribute 4 expensive flannel graph sets to 4 churches in the Republic of Georgia. Upon learning of the gift, a member of one church exclaimed that they had just started praying for such a tool for their children’s ministry! May God be praised.
  • Recently BIEM missionaries organized a special family camp in Central Asia. Forty-four people attended, a number of them being couples in which one is a Christian and the other is not.  By the camp’s conclusion, several attendees requested prayer and gave evidence of being close to placing faith in Christ. Praise God for such a gathering; may He bless all who attended.

PrayerPray with us!

  • Doctors for Elaine Smith, the mother of a BIEM missionary who had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure have determined that she has Lupus, which explains the issues she was having. Please pray that the treatment will be effective and that the Lord will be glorified in all this.
  • In Central Asia, Pastor Righteous reports an increase in people throwing rocks at him and his home. He notes the local populace seems to be emboldened by anti-Christian activities taking place in various countries of the world. Please uphold his family and other believers.
  • We are rejoicing that the funds needed for summer camps this year have been provided!  We Praise God for each gift.  By this point in July, some churches in Eastern Europe have already held their children’s or teen camps. Other camps have yet to take place.  Please pray for many to be saved.
  • In closing, here is one of our missionary’s plea: “Please pray with us that the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would penetrate the darkness of this increasingly Islamic land. The battle rages, time is short, Satan is powerful, we need God’s warriors kneeling in intercession before the throne of God, to keep us strong in the battle, and to help us snatch souls from the throes of death and the eternal flames of Hell.” Can you sense the sincerity of that request? Let’s pray for missionaries!

BIEMs of Light June 2016

Praises Rejoice with us!


  • In May, the church in Drogichin, Belarus, celebrated their 10-year anniversary by holding evangelistic tent meetings. Praise God, souls came forward to repent and get right with God. Afterward, each of them received the gift of a Bible.
  • A believing soldier named Vanya is serving at the military base in Desna, Ukraine. He enlisted specifically to witness to other men in the army. Each Sunday he brings one or two new men to services where BIEM missionary Igor Fomichov preaches. Igor thanks God for Vanya and asks that we pray for God’s blessing on this man, through whom souls have found Christ!
  • In the Republic of Georgia, BIEM missionary Vitaly Bilyak was able to visit a number of Georgian men who had once been alcoholics, but who found Christ during rehabilitation in Ukraine. Vitaly rejoices that all these men still attend church and live faithfully for the Lord. They have even begun their own Rehabilitation Center in their own country!
  • Praise God for $40,000 matching funds made available to BIEM for church building programs underway in Ternopil and Bilogorodka, Ukraine as well as in Shahovskaya, Russia near Moscow.  This opportunity and the dollars strength in these areas makes this a great investment.  Please pray that these matching funds will come in.


PrayerPray with us!

  • We are grateful that many of God’s people have responded to the need for summer camp funds and provided donations. However, this is still a matter for prayer, since we are $9,500 short, and the camping season is about to begin. Thanks for praying and for giving!
  • Even as we prepare this sheet, another evangelistic expedition to the Far North of Russia is about to begin. Please pray for the salvation of souls and spiritual growth of believers who live in those hard-to-reach places. 
  • In a Muslim land, a BIEM missionary named Sasha requests prayer for a number of people who have been attending services and listening with interest. However, at least a couple of young ladies openly doubt that it’s possible to live a holy life in modern Muslim society, which is so filled with sin. Pray for the Lord to touch their hearts and strengthen their fledgling faith.
  • In Fedorivka, Ukraine, BIEM missionary Mikhail Titarenko requests prayer for a Christian woman named Galya and her non-believing husband. Although Galya sincerely loves the Lord, the husband drinks, is sometimes violent, and doesn’t even like for Galya to attend church, which leaves him alone to care for her elderly mother. Please pray for this husband’s salvation. 

