November Video Update

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Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Hello again from the Slobodians! Our video update for the month of November is about our next container shipment to Ukraine. Vitaly Bilyak and Igor Fomichov were on hand to load this container, along with the help of some volunteers. The container is now ready to be shipped from our warehouse. However, we must wait until we receive word that it has been approved as humanitarian aid. More than 60 pages of documents have been submitted by Vitaly. Quite a task! Please pray that the container will receive its certification as humanitarian aid soon.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light November 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Forty years ago, in 1981, the Lord prompted Peter Slobodian to establish a new mission—Baptist International Evangelistic Ministries—dedicated to evangelizing the Soviet Union. Then, the USSR persecuted and imprisoned active Christians. Rejoice with us for the huge changes God has worked and for the countless opportunities He has opened for evangelism. He is still answering prayers!

  • Some time back, the rehabilitation center near Ternopil, Ukraine, accepted into the program a man named Igor. Igor had been addicted to drugs and alcohol so long that he was in pitiful physical condition. They feared he might die. But Igor accepted Christ! His thoughts and attitudes changed. His sister declares he’s a different man. Physically, he’s still recovering, but praise God for working!

  • Not long ago in Desna, Ukraine, Sam Slobodian assisted in baptizing several people, including Vlad, a man whose life of drugs, thievery, and homelessness, had landed him in prison more than once. But through Desna’s Christian Rehabilitation Center, Vlad embraced Christ and repented. Once again, God saved the soul of a man who had been rejected even by his own family!

  • In Nahabino, Russia, Pastor Pavel Rumachik recently baptized three people. Two of those were Kristina and Alyona, daughters of a man named Alexander who was once a drug addict but trusted Christ and became one of the first members of Pavel’s church. Praise God for continuing fruit!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In the nation of Georgia, national pastor Lasha and his wife Maia have been battling Covid for the last 10-11 days. Although Maia seems to be through the worst of it, Lasha remains in ICU in serious condition. He’s intubated, battling pneumonia, an infection, and Covid. These are good friends of BIEM and faithful servants of the Lord. Please pray for full recovery.

  • The Rehabilitation Center mentioned above in Desna, Ukraine, now houses 12 men. While we praise God for changing lives there, the small house currently used is already overcrowded. A more suitable building is needed. Please pray that the Lord will guide provide a larger building, plus funds to acquire/refurbish it for ministry. Here’s a link to learn more:

  • Also in the Republic of Georgia, BIEM missionaries report some wonderful salvation decisions. But these new believers face opposition from family members and Orthodox priests. Please pray for them to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God’s Word. Also, other friends and acquaintances are listening to the Gospel but not yet embracing it. Please pray for those souls.  

  • An Afghani woman, F., led 4 Afghanis to Christ in October. But her landlord is creating problems and threatening to evict her. Please support her in prayer.

October Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings in Christ!  This month's video comes from Desna, Ukraine which is the military city where BIEM has planted a church.  About a year ago Igor Fomichov, who pastors there, started a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center as a ministry of the church. God has greatly used this ministry, and already many have been delivered from Drugs and Alcohol through placing their faith in Christ.  


Recently one of these men, Vlad (short for Vladimir) followed the Lord in believer’s baptism.  In this video, you will hear how he came to Christ.  


Currently, there are one dozen men in the program which is housed in a home that has been provided rent-free until this upcoming Spring.  There is a need for a building that could serve as a permanent home for this ministry, on a lot that would be large enough for the men in the program to grow food as well as raise pigs and chickens.  There is a large, unfinished, three-story home, for sale in a spot that would be an excellent location.  Originally the asking price was $65,000 but now it is available for $28,000.  Beyond that, at least another $25,000 will be needed to finish the building just to the point of occupancy.  Please pray that God will supply the funds needed for this purchase.  Any donations toward this would be gratefully appreciated.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light October 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Because a cold rain put a damper on last year’s annual Bible Quest in Ukraine, this year the organizers held it earlier. About 200 teens earnestly studied the book of Luke to compete. As a result, 8 teens came to the Lord, and all of them benefited from increased knowledge of the Word of God, plus wholesome fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • In September the 2nd Baptist Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, baptized 8 people. Half of them were the family of 87-year-old Pavlina. She had watched the church construction from home, began attending services, and trusted the Lord. Although weak from heart-related medical issues, Pavlina insisted on being baptized with the others even though she had to be carried in and out of the water.

