Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Statement from BIEM concerning Russian Christians

Many have contacted us asking about the status of our church planters and ministry partners in Russia. We are purposely limiting our contact with our Russian personnel to just absolutely necessary details. They are certain that they are being monitored and have reason to believe so. Keep in mind that as Putin cracks down on opposition, jailing thousands who protest and banning the use of the words "war" or invasion, our people are in danger. That is because anybody with connections to the United States is suspect and could be targeted. Therefore, our people are very, very vulnerable. Following is a statement from one of our pastors who needs to be anonymous.

BIEMs of Light March 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Times of great pain and tragedy sometimes compel people to consider their souls and to come to God. We hear reports of this very thing happening in Ukraine during the invasion. May those foxhole decisions last forever!

  • Although the world’s eyes are on Ukraine, our ministries continue in other places, too. Afghani refugees in Central Asia are coming to Christ. By email we received the photo of another who trusted Christ as Savior just yesterday!

  • No one can predict how he will respond in trying times until such times come upon them. We rejoice that, even in the midst of crisis, there are selfless pastors in Ukraine saying, “We don’t pray that the war will end, but that the Lord will help us to shine in these dark days and glorify Him.” As one of our missionaries put it, our regular ministries are interrupted, but ministry does not stop!

  • Praise God that, no matter what happens on earth, He gives us encouragement through verses like Psalm 46:1-2a, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, even though the earth be removed…!”

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Obviously, please pray for a cessation of the shooting and killing. Each unsaved casualty of war is one more soul sent to hell. How Satan must rejoice in the numbers going there without the Gospel.

  • BIEM has already transferred thousands of dollars for relief aid to our churches in Ukraine. Pray for more to come in to help our missionaries as they serve suddenly needy ones in the name of Christ.

  • Please pray that the aid we are sending our Ukrainian missionaries and ministry partners reaches them.  At a certain point, we may not be able to continue to send funds through banks.  We do have a way for them to access funds without the banks but what is available is nowhere what will likely be needed.  Just yesterday a possibility manifested itself.  However, we need more such opportunities so please pray for this.

  • Pray for the peace of God to rule the hearts and minds of believers in Ukraine. May they see and use opportunities to share Christ with fearful ones.

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

We Are Refugees Now

How wrong I was when I wrote to you last time that Putin would not dare to do evil and attack Ukraine in front of the entire civilized world. He did it, and we see heartbreaking photos and videos of destroyed homes, hospitals, and kindergartens; of people hiding in basements for many days in a row without water, heat, and food. Putin is destroying our country in a brazen way right before the eyes of the whole world. And the whole world is afraid to intervene for fear of starting World War III. But the war is already underway, unfortunately. And the world is ready to sacrifice Ukraine for the sake of peace in their own countries. Will Putin stop there?

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Letter from Ukrainian Pastor to America

Speaking to our church members I asked “What is the most critical necessity - in your opinion -during a battle?”

And immediately I corrected, that the answer must not be “spiritual”, not with the common phrases that Christians repeat so often without thinking about their meaning.

My question was more rhetorical because I had considered the answer myself. And the answer is, “connection”, “communication”.

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Prayer for Peace

Friends, peace to all! I, like all of you, have been kneeling and begging the Lord for His protection over our country for eight days since the beginning of Putin's war against our people and against God. I read the word of God, and such thoughts and such words came to me from the Lord: Exodus 5: 2: "But Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice, and let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go."

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

An Open Letter to American Churches

On February 23, I felt that this history was repeating itself in the life of my country. Ukraine is sinking while the whole world stands and watches it, not trying to save it, only because we are not in NATO. That day, I woke up around 5 AM to the sound of explosions. Thinking that someone was merely trying to scare us, I began to get ready for college. The first call from relatives, however, dispelled my naivety: a voice on the phone said that Russia was bombing airports and aiming at strategic objects - Ukraine is on fire. Nobody could believe it. Life turned upside down in an instant. We fell asleep on February 22 in the world, and woke up on the 23rd in a new reality that no one wanted.

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates


Further down on this page you can view some war updates from some of our missionaries. You will notice how grateful they are for the prayers of God’s people. These war updates will be updated as we hear from more of our Ukrainian pastors and friends and receive more information. This is a good way to get acquainted with Ukrainians directly who receive and distribute the aid that is sent.

Please Pray for Ukraine

Please Pray for Ukraine

As we write this letter our hearts along with everyone else are deeply concerned over the developments we are watching on the news as Russia has launched an invasion of Ukraine. We are especially concerned for our missionaries whose lives are in danger as Russian forces advance. Currently, we have many Ukrainian families supported by BIEM and numerous Ukrainian partners American in Ukraine as well as one American (Bruce Tuttle) that need your prayers.

February Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings everyone!  Currently, Ukraine is in the news and not in a good way.  You have probably seen the images of the Russian armies gathering at the borders.  We are deeply concerned for that nation and especially for our people there.  We have had many conversations with many of them and they are calm and firmly trusting in the Lord.

 This month's video features Eugene Buyko and Vitaly Yurchenko mentioning specific items to pray for regarding the present dangerous and serious situation.  Our February prayer and praise sheet called the BIEM's of Light also contains a list of what to pray for regarding Ukraine.  

 Following Eugene and Vitaly there is a song that is a prayer for Ukraine.  The song is sung by Eugene's daughters Solomia, Angelica, and Ivanka (from left to right). During the song, you will see pictures of our Ukrainian families that need your prayers.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light February 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • One of our BIEM missionaries has a fresh opportunity to travel within a restricted-access Muslim country to share the Gospel and distribute Gospel media. We praise the Lord for providing this opportunity. May He bless this evangelistic outreach with safety and spiritual fruit!

  • In the nation of Georgia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes rejoice for a new opportunity: “We have acquired land in a completely Muslim village with a campground on it and a house for a potential church plant. We are praying for a young couple to come and work with us to develop this church plant and camp ministry.” Praise God for such vision and for making this property available. May He continue to lead and provide for this new ministry location!

  • Praise God for opening doors. Over the course of time, the various needs of one of our Ukrainian national missionaries have enabled him to get acquainted with the mayor of their town. Recently, that unsaved mayor and his wife wanted to spend time with this missionary couple who state “It’s interesting that this couple doesn’t let anyone into their lives, yet they want to fellowship with us. Our request is that you pray for this couple and for God to help us speak about Him always and to everyone.”

  • Despite recurring restrictions and concerns about covid, our missionary Vitaly Yurchenko rejoices that their church’s puppet team continues to receive invitations to put on evangelistic performances. The most recent show was in Kyiv, Ukraine, for adults and children with disabilities. Vitaly says, “Puppet performances are interesting for all ages. This is an accessible message of truth for everyone, regardless of age and intellectual development.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Although an unresolved military conflict continues in Eastern Ukraine, recent tensions threaten the possibility of a major invasion of Ukraine.  Regardless of whether the threat is real or a bluff, please pray no new war will come to this land and that the existing conflict will be halted.

  • Pray for the peace of God to rule the hearts and minds of believers in Ukraine. Pray that churches and believers will perceive and act on opportunities to share Christ with fearful, unsaved ones around them and that no restrictions the government adopts would interfere with having services.

  • Please pray for those nations behaving in a hostile way toward Ukraine and pray that the peace of God would rule in our hearts despite the circumstances.

  • Please pray for our civic authorities, that those in positions of authority will have wisdom in this crisis, and that they will not adopt any laws that are contrary to the Bible.

January Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings again from the Slobodians.  This month's video comes from Russia at a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center about 2 hours from Moscow.   In this video Oleg, one of the directors, shares about this ministry that currently has 14 men in the program.

This Center started as a ministry of one of the first BIEM church plants, a church planted on the outskirts of Moscow by Pavel Rumachik.   It has reached many men for Christ, several of whom have gone on to start other Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers including two specifically for women.  Today, there are over 60 families who are members of Moscow area churches that have been reached through these centers.  Praise God for the power of the Gospel that redeems and delivers souls from the bondage of drugs, alcohol, and sin.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light January 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, where our believers are ministering to Afghani refugees, another Shiite man trusted Christ as Savior today! Praise God for working in these refugees’ hearts.

  • In December, God received glory through many public Christmas services and evangelistic presentations and through home visits, with gifts of groceries and Bibles. Seeds of Truth have been sown and continue to be sown. May God cause those seeds to put down roots and grow!

  • In Desna, Ukraine, our church planters faced opposition right from the beginning. Recently, though, the city administration wrote the church a letter of gratitude, thanking them for positive contributions to the community: assisting men with drug and alcohol addictions, helping families with many children, organizing children’s camps…. While there are still individuals with negative opinions, the church is pleased to receive this written encouragement from the civil authorities.

  • The Tuttles, BIEM missionaries in Tbilisi, Georgia, report they had a large turnout for their Christmas Eve service. Visitors included university professors, schoolteachers, and even a national government Cabinet member. All these heard God’s way of salvation presented in sermon and song. This praise item is also a prayer request that those hearts will embrace the truth they heard!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Most, if not all, of our missionaries are continuing holiday evangelistic outreaches into January, since this is their traditional month for celebrating Christmas. These include holiday evangelistic programs, home visitations with gifts of food to needy families, and special services for orphans and foster families. Please pray for souls to understand the Gospel and to embrace the Savior.