Vitaly and Olena Yurchenko

Vitaly Yurchenko was working on a nearby roof when he witnessed the explosion at Chernobyl.  A fortunate survivor of this nuclear catastrophe, Vitaly is a graduate of the Kyiv Theological Seminary, and he gave up a lucrative private business to become a church planter with BIEM. When Vitaly first visited Chervona Sloboda, Ukraine, there was not so much as one church of any kind, and he felt the Lord urging him to start one. Beginning by renting the village club and holding evangelistic meetings, he has been blessed by God as souls have turned to Christ as Savior. Vitaly now leads a congregation (called Grace Baptist Church), which purchased a house to remodel and expand as their own meeting place. Despite open hostility from two community leaders (the school principal and the manager of the liquor distillery), Vitaly steadfastly persevered in proclaiming the Gospel, and the Lord is blessing his faithfulness.

The Yurchenkos' Reports
















Andrew Counterman


The first Challenger of 2009 unveiled a new program geared to jumpstart church-planting in Latin America, the continent where BIEM founder Peter Slobodian accepted the Lord. The plan is to provide limited support for two years for Peruvian Bible school graduates who are eager to plant churches. BIEM's Latin America Field Director, Andy Counterman, provides this news from Peru.

Just before the annual BIEM Board meeting in Indianapolis, I had the privilege of attending a pastors' meeting in the high jungle of Peru. After flying into the city of Tarapoto, I met the president of the seminary in Trujillo, Enoc Principe, and the next Peruvian church-starter for BIEM, Luis Escobar. We had lunch in Tarapoto, and Luis showed us where his church is meeting and introduced us to his family. His dirt-floor church is not uncommon in Peru. This quiet man, a product of the Peruvian army special forces, now holds his child, and in a voice full of excitement shares his vision of a room full of believers. 

From Tarapoto, we traveled into the jungle to a small town called Chazuta. This dirt-road town houses a church of over 100. The humble house of God looked primitive in contrast to the Catholic church in the center of town. Yet, in another sharp contrast, this humble meeting place of believers was alive! Over 100 pastors and missionaries from the jungle as well as other towns and cities of Peru met there for instruction and encouragement throughout the week. 

I had the privilege of preaching three times and conducted several "side-bar" meetings throughout the four days we were there. I was also able to do follow-up with Segundo Rodriguez, Luis, Joel Gamboa, and strategic planning with Enoc. 

As we reflected on the wonderful possibilities in Peru, we ran some numbers. The average seminary graduate in Peru is able to go full-time in ministry for about $6,000 per year. BIEM underwrites these men for two years of full-time ministry. If we do the math, for less than a purchased cup of coffee, five days a week for two years, 20 people could start churches in Peru. Perhaps I could be so bold as to suggest you invest a "cup of coffee" per day in Peru as we open all of South America. Souls are being saved, and churches are being started in this wasteland of empty religion. You can make a difference! Oh yes, as you invest a cup for Peru, pray as you enjoy your cup each morning. 

Is the Lord prompting you to help place a church-planter on the fields of Latin America? If so, please designate your gift "Latin America."


Segundo and Leny Rodriquez

La palabra de Dios llegó a mi vida siendo yo muy pequeño. Al costado de mi casa se abrió un club de niños en el que se enseñaba la palabra de Dios. Aunque recibí enseñanzas bíblicas desde muy tierno, mi conversión a Jesucristo se demoró todavía un poco. Las enseñanzas que recibí de pequeño no evitaron que yo fuese un hijo rebelde y desobediente.

En mi familia se convirtieron mi mamá y mi hermano mayor. Este mi hermano mayor se dedicó al ministerio y hoy tiene ya más de 30 años como pastor. Cuento este detalle de mi hermano porque cuando tenía unos 11 años hice una profesión de fe. Resulta que me enfermé gravemente a esta edad y como consecuencia de la enfermedad tuve una fiebre muy alta y hasta deliraba. Justo cuando estaba con el temor del delirio mi hermano mayor me habló de entregarme al Señor Jesucristo. Recuerdo bien que lo “hice”. Sin embargo, después, cuando ya estuve sano, mi vida moral no mejoró… !empeoró! El que haya sido así me mostró que yo no me había convertido como debía ser, sino que había orado por el temor a la fiebre y al delirio que tuve a causa de la enfermedad.