  • Praise God our container designated for Ukraine is loaded and ready for shipment. This container contains over 200 padded pew chairs and a large number of folding chairs and tables that will be a blessing to churches. There are also a good number of musical instruments, including two pianos, and a great amount of clothing, shoes, medical supplies, and sports equipment for youth ministry.

  • This spring, we asked you to pray for a new BIEM church plant near Brest in Belarus. Although meeting in a light, temporary structure, that new church is now functioning. One soul accepted Christ at the very first service, and two more at the second service. They now have 23 members!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Praise God for the growth of the youth ministry in Ternopil. After last year’s camp, 20 new youth began attending youth meetings. Several have trusted Christ and were baptized.  Church planter Vitaly Bilyak reports that even more have started coming after this year’s camping program. They’ve all heard the Gospel, but a good number of them need salvation. Please pray for them.

  • Please pray for a team associated with BIEM that is boldly evangelizing in Central Asia among refugees from Afghanistan. Yesterday they were in a village where the Taliban had been fighting the day before. Please uphold them in prayer as they minister life in the midst of death.

  • The Covid situation seems to be worsening in Ukraine. There’s a possibility the government will reinstitute restrictions, including the ban on public transportation. Huge numbers of Ukrainians depend on public transportation, so that would affect our believers too. Please pray.  

  • In Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, BIEM’s Bruce Tuttle requests prayer for the family of Pastor Volodya Sholopko and his church. Brother Volodya had pastored the same church that shares space with Bruce’s pastoral training classes but recently succumbed to Covid. Natasha Shalopko is suddenly widowed, and the church will need a new minister.

September Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings! We have one more camp video to share with you for this month's video update. This comes from Vitaly Bilyak in Ternopil, Ukraine. The young church there is committed to urban ministry in the large city of Ternopil. Their downtown location provides access to thousands of needy souls in this area of Western Ukraine. This summer, BIEM sponsored 3 different camps that this church conducted. In this video brother Vitaly shares moments from all three of these camps.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light September 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Countless Afghanis have fled to other parts of Central Asia. Missionaries connected with BIEM have been reaching out with God’s love and the Gospel. One recently reported, “Praise God, two Shiite Hazara Afghanis trusted Jesus as Savior this morning in our refugee group.” As politics turn lives upside down, may many more refugees find truth and life in the Savior Jesus Christ!

  • In Lviv, Ukraine, our missionaries the Levtseniuks have been extremely busy all summer with on-going church reconstruction and summer camp. This month, they rejoice to have 5 candidates planning to be baptized. Praise God for spiritual fruit!

  • BIEM’s field director for Central Asia was supposed to fly back to the U.S. when he lost his sense of taste and smell. A test confirmed Covid. He immediately started a regimen of ivermectin and zinc, which helped him feel great within 24 hours. Over the next 5 days, churches had him preaching to fellow Covid quarantiners twice a day. Praise God, man’s delay was God’s plan as 10 more souls trusted the Savior before he flew home Covid-free!

  • Thank you so much for praying for the summer camps. In addition to the fact that we had no serious injuries among campers, the American volunteers who went to work in camps were warmly received by campers, and they enjoyed working side by side with the Ukrainian camp leaders!v Countless Afghanis have fled to other parts of Central Asia. Missionaries connected with BIEM have been reaching out with God’s love and the Gospel. One recently reported, “Praise God, two Shiite Hazara Afghanis trusted Jesus as Savior this morning in our refugee group.” As politics turn lives upside down, may many more refugees find truth and life in the Savior Jesus Christ!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • A political rift between the countries of Ukraine and Belarus has closed the border between these two countries, preventing our Belarussian students from attending our spring seminary session in Kyiv. Please join them in praying this would be settled so they can attend classes this month.

  • This month BIEM is happy that, once again, our national missionaries Igor Fomichov and Vitaly Bilyak can be in the U.S. to visit supporting churches. Please pray for safety and good connections with churches as we travel many hundreds of miles with these faithful brothers.

  • The church in Desna, Ukraine, runs a rehabilitation center for men with addictions. God is blessing, including the recent baptism of a man who had spent 18 years in prison! The rehab center has been operating rent-free in a house lent to the church. However, that agreement expires in spring. Please pray as the church searches for a suitable house in which to continue this ministry.

  • Our missionaries in the Republic of Georgia report that the nation has attained the rank of most Covid cases per capita of any country. The government is reimposing prohibitions. Even without restrictions, the virus has hampered ministry with pastors in the hospital, closed churches, canceled baptisms, and a canceled couples retreat. Please pray for God to reverse this situation.