  • Please keep praying for funds for multiple building projects: (1) to complete the new church in Smolin, Ukraine, (2) to purchase a larger building to house the rehabilitation ministry in Desna, Ukraine, and (3) fund-raising for the newly organized congregation in Cherni, Belarus, to build a building. This small but active congregation currently meets in a cramped room. So far, they aren’t large in numbers, but they are conducting evangelistic outreaches with great zeal!

  • Please continue to pray that the Ukrainian authorities will grant humanitarian-aid status to our next 40-ft. container of aid and supplies, which is packed and ready to ship. After submitting the initial thick bundle of required documentation, BIEM’s Vitaly Bilyak had to submit another 18 pages. We would like to ship these supplies without unnecessary delays.

  • Our team in Central Asia has a heartfelt desire to increase their evangelistic outreaches throughout 2022. For the team, please pray for their health, strength, zeal, good articulation of Scripture, and protection from hostile opposition. For those with whom they share the Gospel, please pray for open minds, open hearts, and spiritual understanding of the truths they will hear.

Summer Camps 2021

Summer Camps 2021

BIEM’s missionaries and volunteers rejoiced that 2021 allowed us to resume widespread summer camps after the Covid restrictions of 2020. Whether overnighting in tents and cabins or ministering in day camp scenarios, camps provide unequaled opportunities to touch young hearts. In addition to fun games and activities, campers sing Christian songs, learn to pray, and hear daily Bible lessons with the goal of evangelism. If you would like to read a more extensive report on our 2021 camps, please click HERE.

Celebrating 40 Years

Celebrating 40 Years of Ministry

We praise God for 40 years of God's blessings upon this ministry. Countless souls have been saved, over 100 churches have been planted, and over 50 church buildings have been built for the glory of God along with many other outreaches. Follow this link for a historical overview: Challenger: BIEM’s 40th Anniversary

December Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Warm Christmas greetings from the Slobodians. This month's video
comes from St. Petersburg, Russia where we had the opportunity to
visit brother Oleg who is faithfully serving the Lord in this huge
city of 5.7 million. Since brother Oleg speaks fluent English you
hear directly from him without interpretation.

St. Petersburg has always had a severe shortage of housing and almost
all live in apartments, most of which are small. In this video, we
get a glimpse of a typical 2 room apartment which is a combination
kitchen & bedroom, a hallway, and one other room that serves as a
children's bedroom as well as a small office.

During the Soviet era, 20% of the population lived in communal
apartments where families shared restrooms and kitchens. Today the
situation has improved and only 5% of the population continues to
live in such communal apartments.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light December 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In conjunction with BIEM’s 40th anniversary, you will soon be receiving a special, extra-long edition of our Challenger newsletter. It highlights just a sampling of the huge number of blessings that God has poured out through this ministry over 4 decades. We hope you will read this historic issue and join us in praising God for all the great things He has done!

  • BIEM missionary Vitaly Bilyak has fulfilled the colossal task of completing 60 documents required by the authorities in Ukraine to grant humanitarian-aid status to our next shipping container, which is waiting to begin the ocean voyage. Now the praise also becomes a prayer request that whichever officials handle the paperwork will look favorably on it and grant humanitarian-aid status.

  • Because many Russians want to learn English, one of our missionary families in northern Russia hosts an English Movie Night every Monday. They receive 15-20 new people each week. Some visitors return for church. “We practice communication skills and learn English grammar based on the Gospel of Mark.” Hallelujah, this weekly outreach has led to souls being saved and baptized!

  • In Kyiv, Ukraine, a key ministry partner with BIEM, the Temple of Salvation Baptist Church, has celebrated its 60th anniversary. Founded during the days of militant atheism in the USSR, this church, too, is a testament to God’s grace and sustaining power despite oppression!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • We asked you to pray for Pastor Lasha and Maia, good friends of BIEM who were battling Covid in the nation of Georgia. Although Maia pulled through, Lasha did not. We understand the Lord knows all things and permitted Lasha’s early promotion to glory, but please pray for Maia and her two children, David and Tamar, as they continue without their husband and father.

  • Our upcoming mailing includes information about two special building projects—a church building in the nation of Belarus and a new home for the rehabilitation ministry in Desna, Ukraine. Please pray even now that God’s people will understand the importance of those needs and provide funds.

  • BIEM president Sam Slobodian is planning a December 9 trip to Russia for an overdue visit with our national missionaries. Please pray for swift processing of his visa to enter Russia, for protection from Covid (Russia still has a high rate of infections), and in general for God’s blessing on this trip.  

  • All our missionaries will be engaged in Christmas outreaches to share the Good Tidings of Jesus Christ. Some of those efforts will be entire church programs. Please pray for them as they plan these programs and outreaches. Pray, too, for unbelievers and those who have settled comfortably in vain religions to have their understanding enlightened concerning Christ and salvation.