Como ya he dicho, mi vida antes del hecho anterior era rebelde y desobediente. Después, mi vida fue peor. Entre los 11 y los 22 años de mi vida no hay nada bueno que contar. Pues viví en una forma muy desordenada. Mi situación moral y espiritual empeoró cuando fui al servicio militar. Una vez que salí del ejército intenté enrolarme en el narcotrafico en la selva del Perú. Quería ganar bastante dinero y… ¡rápido! Gracias a Dios nunca pude meterme en ese ilícito negocio. Esto no significa que no me hubiese metido en problemas, la verdad es que sí me metí… y en muchos. Después de haber andado por la selva del Perú por dos años. Regresé a la ciudad de Trujillo. En Trujillo seguí viviendo desordenadamente hasta que entregué mi vida a Jesucristo.

Mi conversión a Jesucristo ocurrió gracias a que uno de mis hermanos, que ya se había convertido tiempo atrás y que estaba enseñando en el Seminario Bautista del Perú con sede en Trujillo, intercedió por mí ante uno de los misioneros americanos, el Misionero. Stanley Templeton, para que me diese trabajo como ayudante en la construcción de su casa. Gracias a Dios, me dieron el trabajo y es así como empecé a ver y a oir otra vez el evangelio de Cristo.

El día mi conversión a Jesucristo fue el 29 de Junio de 1987. Ese día fue lunes, lo recuerdo bien y nunca lo olvidaré. Ese día me desperté como a las 5 de la madrugada. Como estaba todo oscuro, me pregunté si es que estaba muerto. Luego de darme cuenta de que no era así, me hice las siguientes preguntas: “¿Voy a vivir con este desorden y este vacío siempre? ¿Para vivir así es que me ha creado Dios? ¿No hay una vida mejor que la que vivo?”.

Estas preguntas me llevaron a pensar en Jesucristo. Pensé en que debía entregarme a él. Su nombre vino a mi mente y a mi corazón como mi única opción. Empecé a creer que él era el único que podía darme una vida mejor y el único que podía sacarme del profundo vacío existencial en el que vivía. Pero este pensamiento estaba empañado por las preguntas siguientes: “¿Podré dejar mis vicios y mi mala manera de vivir? ¿Qué es lo que dirán mis amigos? ¿Podré cumplir con las exigencias de Jesucristo?”.

En mi interior hubo una lucha intensa por varias horas. Serían más o menos las 11 de la mañana cuando decidí que iba a entregarme a Jesucristo. Como estaba en ese momento en el Seminario Bautista Del Perú, fui a buscar al Misionero Stanley Templeton. Eran ya como las 2 de la tarde cuando bajo la guía de este siervo de Dios, le dije a Jesucristo: “Señor, estoy cansado de vivir como estoy viviendo. Si tú puedes darme una vida mejor que la que tengo, te entrego mi vida”.
Después de haber orado así y de escuchar algunos consejos del misionero Stanley, salí del local del Seminario y mirando hacia el cielo le dije a Dios: “Ahora vive tú en mi vida”. Ese bendito día mi vida cambio. Después de mi conversión me integré a la Iglesia Bautista de La Esperanza en Trujillo, Perú. Me bauticé pronto. Luego pensé en que lo único que yo debía y quería hacer era… ¡predicar el evangelio!

Persecuted for Christ

This just in from one of BIEM's missionaries moving to a new location in Central Asia: "Please continue to pray for our brother, who was arrested by the KGB. Since that time he has had no other problems from them. He is humbled, shocked, and encouraged by the outpouring of prayers for him from those of you who have never met him, yet love him in the Lord. Thank you for your labor of love and godly example. We view our move to this country as very timely, as these men have not faced this type of persecution for quite some time. We have been helping their neighbors through these types of persecutions for years, so I am glad to get there on the ground and help these men to re-strategize and prepare as much as is possible for the storms to come."

BIEM's of Light - March 2016

Praises – Rejoice with us!

  • After being delayed in Ukrainian customs, the container that BIEM shipped to Ternopil, Ukraine, has arrived, and the church is beginning distribution. We thank the Lord and you for your prayers and the donations of useful clothing, which is helping the church to open doors for the Gospel.

  • BIEM church planters in Ukraine have located what seems to be an ideal property to purchase in Smolin, a town between existing church plants in Desna and Chernihiv. Please pray God will pave the way to purchase it.