August 10th Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings! Our video update this month of August comes from the military city of Desna, Ukraine where we are hosting a mission team from the United States that has come to help out in summer camps. This week, they have been a huge blessing in the camp at the Desna church after which they will move on to work in one more camp before returning to the United States. During the day, the camp focused on younger children while the evenings were for teenagers.

One of the highlights of this camp was a basketball tournament that had the Americans playing several local Ukrainian teams. That was a big deal in this city. In fact, the mayor of the city came to this event and actually handed out awards to the winning teams as you can see in some of the pictures. Many lost people came to these events and so we praise God for such a great opportunity to share the Gospel.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light August 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Camps have been held in many places this summer and will finish this month. Praise God for working! In Russia, an elated Pastor Alexander writes, “Thank you for the support. With God’s blessing, we’ve held 3 camps. A fourth will be in August. We’ve heard many prayers of repentance from children and teens….” He describes how a man who was observing ended up being saved!

  • Sergei Skripnik, who pastors at our new church plant in Borschiv, Ukraine, had the joy of baptizing 3 believers, and 2 of those are a father and son who were baptized together. May God strengthen these new believers and continue to reach souls through this newer church plant!

  • More about camps! This summer, for the first time in a long time, we have Americans making mission trips to Ukraine to work in summer camps. The war in Eastern Ukraine and Covid-19 has prevented Americans from participating in our camps.  However, we rejoice that this summer we have 3 groups of Americans (18 people) traveling to work in 4 different camps! 

  • We praise God for creative brethren on our ministry fields! This year in Belarus, they held a unique camp, not for kids but for widows. BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk says, “Many of them live lives that are far from easy. The widows were encouraged and comforted in the Lord. They returned home joyful and asked that, if the Lord prolongs our lives, that we hold a similar camp next year.”

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Covid-19 continues to create challenges for ministry. For instance, in one Russian city, BIEM missionary pastor Oleg writes, “Cases of Covid-19 have not terminated. In fact, we are getting more people infected every day. On one hand, people are afraid of being vaccinated, because they don’t trust the government. On the other hand, they stay home most of the time, because of fear.”

  • The Hoblitzes, one of BIEM’s couples in the nation of Georgia writes, “We praise the Lord that we can continue our evangelism dinners. It’s a joy to minister to students from Africa, India, and other countries…Many students lack assurance of salvation; some have not understood salvation at all, and some come from typically hostile backgrounds. Just a week ago we had a chance to explain the Gospel to a Muslim young lady.” Please pray for such souls to understand and embrace the Gospel.

  • In Central Asia, 51 youth attended a camp, the majority from Muslim families. Not all responded to the Gospel, but some did! And everyone heard the Good News. Please pray for God to water the spiritual seed that was sown in their hearts.

  • Please pray for the church in Borshchiv as they along with their entire community experienced flooded basements due to a torrential rainstorm.  Fortunately, their basement is unfinished and was used just for supplies that will cost $500 to replace.  Another $1200 is needed to provide this church with a pump and generator for future prevention.

July Video Update

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Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings! Our video update this month comes from Smolin, Ukraine where Sasha and Irene Petrenko are planting a church just outside the military base of Goncharovsk. Praise God for the souls being saved there! You will notice that there has been a lot of progress on the new church building since the last time we shared pictures from this location. Right now, they are putting in plumbing. Please pray that they will soon be able to move their services from the tent into the new building.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light July 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  •  In Central Asia, another soul has come to Christ through the women’s shelter. A woman who fled from her physically abusive husband said, “I thought about everything you said and how you work. I see you are different, and I believe that your God is really true, and I want to be like you. Tell me more about Jesus … I want to receive Him as my Savior.” Hallelujah!

  • Recently, the church in Ternopil, Ukraine, ordained Andrei Eliseev to the ministry of deacon. Andrei oversees the daily operation of the nearby Christian rehabilitation center. This is especially exciting since Andrei himself was once addicted to substances but underwent rehabilitation and discovered new life in Christ. How exciting to see God redeeming ruined lives and helping such believers to grow in grace and knowledge of the Word of God!

  • The church planted by the Hoblitzes (BIEM missionaries in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia), holds evangelism dinners for university students from Africa, India, and other nations. Some students come from lands that are hostile to the Gospel, but they feel welcome there. Some haven’t accepted Christ yet but do attend services and listen. Praise God for yet another method of evangelizing.