  • Praise the Lord for volunteers! Lord willing, a group of 9 construction workers from Calvary Baptist in York, Pennsylvania, will soon be working on the new church building in Bilogorodka, Ukraine. They will labor alongside Ukrainian workers and hope to finish much of the interior walls and ceilings. May the Lord bless the work of their hands!

  • In Latin America, Segundo Rodriquez praises God for fruit from evangelism in Peru and Columbia, including summer camps. (Seasons south of the equator are reversed.) “Many teen boys and girls were reconciled to God and restored in their relationships with Him. During the first message a young lady gave her life to Christ with great conviction. The lady who counseled her was very excited by how God was working in this young lady. Praise be to God!

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • In Central Asia, one of our pastors was picked up by the secret police and interrogated. The police seemed intent on knowing names of all who attend services. The pastor wouldn’t tell, so they ended up ordering him to stop teaching the Bible and released him. Please pray for him and other church leaders, that they will stand strong and faithful despite threats and intimidation.

  • It’s time to start promoting the Christian summer camps for teens and for children. Please pray even now for the Christian brothers and sisters who will be working with these young people. Pray for God to prepare receptive hearts in the hearers. And pray for finances to sponsor the camps, as we now have $4,000 of the $40,000 needed by June.

  • In St. Petersburg, Russia, BIEM missionary Vitaly Keller requests prayer for two unsaved men, Andrei and Kirill. Both have been attending Bible studies and seem to understand the Gospel and mentally accept it; yet both struggle with the idea of embracing Christ and following Him in baptism.

  • One of our BIEM missionaries to a Muslim land resides in that country with legal permission, granted via a visa from the host country. But such visas need to be re-examined and renewed from time to time. Please pray that he will be granted an extension of his existing visa.

BIEM's of Light - February 2016

Praises – Rejoice with us!

  • In the village of Komarivka, Ukraine, missionary Igor Balashov rejoices that the Lord gave an opportunity to evangelize to a large room of students and teachers. This event is even more significant because there has been much opposition to the Gospel in this village. May God bless His Word!
  • Last month’s BIEMs of Light shared a special request for theater-quality puppets. (Two churches in Ukraine are undertaking special children’s ministries.) Praise the Lord, BIEM has received a donation of 4 such puppets, and another donor has sent a financial gift to buy more. Praise the Lord!
  • We praise the Lord that all of our Central Asian ministry couples were allowed to exit their home country and were able to attend our training Seminar in January. One family was also granted a passport for their newborn, which allowed both husband and wife to attend. This couple was in particular need of encouragement.
  • The BIEM legal fund for national pastors has paid the fines for an evangelist fined 10 times the monthly wage for having religious materials in his home. Praise the Lord we can help!

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • BIEM has a need to fill a Secretary/Office assistant position at our mission headquarters in Indiana. Please pray that the Lord would lead in this matter. Anyone interested should e-mail Sam Slobodian (DrSlobodian@BaptistInternational.org).
  • In the busy and growing city of Cusco, Peru, missionary Javier Saavedra has teamed up with another brother to undertake a new church startup. Please pray for them and for the salvation of souls as they evangelize and make more acquaintances in the neighborhood. In another district of Cusco, missionary Churata Cristobal is considering planting a church, too, which would be his second there. Thank God for believers with a vision! Let’s uphold them in prayer.
  • In Chernigiv, Ukraine, the Savchuks’ ministry introduces them to college students from various corners of that land. Some are taking an interest in hearing more about the Gospel and attending Sunday services. The Savchuks request prayer for Sveta and her friend Anton, two young ladies named Lena, two young men named Artyom and Bogdan, for Andrew and his wife Natalia.
  • Please continue to pray for the upcoming move of one of BIEM’s missionary families to a Muslim country to help our national pastors. Also pray for a good transition, as this family will be facing many changes.

Buildings for God's Glory

In 2015, BIEM took on a record number of building projects overseas. Some projects involve building from the ground up, and others are pre-existing buildings that have been purchased to refurbish for the Lord’s work. Join us in praising God for these opportunities!