  • Thank you to everyone who prayed for us to have wisdom concerning our next 40-foot container shipment. (Changing procedures make it more difficult to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine efficiently and economically.) We have developed a procedure that we hope will meet the required regulations while keeping expenses to a minimum. We’ll try it this autumn!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray for a need in Chernihiv, Ukraine where Lyosha Savchuk has been leading the church which is now outgrowing their facility. Pray for direction, and funds for a larger facility.

  • Last month, we requested prayer that BIEM would receive the $40,000 needed to hold this year’s summer camps. Praise the Lord, the full amount has been received! Now, if you would, please shift your camp prayers to safety for the campers, wisdom, clear articulation for camp leaders, and for the Holy Spirit to work through camps in the hearts of all campers who attend.

  • In recent days, some new believers have been baptized in Western Asia. Others there are planning to be baptized soon. Please pray for these relatively new believers who live in predominantly Muslim areas, that they will grow in grace and strength and knowledge of the Word of God.

  • As the Taliban gains strength in Afghanistan, many refugees are pouring into bordering countries where BIEM has personnel. While this does provide opportunities to reach out to these needy people there is serious concern that the Taliban will attempt to advance beyond Afghanistan. Please pray that this does not happen.

BIEMs of Light June 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • On May 29, our missionaries Nikolai and Svetlana Ryzhuk in Drogichin, Belarus, had a God-glorifying wedding for their son Tolik and his bride Alexandra. The ceremony also gave an opportunity for 40 unsaved relatives to hear the Gospel. One returned for church the next day.

  • In May, our director for Central Asia led a Muslim man there to faith in Christ. Also, local evangelists working with him have been blessed with additional salvation decisions. God is saving souls in spiritually difficult places!

  • Near Moscow, a recent conference was held for men who have been freed of addictions through the Christian rehabilitation ministry. It’s exciting to see how God has totally changed lives, blessed many of them with wives and children, and transformed them into active church members through this ministry. May God be praised!

  • In Kyiv, Ukraine, our missionaries the Kellers are thrilled for the increased opportunities spring weather has provided for street evangelism. They and their team use a variety of methods to engage passersby in conversation, which then naturally leads to spiritual conversations. Praise God for caring hearts and active believers.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • BIEM is currently in the midst of three church-building projects—two in Smolin and Borschiv, Ukraine, and a third project in Siberia. All three are in different stages of progress. Please pray for each one. Pray for safety for the workers, for healthy curiosity among unsaved neighbors, and for sufficient funds to push each project to completion soon.

  • In Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, our missionary Bruce Tuttle is involved 100% in pastoral/church-planting training. In recent times, he has increasingly visited Tbilisi in the Republic of Georgia to teach there as well. Seeing a need for a permanent training center in Tbilisi, Bruce is prayerfully contemplating transitioning to Tbilisi. Please pray for God’s guidance in the many decisions this will entail.

  • Praise God, of the $40,000 needed for this year’s summer camps, we now have over $35,000 on hand. Just a little over $4,000 is yet needed, so please keep praying. Also, please pray for God to prepare receptive hearts in the children, teens, and young adults who will be attending. May He be glorified through these camping ministries!

  • Please pray that the Lord will enable us to ship a container of supplies and humanitarian aid to Ukraine soon. International logistics for such shipments to Ukraine have changed, which greatly complicates matters. We need divine wisdom and guidance. Thanks for praying.

May Video Update

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Dear Pastors and Friends, 

We are somewhat late with our May video update, but it is now available. In spite of our spring seminary session taking place during a lockdown, we were still able to have classes and our spring graduation.  Praise God for the opportunity to train Pastors and Christian workers to serve in Ukraine. Using trained and dedicated servants to reach people of their own language and culture is very effective. Thank you for your prayers and partnership!  

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light May 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • When a social organization visited the Christian rehabilitation center near Ternopil, Ukraine, to test residents for hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc., our minister Andrei Eliseev offered the men’s services in a volunteer capacity. He rejoices that not only does this connection allow them to provide a useful community service, but it also gives periodic opportunities to share the Gospel!

  • Despite Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv being under lockdown due to the escalating cases of Covid, the spring session of our seminary went smoothly. The lockdown halted most public and commercial transportation, which made it impossible for many students to attend. Still, over 25 students were able to come. We praise God that 12 of the 18 graduates were able to attend the graduation service. 