Currently BIEM is active in seven projects involving buildings in 5 different countries—Ukraine, Russia, the Republic of Georgia, Peru, and an undisclosed location in Central Asia. Four of these projects are church-building programs, one is a Christian Drug and Rehabilitation Center for men, and the last is Soroon (“Be Comforted”), a Christian shelter for abused women and their children.

We are amazed and thrilled as God has both opened the doors for each of these wonderful opportunities and provided the resources to launch these projects. Each building has great potential for reaching souls for Christ and becoming a beacon of light and hope in the needy communities where they are located.

Up to this point, BIEM had been involved in 44 building programs overseas. These six projects will bring the total to 50 overseas building projects for the Lord’s glory. Praise God! It is amazing that God would lead BIEM in such an expansion of building projects when our economy here in the United States is so weak. When the economy of a support base fares poorly, human reasoning wouldn’t expect such giving. However, God is not limited by human reasoning. We praise Him for prompting friends to give and support such wonderful opportunities.

Also noteworthy, in the fields where BIEM is working, the value of the dollar has risen dramatically compared to local currencies despite our struggling U.S. economy. As a result, each dollar stretches further than a short time ago, which helps greatly when purchasing building materials or paying for specialized construction work.  

Therefore, you friends who invest in these building programs are receiving a tremendous value for each dollar you contribute. Funds are still needed, though. Can you help to push these efforts to completion?

Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ, for helping us to create “light houses” of the Gospel!


Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine

Currently under construction, this church building has a full basement, a first and second floor, plus an attic level. The basement will be used to house seminary students as well as temporary lodging for conference and mission groups.

When this project began, the population of Bilogorodka was 30,000. However, large housing developments are underway. Since the beginning of church construction, Bilogorodka’s population has already grown by 5,000, and the projected population is up to 120,000. Many new residents will live in the vicinity of the church. BIEM’s Ukrainian director, Eugene Buyko, will be the church planter of this new work.


Church in Ternopil, Ukraine

Apartment buildings surround this former store/café. The church’s program for children has doubled in attendance since it began holding children’s meetings in the new location. The building features a main level auditorium, restrooms, a kitchen, and classrooms. A roomy basement level with separate entrance offers area for more classrooms, much space to store BIEM humanitarian-aid shipments, plus a room suitable for youth outreach. Refurbishing and remodeling continue. The church has also contracted an architect to design a possible new façade/entrance to set apart the church from similar buildings. BIEM missionary Vitaly Bilyak shepherds this congregation.


Church in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia

Georgian National Lasha Siradze and another BIEM missionary lead this ministry. From the outside, the building may not impress. Yet, it’s in the middle of a square through which pedestrians constantly walk. Some 300,000 people dwell in the surrounding area. The inside has been renovated and is being used for church services. Plans are underway to give the exterior a facelift as well.


Church in Shakhovskaya, Russia

Peter Rumachik is spearheading the church plant in Shakhovskaya, Russia. He has recruited an experienced church planter who grew up with his sons and other younger preachers. Families from the mother church in Moscow will form the nucleus of this church. (The mother church is pastored by Benjamin Khorev, son of the famous prisoner of faith Mikhail Khorev, who is with the Lord.) The fact that Shakhovskaya sits along one of the electric-train lines spreading out from Moscow gives this community easy access to the capital.


Christian Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Center, Ternopil, Ukraine

Following the September 30, 2014 fire in the residence portion of the Rehabilitation Center, repairs continue as time and finances permit. Simultaneously, the formerly long-range enhancements to the space over the shop were sped up to provide emergency accommodations that have met the current need. After the main residence is completed and again habitable, the living quarters over the shop will revert to their original purpose of providing temporary lodging for men who have successfully completed the rehabilitation program but as yet have no other home.


Soroon Shelter for Abused Women, Central Asia

Much progress has been accomplished in repairing and remodeling since the purchase of the building that has become the Soroon Women’s Shelter in Central Asia. The facility now houses battered women with children. However, some work remains to be done: The roof needs to be repaired (rainwater drips into the building); the windows need replacing; and because the front door does not shut tightly, it needs to be replaced with a security door to better protect the women residents. In addition, the property should have a security fence. As it is, men walking past look into the yard and can easily observe the women when they are gardening, etc.