  • In recent days, our director for Central Asia has been traveling in those lands and joining in evangelism. Praise God, a number of former Muslims have repented and come to Christ!

  • Another recent event was a youth conference held in the Moscow region. There, guest speakers testified of God’s working, answered questions, and inspired teens and young adults to joyful service for the Lord! Thank God for a rising generation of believers becoming active in ministry!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • The BIEM board of directors approved plans for a new church plant in the country of Belarus on the outskirts of the large city of Brest. A place to meet is urgently needed. Please pray that property for this new church can be purchased soon.  

  • This month, we plan to bring two of our Ukrainian missionaries (Vitaly Bilyak and Igor Fomichov) to the U.S. to visit churches and give updates. Please pray for no problems and smooth traveling as they travel both internationally and within the U.S. throughout May.

  • Please pray for favorable weather and safety as construction continues on the new church in Smolin, Ukraine. On any construction project, each day presents opportunities for injuries to happen. May God protect those working and aid them in making swift progress.

  • Now that May is here, we must increasingly turn our thoughts toward plans for summer camps overseas. We have a long way to go to collect the $40,000 we typically expend for all of these camps. Please pray God prompts those who can help to remember this need!

April Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Praise God we were finally able to travel overseas.  This month's video features some young musicians in Kyiv, Ukraine that BIEM has been able to supply with musical instruments.  It is a blessing to be able to bring donated instruments to our brothers and sisters overseas.  Even better to hear them play.  In some cases, Sam has had the chance to play with them like in this video.   If you have any musical instruments you would be interested in donating, please contact us.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light April 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, Pastor River (not his real name) was excited to report 3 more Muslims accepted Christ as Savior this past week. Hallelujah, the Kingdom of Heaven is growing!

  • In March, a family and youth conference in Belarus ministered both to families and older teens on the topic of marriage. Topics included the image of Christ and the church, the importance of marriage, and ways of managing conflicts within marriage. The organizers were very pleased with this conference and anticipate continuing fruit from it in Christian homes.

  • At the new church in Borschiv, Ukraine, BIEM missionary Sergei Skripnik reports new people attending, including a woman who had been deeply involved in the occult and magic. After a conversation, she agreed to burn all of her occult books. Now she is the first to arrive for church services! Sergei says, “Pray for her, that the Lord will fully free this soul from all filth.”

  • In our February BIEM’s of Light we requested prayer for the church building project in Siberia, Russia where authorities halted the construction.  We are glad to report that the issues have been resolved and construction has resumed.  Praise God!  Thank you for praying!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In March, we requested prayer concerning another possible church-planting opportunity in the Republic of Belarus. Please continue praying as the Board of Directors considers all the details.

  • According to reports, the government of Ukraine is contemplating another Covid-sparked lockdown that would affect public transportation. If that happens, our spring session of the Seminary in April would be in jeopardy. Please pray for wise decisions, both by authorities and seminary leaders.

  • As reconstruction continues on the building in Borschiv, the work has shifted to creating Sunday school rooms upstairs. This will include adding insulation, drywall, ductwork, and other items, to make the rooms functional. Please pray for the safety of the workers plus finances for materials.

  • Due to the war in Ukraine and the coronavirus, it has been a while since a group from the USA has gone on a mission trip to Ukraine.  Praise God that now an American group is planning on a missions trip to Ukraine this summer to work in our camps.  Please pray for this project.

March Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings in Christ!  This month's video comes from Borschiv, Ukraine where brother Sergei and his wife Vika are planting a church in this needy area that has no Bible-believing churches.  Brother Sergei shares the progress being made as they are now working on the attic.  He also shares the wonderful blessing of souls being saved.  About $5,000 is needed to complete the attic you see in the video which will have 5 rooms.  Please pray about this need and help with a gift if you can. 

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light March 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • The Kellers, our missionaries in Kyiv, Ukraine, often engage in street evangelism. Because of a recent lockdown due to Covid-19, they got to speak with more people than ever before. How? So many businesses were closed that their evangelism table was the only attraction!

  • Some months ago, the Ryzhuks, our missionaries in Belarus, requested prayer for their son Tolik who underwent back surgery. Tolik is now doing great and manages a physically demanding job. On May 29, he is to marry Sasha, a young lady who was already winning souls at the age of 12.

  • The 2nd Baptist Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, recently hosted a benefit concert for a local charity that assists children with disabilities. (The Buykos’ daughter Angelica is one of the singers.) The church was packed, including residents who had never stepped inside before. We praise God for this opportunity to demonstrate care, for both people’s spiritual and physical needs.

  • In Kyiv, Ukraine, despite the pandemic and the fact that students weren’t allowed to travel from Belarus or Eastern Ukraine, the January session of our seminary had 40 students for all of the classes, plus 30 others who came to audit 3 days of special teaching on the Christian home. We praise the Lord for opportunities to deepen students’ knowledge of God’s Word and to strengthen loving bonds within families.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray concerning a possible new church-planting opportunity for BIEM in the country of Belarus. We always seek God’s guidance as we prayerfully consider each possibility.

  • In the nation of Georgia, a number of Baptist churches have been coordinating a food outreach to families economically disadvantaged by Covid. Please pray that this project will glorify God and help the churches to establish ongoing relationships with families that need the Gospel.

  • As mentioned in various Challenger prayer letters, the church in Chervona Sloboda, Ukraine, has developed a very effective puppet ministry that has evangelized in schools, orphanages, and other locations. But due to restrictions from the virus, organizations haven’t been able to invite them for months. Please pray for God to open opportunities to resume this effective outreach.

  • Although we can’t share details, our workers in various places have recently reported exciting salvation decisions involving souls in Kyrgyzstan, Iran, and other challenging locations. However, new believers in these areas sometimes fear letting others know of decisions for Christ. Please pray for God to encourage their hearts and to strengthen their new faith. Also, pray for a team of 4 evangelists who continue to travel and share the Gospel.

February Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings in Christ!  This month's video comes from brother Sasha who, along with his family, serves in a restricted Islamic state.  Despite difficult circumstances, God is blessing their work with the fruit of souls.  When one follows the Lord in believer’s baptism, they can often face hostilities and even mortal danger, frequently from their own relatives.  Praise God for those who take on the name "Christian" and all that goes with it in these needy fields.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light February 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, local authorities sent a commission from the mayor’s office consisting of the city prosecutor, plain clothes police, the health department, and a fire inspector, to examine the building Pastor Righteous and his congregation meet in. Praise God, not only did they find no cause for closing the building or persecuting the believers, but Pastor Righteous also had a chance to share his salvation story with them!

  • BIEM’s director in Ukraine, Eugene Buyko, reports that outreaches during this time of Covid have resulted in more souls attending church. May these visitors hear, believe, and trust in Christ!

  • In the past, soldiers on the military base in Desna, Ukraine, could not attend our church plant without difficult-to-acquire permissions, and an escorting officer. In a dramatic change, the base commander is now permitting soldiers to attend freely. Praise the Lord!

  • We praise God for answered prayer in Belarus. Anton, the nephew of our missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk, was in an automobile accident and spent 45 days in a coma. Doctors were already giving up hope. But God woke Anton up! He is in his right mind and is walking again.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • BIEM has been assisting with a church-building project in Siberia. Recently, building inspectors halted the project by imposing several complications. Local believers have suspended further work until the inspections are completed. Please pray for a good resolution.

  • In Chernigiv, Ukraine, BIEM missionary Lyosha Savchuk reports that a number of youths have begun coming to the church. He attributes this to boredom brought about by the lockdown. Whatever the reason, praise God for these seeking souls. Pray for their salvation.

  • In Western Asia, our missionary Sasha R. is operating under fairly tight restrictions due to Covid. He requests prayer that they will be able to return to regular church services, and for an evangelistic outreach they are planning.

  • In the country of Georgia, which lies between Turkey and Russia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes write, “There is a small Muslim village called Sakar, about two hours from Tbilisi, where we have begun an outreach and where we hope to have a church plant. We have mentioned this before as a prayer request. So far, we have had good fruit there among Muslim children and a few parents.  Through an amazing, unexpected provision, we have been able to purchase land there with a building on it (land is cheaper in outlying villages). We are praying for a young couple to go and live there and plant a church.”

January Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Warm greetings from the Sobodians! Even though it is definitely not warm outside. Especially in Ukraine, which has been hit with a blast of snow and cold as you can see from this month's video.

Praise God for the tremendous progress of the church building being constructed in Smolin Ukraine. As you can see in the video, the frame and exterior walls are nearly complete. Next will be windows, doors, and a roof, although those must wait until there is a break in the weather.

In the meantime, the church continues to meet in the tent even in the cold and snow. Praise God for the wonderful news Sasha shares in the video, of a neighboring family who has begun to attend. Please pray that they will come to Christ.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian