
BIEMs of Light: October 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • According to the Institute for Religious Freedom, as of July over 270 churches, synagogues, and other “religious buildings” had been destroyed by shelling in the invasion of Ukraine. So far, none of the churches built by BIEM have been destroyed. Since a good number of our churches are along the route the Russian army took towards Kyiv, this is remarkable. Praise God!

  • This just in from overseas: “Praise God, a 50-year-old Afghani man put his faith in Jesus Christ last night in our refugee ministry in Central Asia.” Thanks be to God!

  • Brother Tim, one of our missionaries based in the United States, will be making his 11th aid trip to Ukraine for the purpose of distributing humanitarian aid. These trips involve purchasing food and other needed items in Poland and then driving them across the border into Ukraine. These trips (which do not include our other container shipments) have provided over 50 tons of aid to Ukrainian churches that are distributing these goods.

  • We thank God that the hardships and needs in wartime have galvanized many believers to step into ministry roles they never imagined in peacetime. This includes teens who are volunteering to serve God and neighbors through their local churches’ refugee ministries.

Prayer – Pray with us!

  • Last month we requested prayer that our director for Ukraine, Eugene Buyko, would be able to visit the US for several weeks with his family. The Lord answered that prayer. The Buykos have blessed numerous churches with personal updates from their homeland. Please pray that BIEM will be able to bring additional Ukrainian missionaries to the US so they, too, can report directly to supporters.

  • Please uphold in prayer our newest church planters, Sergiy and Karina Koop, as they continue to reach out to refugees and others in the Druzhba district of Ternopil. May God bless their ministry with more souls for the Savior!

  • Churches in Ukraine continue to assist refugees who have been uprooted due to the war. Sometimes this involves evacuating them from occupied territories, which is quite challenging. Many displaced persons are hearing the Gospel for the first time as they seek food and shelter. Please pray for more to see their spiritual need and to accept Christ as Savior.

  • Please pray for the war to end soon. Several of our church planters express concern that, the longer the war lasts, the less likely it is church members who have evacuated to the west will return.  

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BIEMs of Light: September 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Our new missionaries in Ukraine, the Koops, operated a 3-day children’s camp in Druzhba, which they have targeted for a new church. The first day, 65 attended; the 2nd day up to 85, and the third day over 100 participated, including about 20 mothers who were asking, “Where is the church?” When those moms heard that church services will be starting soon, some replied they will come.

  • Praise God, attacks from Russia on Ukraine’s Independence Day were not as bad as some feared. Although Russian rockets and missiles hit 58 cities and communities on that day, the next day there was only one. Since then, it seems things have died down.

  • In Ukraine, the Slobodians report a wonderful baptism at the new church in Bilogorodka. Nine adults were baptized. Praise God for souls being accepting Christ in this time of war. Previously, the Russian army had come within a few miles of Bilogorodka, which is in the Bucha area.

  • Praise God for a fruitful trip Vitaly Bilyak took to the military front in Donbas area with a trailer full of aid. He and those with him helped civilians, wounded ones in a hospital, plus soldier friends for whom he brought much-needed supplies and requested items. Vitaly plans two more such trips in September. Pray for safety. His videos from the front include sounds of artillery and explosions.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Sources predict that the next week will be an especially dangerous time for the military cities of Desna and Goncharovsk, where BIEM missionaries have planted two churches. Both towns have already suffered attacks by missiles, rockets, and planes. More attacks are expected. Please pray for our missionaries, the churches, and the community, that lives would be spared.

  • Pasha Usach conducted a special one-day event for mothers and wives who had lost sons and husbands in the war. Over 50 attended. The event was a huge blessing and provided a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel, so much so that Pavel is planning another such an event. Pray that God will use these outreaches to draw souls to Christ, the source of the greatest comfort.

  • Plans are underway to bring the Buyko family to the United States, where they will visit churches for one month. Sophia and the three girls have already received visas; now we are working on getting the special permission needed for Eugene to temporarily exit Ukraine during wartime. Please pray that this permission will be granted, just as it was for Vitaly Yurchenko.

  • Some of our contacts are witnessing of Christ to Muslims in Afghanistan. Please pray for God to open eyes and illumine hearts with the Gospel.

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BIEMs of Light: August 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Praise God, our personnel in Ukraine have received another 40-ft. container of humanitarian aid from us here in the United States! This is the 7th container our dedicated Ukrainians are distributing to needy places. This one went to the city administration of a region that contains several settlements that were occupied by Russian forces, so these goods will reach some of the neediest recipients.

  • BIEM president Sam Slobodian heads back to Ukraine on August 2. The main focus of this trip will be humanitarian aid, but praise the Lord, he will also participate in a baptism and an ordination!

  • Today BIEM personnel drove another 5 tons of food from Poland into Ukraine, this time for the Kharkiv region. We praise God for thoughtful donors and for those driving and distributing.

  • So far, we are receiving reports of young people coming to Christ in BIEM-sponsored camps in Estonia, Ukraine, and Russia. Although the Lord touches hearts in a special way through such camps every summer, we never take that blessing for granted. To God be the glory!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Despite the war in Ukraine, one of our seminary graduates is deeply burdened for a particular district in a large city in Western Ukraine that has been flooded with refugees. Many of them plan to stay. This brother has recruited others to help start a new church, and they are praying and fasting every Friday for God’s direction and provision for that goal. Please join them in praying.

  • A pastor named Aleksander emailed us today from the Intensive Care section of a hospital in central Russia. He has a weak heart, and their summer camps and other ministries may have taxed him too much. Let’s uphold this worthy servant of the Lord with our prayers.

  • In Central Asia, the manager of our Christian shelter for hurting women is named Julie. She is a big blessing—talented, yet with a servant’s heart and love for Jesus. She devotes herself to running the shelter and ministering to these women and their children. It’s a big job. Please pray for her.

  • In another nation of Central Asia, one church recently baptized 9 former Muslims who had put their faith in Christ. Please pray that more hearts in those regions will soften and consider their need of the Savior.

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BIEMs of Light: July 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Our goal for funding summer camps in 2022 was $50,000. Praise the Lord, we have now reached that goal!

  • Despite the war in Ukraine, which generally prohibits adult men from exiting the country, BIEM church planter Vitaly Bilyak was able to come to the US for several weeks. Here, he not only reunited with his wife and sons, but visited many churches with firsthand reports from Ukraine. From Poland, he will be driving a load of humanitarian aid back into this homeland.

  • At a time when war-torn areas of Ukraine are short on food, BIEM was able to distribute large amounts of powdered milk to needy ones across 5 regions of Ukraine through churches, boarding schools, hospitals, a mayor’s office, and local charities. We thank the Lord for the donors and for all those who give of their time and energy to help us distribute these gifts of aid.

  • In Central Asia, Pastor River (not his real name) reports he is being surveilled 24/7 by secret police. Still, God gave another victory as two more formerly Muslim souls (one of them a mullah) placed their faith in Christ!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • As our churches proceed to hold children’s camps in July and August, please pray for the leaders as they teach and model God’s Word, pray for the campers to be open and receptive to spiritual truths, and pray for the Holy Spirit to draw young souls to salvation in Christ.

  • In early July an evangelistic team traveled through an area of great unrest near Afghanistan to share the Gospel with all who would listen. Please pray that the words they shared will not be forgotten and that the hearers will ultimately come to Christ.

  • A new provision adopted by Ukraine would allow religious workers to leave Ukraine for a short time to attend religious conferences even though they are males between the ages of 18 and 60. Because BIEM occasionally brings national church planters to the US to report to churches, please pray this opportunity will work for our Ukrainian coworkers.

  • In the nation of Georgia, the church in Gldani lost Pastor Lasha to Covid last fall. The church is experiencing some troubles from within and without. Other brethren are filling in with preaching, Bible studies, and counseling. Please pray for unity, for reconciliation, and for a new pastor.

BIEMs of Light: June 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Recently, one of our BIEM missionaries entered a Central Asian nation (predominantly Muslim) with a bag full of Bibles. When Customs officials saw the x-ray scan containing the Bibles, they began arguing back and forth. While they debated, our missionary snatched up his bags and headed out the door. Moments later, they followed him and searched the crowd but didn’t spot him. God provided an opportunity to take in every Bible!

  • Afghans who fled the Taliban are coming to Christ in Central Asia! Plus, BIEM has organized a school to teach refugee children school subjects, which includes reading the Bible in their language. A Bible institute is also in the planning stages and is well on its way to being operational.

  • In Ukraine, in addition to hundreds of tons of aid we have distributed using vans, SUV’s, and small trucks, we have now received 5 forty-foot containers of humanitarian aid, which we transported to churches that serve as distribution centers in needy parts of Ukraine. Praise God for the compassionate friends in the USA who have provided these goods and for our Ukrainian brethren who distribute them!

  • Although the world’s attention is on Ukraine, we still have people ministering for the Lord inside Russia. We praise God for souls recently won to Christ in Siberia!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • On Easter Sunday, one of our churches in Central Asia was raided by police, who arrested the pastor. The church was fined $200, which BIEM paid. We rejoice that the punishment was relatively light, but please pray for Pastor River and his congregation as they serve God in a land that is hostile to Christian activities.

  • BIEM’s evangelistic outreaches overseas depend on our ability to transfer funds to those lands. The sanctions on some countries have a side effect of blocking our normal methods of transferring funds. Please pray that the Lord will show us effective workarounds.

  • On June 6, BIEM’s president Sam Slobodian plans to travel to Ukraine, including to Kyiv. Please pray for safe traveling as he visits our missionaries and makes plans with them.

  • Friends often say, “Pray for Ukraine.” But don’t pray only for the life of that nation. Pray for the salvation of the countless souls who are hearing the Gospel in conjunction with our aid efforts.

BIEMs of Light: May 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, our personnel continue to win souls among Afghanis who fled from the Taliban and their nation. One of our workers writes, “In our Afghani work, we had 3 more Afghanis trust Christ as Savior today. Praising God; He is always good. In trials and sufferings, He still is glorified.”

  • At the end of April, BIEM’s president Sam Slobodian was able to enter Ukraine via Poland and to meet with many of our coworkers and friends and make plans face-to-face. The emotions and brotherly hugs were more emotional than usual due to the difficult times.

  • Miraculously, none of the church buildings we’ve built in Ukraine have been damaged, and none of our missionaries or missionary families have been injured! Praise God for answered prayers!

  • Thanks to your generous donations to our War Relief fund, our personnel continue to provide aid to needy Ukrainians, both inside and outside the borders. Food purchased in Romania, Poland, and western Ukraine is trucked into Ukraine and received with great joy and appreciation. Along with the food, our people share the Gospel at every possibility.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray concerning a church in Central Asia that the police raided at the end of their Easter service on April 24. Our missionary pastor persuaded the police to arrest only him but not the church members. Pray for God to protect and defend these believers.

  • The U.S. has announced an expedited plan for enabling Ukrainian refugees to enter the country. Please pray that this plan will truly be implemented and operate smoothly. 

  • With the situation in Ukraine in constant flux, please pray for divine wisdom for us and our coworkers as we must make regular decisions concerning how, when, and where to minister.

  • Our closing prayer request comes from a BIEM missionary in central Ukraine: “Please continue to pray for the multiplied thousands who grieve over the loss of loved ones and friends. Please continue to pray that families who have been scattered will soon be able to be reunited. Please continue to pray that our God will be glorified in this conflict and in the lives and ministries of His people! Please pray for God’s blessings upon those who have sacrificed to help us here!”

BIEMs of Light April 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Last week we surpassed $300,000 in war relief aid directed to Ukraine. We praise God for each gift, and we rejoice in the many souls that are hearing the Gospel and being saved as the result of these efforts. Thank you for your prayers, concern, and help!

  • The generosity of contributors made the purchase of a large generator possible. The purchase proved timely because almost as soon as it was bought, a rocket hit the power grid supplying electricity to the church in Bilogorodka, which is feeding refugees. This generator was exactly what was needed to keep the church’s refrigerators running while repairs were made. See the video “Power to God’s People” in the “War Video Updates” section of our website.

  • A group of 9 refugees (wives and relatives of our missionaries) for whom we requested prayer as they entered the U.S. via Mexico have arrived safely. Thank you so much for upholding these 3 women and 6 children in prayer. The husbands remain in Ukraine. 

  • One of our American missionary couples, the Smiths, have just returned from Poland where they assisted other missionary efforts among Ukrainian refugees. They made two trips into Ukraine with 5 tons of food and medication, organized Ukrainian church services in a Polish church near Warsaw, and assisted other refugees with lodging and other needs.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • We have a smaller group we might try bringing into the U.S. through Canada. Please pray for God’s direction in this matter. Canada, Mexico, and a host of European countries are receiving Ukrainian refugees easily while the United States has not yet made provisions for Ukrainian refugees to enter the United States easily.

  • Although the city of Chernihiv has been heavily bombed, the large apartment building in which we have remodeled a portion for a church has not been hit. Once again, we are glad to report none of our people have been injured, and none of our church buildings have been hit. These are answers to prayer, so please keep praying!

  • Please pray for both believers and unbelievers as Ukraine goes through incalculable stress from the war on a massive scale. Countless wives and children have fled the nation (including our missionary families) while the men remain behind to fight, minister to others, or simply continue working as they keep as many businesses, utilities, and public services functioning as possible. Children are witnessing horrific sights. May God comfort and heal as only He can.

  • Please pray for an end of the killing and destruction

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Ukrainian War Relief & Updates

Thank you from Pastor NR

Peace be with you! We sincerely thank you for your prayerful and financial support during this difficult time for us! We rejoice that in Christ Jesus we are one body, and all respond to the pain of one member of the body.

We work in Kyiv. About 80 members of our church remained in the city. We deliver food to those who need it (not only to church members, but also to unbelievers). We feed people with hot food in the basement of our church building which is equipped as a bomb shelter where not only believers, but also non-believers find shelter. We hold 2 prayer meetings a day: we sing, we preach, we pray…

BIEMs of Light March 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Times of great pain and tragedy sometimes compel people to consider their souls and to come to God. We hear reports of this very thing happening in Ukraine during the invasion. May those foxhole decisions last forever!

  • Although the world’s eyes are on Ukraine, our ministries continue in other places, too. Afghani refugees in Central Asia are coming to Christ. By email we received the photo of another who trusted Christ as Savior just yesterday!

  • No one can predict how he will respond in trying times until such times come upon them. We rejoice that, even in the midst of crisis, there are selfless pastors in Ukraine saying, “We don’t pray that the war will end, but that the Lord will help us to shine in these dark days and glorify Him.” As one of our missionaries put it, our regular ministries are interrupted, but ministry does not stop!

  • Praise God that, no matter what happens on earth, He gives us encouragement through verses like Psalm 46:1-2a, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, even though the earth be removed…!”

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Obviously, please pray for a cessation of the shooting and killing. Each unsaved casualty of war is one more soul sent to hell. How Satan must rejoice in the numbers going there without the Gospel.

  • BIEM has already transferred thousands of dollars for relief aid to our churches in Ukraine. Pray for more to come in to help our missionaries as they serve suddenly needy ones in the name of Christ.

  • Please pray that the aid we are sending our Ukrainian missionaries and ministry partners reaches them.  At a certain point, we may not be able to continue to send funds through banks.  We do have a way for them to access funds without the banks but what is available is nowhere what will likely be needed.  Just yesterday a possibility manifested itself.  However, we need more such opportunities so please pray for this.

  • Pray for the peace of God to rule the hearts and minds of believers in Ukraine. May they see and use opportunities to share Christ with fearful ones.

BIEMs of Light February 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • One of our BIEM missionaries has a fresh opportunity to travel within a restricted-access Muslim country to share the Gospel and distribute Gospel media. We praise the Lord for providing this opportunity. May He bless this evangelistic outreach with safety and spiritual fruit!

  • In the nation of Georgia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes rejoice for a new opportunity: “We have acquired land in a completely Muslim village with a campground on it and a house for a potential church plant. We are praying for a young couple to come and work with us to develop this church plant and camp ministry.” Praise God for such vision and for making this property available. May He continue to lead and provide for this new ministry location!

  • Praise God for opening doors. Over the course of time, the various needs of one of our Ukrainian national missionaries have enabled him to get acquainted with the mayor of their town. Recently, that unsaved mayor and his wife wanted to spend time with this missionary couple who state “It’s interesting that this couple doesn’t let anyone into their lives, yet they want to fellowship with us. Our request is that you pray for this couple and for God to help us speak about Him always and to everyone.”

  • Despite recurring restrictions and concerns about covid, our missionary Vitaly Yurchenko rejoices that their church’s puppet team continues to receive invitations to put on evangelistic performances. The most recent show was in Kyiv, Ukraine, for adults and children with disabilities. Vitaly says, “Puppet performances are interesting for all ages. This is an accessible message of truth for everyone, regardless of age and intellectual development.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Although an unresolved military conflict continues in Eastern Ukraine, recent tensions threaten the possibility of a major invasion of Ukraine.  Regardless of whether the threat is real or a bluff, please pray no new war will come to this land and that the existing conflict will be halted.

  • Pray for the peace of God to rule the hearts and minds of believers in Ukraine. Pray that churches and believers will perceive and act on opportunities to share Christ with fearful, unsaved ones around them and that no restrictions the government adopts would interfere with having services.

  • Please pray for those nations behaving in a hostile way toward Ukraine and pray that the peace of God would rule in our hearts despite the circumstances.

  • Please pray for our civic authorities, that those in positions of authority will have wisdom in this crisis, and that they will not adopt any laws that are contrary to the Bible.

BIEMs of Light January 2022

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, where our believers are ministering to Afghani refugees, another Shiite man trusted Christ as Savior today! Praise God for working in these refugees’ hearts.

  • In December, God received glory through many public Christmas services and evangelistic presentations and through home visits, with gifts of groceries and Bibles. Seeds of Truth have been sown and continue to be sown. May God cause those seeds to put down roots and grow!

  • In Desna, Ukraine, our church planters faced opposition right from the beginning. Recently, though, the city administration wrote the church a letter of gratitude, thanking them for positive contributions to the community: assisting men with drug and alcohol addictions, helping families with many children, organizing children’s camps…. While there are still individuals with negative opinions, the church is pleased to receive this written encouragement from the civil authorities.

  • The Tuttles, BIEM missionaries in Tbilisi, Georgia, report they had a large turnout for their Christmas Eve service. Visitors included university professors, schoolteachers, and even a national government Cabinet member. All these heard God’s way of salvation presented in sermon and song. This praise item is also a prayer request that those hearts will embrace the truth they heard!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Most, if not all, of our missionaries are continuing holiday evangelistic outreaches into January, since this is their traditional month for celebrating Christmas. These include holiday evangelistic programs, home visitations with gifts of food to needy families, and special services for orphans and foster families. Please pray for souls to understand the Gospel and to embrace the Savior.

  • Please keep praying for funds for multiple building projects: (1) to complete the new church in Smolin, Ukraine, (2) to purchase a larger building to house the rehabilitation ministry in Desna, Ukraine, and (3) fund-raising for the newly organized congregation in Cherni, Belarus, to build a building. This small but active congregation currently meets in a cramped room. So far, they aren’t large in numbers, but they are conducting evangelistic outreaches with great zeal!

  • Please continue to pray that the Ukrainian authorities will grant humanitarian-aid status to our next 40-ft. container of aid and supplies, which is packed and ready to ship. After submitting the initial thick bundle of required documentation, BIEM’s Vitaly Bilyak had to submit another 18 pages. We would like to ship these supplies without unnecessary delays.

  • Our team in Central Asia has a heartfelt desire to increase their evangelistic outreaches throughout 2022. For the team, please pray for their health, strength, zeal, good articulation of Scripture, and protection from hostile opposition. For those with whom they share the Gospel, please pray for open minds, open hearts, and spiritual understanding of the truths they will hear.

Summer Camps 2021

Summer Camps 2021

BIEM’s missionaries and volunteers rejoiced that 2021 allowed us to resume widespread summer camps after the Covid restrictions of 2020. Whether overnighting in tents and cabins or ministering in day camp scenarios, camps provide unequaled opportunities to touch young hearts. In addition to fun games and activities, campers sing Christian songs, learn to pray, and hear daily Bible lessons with the goal of evangelism. If you would like to read a more extensive report on our 2021 camps, please click HERE.

Celebrating 40 Years

Celebrating 40 Years of Ministry

We praise God for 40 years of God's blessings upon this ministry. Countless souls have been saved, over 100 churches have been planted, and over 50 church buildings have been built for the glory of God along with many other outreaches. Follow this link for a historical overview: Challenger: BIEM’s 40th Anniversary

BIEMs of Light December 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In conjunction with BIEM’s 40th anniversary, you will soon be receiving a special, extra-long edition of our Challenger newsletter. It highlights just a sampling of the huge number of blessings that God has poured out through this ministry over 4 decades. We hope you will read this historic issue and join us in praising God for all the great things He has done!

  • BIEM missionary Vitaly Bilyak has fulfilled the colossal task of completing 60 documents required by the authorities in Ukraine to grant humanitarian-aid status to our next shipping container, which is waiting to begin the ocean voyage. Now the praise also becomes a prayer request that whichever officials handle the paperwork will look favorably on it and grant humanitarian-aid status.

  • Because many Russians want to learn English, one of our missionary families in northern Russia hosts an English Movie Night every Monday. They receive 15-20 new people each week. Some visitors return for church. “We practice communication skills and learn English grammar based on the Gospel of Mark.” Hallelujah, this weekly outreach has led to souls being saved and baptized!

  • In Kyiv, Ukraine, a key ministry partner with BIEM, the Temple of Salvation Baptist Church, has celebrated its 60th anniversary. Founded during the days of militant atheism in the USSR, this church, too, is a testament to God’s grace and sustaining power despite oppression!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • We asked you to pray for Pastor Lasha and Maia, good friends of BIEM who were battling Covid in the nation of Georgia. Although Maia pulled through, Lasha did not. We understand the Lord knows all things and permitted Lasha’s early promotion to glory, but please pray for Maia and her two children, David and Tamar, as they continue without their husband and father.

  • Our upcoming mailing includes information about two special building projects—a church building in the nation of Belarus and a new home for the rehabilitation ministry in Desna, Ukraine. Please pray even now that God’s people will understand the importance of those needs and provide funds.

  • BIEM president Sam Slobodian is planning a December 9 trip to Russia for an overdue visit with our national missionaries. Please pray for swift processing of his visa to enter Russia, for protection from Covid (Russia still has a high rate of infections), and in general for God’s blessing on this trip.  

  • All our missionaries will be engaged in Christmas outreaches to share the Good Tidings of Jesus Christ. Some of those efforts will be entire church programs. Please pray for them as they plan these programs and outreaches. Pray, too, for unbelievers and those who have settled comfortably in vain religions to have their understanding enlightened concerning Christ and salvation.

BIEMs of Light November 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Forty years ago, in 1981, the Lord prompted Peter Slobodian to establish a new mission—Baptist International Evangelistic Ministries—dedicated to evangelizing the Soviet Union. Then, the USSR persecuted and imprisoned active Christians. Rejoice with us for the huge changes God has worked and for the countless opportunities He has opened for evangelism. He is still answering prayers!

  • Some time back, the rehabilitation center near Ternopil, Ukraine, accepted into the program a man named Igor. Igor had been addicted to drugs and alcohol so long that he was in pitiful physical condition. They feared he might die. But Igor accepted Christ! His thoughts and attitudes changed. His sister declares he’s a different man. Physically, he’s still recovering, but praise God for working!

  • Not long ago in Desna, Ukraine, Sam Slobodian assisted in baptizing several people, including Vlad, a man whose life of drugs, thievery, and homelessness, had landed him in prison more than once. But through Desna’s Christian Rehabilitation Center, Vlad embraced Christ and repented. Once again, God saved the soul of a man who had been rejected even by his own family!

  • In Nahabino, Russia, Pastor Pavel Rumachik recently baptized three people. Two of those were Kristina and Alyona, daughters of a man named Alexander who was once a drug addict but trusted Christ and became one of the first members of Pavel’s church. Praise God for continuing fruit!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In the nation of Georgia, national pastor Lasha and his wife Maia have been battling Covid for the last 10-11 days. Although Maia seems to be through the worst of it, Lasha remains in ICU in serious condition. He’s intubated, battling pneumonia, an infection, and Covid. These are good friends of BIEM and faithful servants of the Lord. Please pray for full recovery.

  • The Rehabilitation Center mentioned above in Desna, Ukraine, now houses 12 men. While we praise God for changing lives there, the small house currently used is already overcrowded. A more suitable building is needed. Please pray that the Lord will guide provide a larger building, plus funds to acquire/refurbish it for ministry. Here’s a link to learn more:

  • Also in the Republic of Georgia, BIEM missionaries report some wonderful salvation decisions. But these new believers face opposition from family members and Orthodox priests. Please pray for them to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God’s Word. Also, other friends and acquaintances are listening to the Gospel but not yet embracing it. Please pray for those souls.  

  • An Afghani woman, F., led 4 Afghanis to Christ in October. But her landlord is creating problems and threatening to evict her. Please support her in prayer.

BIEMs of Light October 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Because a cold rain put a damper on last year’s annual Bible Quest in Ukraine, this year the organizers held it earlier. About 200 teens earnestly studied the book of Luke to compete. As a result, 8 teens came to the Lord, and all of them benefited from increased knowledge of the Word of God, plus wholesome fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • In September the 2nd Baptist Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, baptized 8 people. Half of them were the family of 87-year-old Pavlina. She had watched the church construction from home, began attending services, and trusted the Lord. Although weak from heart-related medical issues, Pavlina insisted on being baptized with the others even though she had to be carried in and out of the water.

  • Praise God our container designated for Ukraine is loaded and ready for shipment. This container contains over 200 padded pew chairs and a large number of folding chairs and tables that will be a blessing to churches. There are also a good number of musical instruments, including two pianos, and a great amount of clothing, shoes, medical supplies, and sports equipment for youth ministry.

  • This spring, we asked you to pray for a new BIEM church plant near Brest in Belarus. Although meeting in a light, temporary structure, that new church is now functioning. One soul accepted Christ at the very first service, and two more at the second service. They now have 23 members!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Praise God for the growth of the youth ministry in Ternopil. After last year’s camp, 20 new youth began attending youth meetings. Several have trusted Christ and were baptized.  Church planter Vitaly Bilyak reports that even more have started coming after this year’s camping program. They’ve all heard the Gospel, but a good number of them need salvation. Please pray for them.

  • Please pray for a team associated with BIEM that is boldly evangelizing in Central Asia among refugees from Afghanistan. Yesterday they were in a village where the Taliban had been fighting the day before. Please uphold them in prayer as they minister life in the midst of death.

  • The Covid situation seems to be worsening in Ukraine. There’s a possibility the government will reinstitute restrictions, including the ban on public transportation. Huge numbers of Ukrainians depend on public transportation, so that would affect our believers too. Please pray.  

  • In Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, BIEM’s Bruce Tuttle requests prayer for the family of Pastor Volodya Sholopko and his church. Brother Volodya had pastored the same church that shares space with Bruce’s pastoral training classes but recently succumbed to Covid. Natasha Shalopko is suddenly widowed, and the church will need a new minister.

BIEMs of Light September 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Countless Afghanis have fled to other parts of Central Asia. Missionaries connected with BIEM have been reaching out with God’s love and the Gospel. One recently reported, “Praise God, two Shiite Hazara Afghanis trusted Jesus as Savior this morning in our refugee group.” As politics turn lives upside down, may many more refugees find truth and life in the Savior Jesus Christ!

  • In Lviv, Ukraine, our missionaries the Levtseniuks have been extremely busy all summer with on-going church reconstruction and summer camp. This month, they rejoice to have 5 candidates planning to be baptized. Praise God for spiritual fruit!

  • BIEM’s field director for Central Asia was supposed to fly back to the U.S. when he lost his sense of taste and smell. A test confirmed Covid. He immediately started a regimen of ivermectin and zinc, which helped him feel great within 24 hours. Over the next 5 days, churches had him preaching to fellow Covid quarantiners twice a day. Praise God, man’s delay was God’s plan as 10 more souls trusted the Savior before he flew home Covid-free!

  • Thank you so much for praying for the summer camps. In addition to the fact that we had no serious injuries among campers, the American volunteers who went to work in camps were warmly received by campers, and they enjoyed working side by side with the Ukrainian camp leaders!v Countless Afghanis have fled to other parts of Central Asia. Missionaries connected with BIEM have been reaching out with God’s love and the Gospel. One recently reported, “Praise God, two Shiite Hazara Afghanis trusted Jesus as Savior this morning in our refugee group.” As politics turn lives upside down, may many more refugees find truth and life in the Savior Jesus Christ!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • A political rift between the countries of Ukraine and Belarus has closed the border between these two countries, preventing our Belarussian students from attending our spring seminary session in Kyiv. Please join them in praying this would be settled so they can attend classes this month.

  • This month BIEM is happy that, once again, our national missionaries Igor Fomichov and Vitaly Bilyak can be in the U.S. to visit supporting churches. Please pray for safety and good connections with churches as we travel many hundreds of miles with these faithful brothers.

  • The church in Desna, Ukraine, runs a rehabilitation center for men with addictions. God is blessing, including the recent baptism of a man who had spent 18 years in prison! The rehab center has been operating rent-free in a house lent to the church. However, that agreement expires in spring. Please pray as the church searches for a suitable house in which to continue this ministry.

  • Our missionaries in the Republic of Georgia report that the nation has attained the rank of most Covid cases per capita of any country. The government is reimposing prohibitions. Even without restrictions, the virus has hampered ministry with pastors in the hospital, closed churches, canceled baptisms, and a canceled couples retreat. Please pray for God to reverse this situation.

BIEMs of Light August 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • Camps have been held in many places this summer and will finish this month. Praise God for working! In Russia, an elated Pastor Alexander writes, “Thank you for the support. With God’s blessing, we’ve held 3 camps. A fourth will be in August. We’ve heard many prayers of repentance from children and teens….” He describes how a man who was observing ended up being saved!

  • Sergei Skripnik, who pastors at our new church plant in Borschiv, Ukraine, had the joy of baptizing 3 believers, and 2 of those are a father and son who were baptized together. May God strengthen these new believers and continue to reach souls through this newer church plant!

  • More about camps! This summer, for the first time in a long time, we have Americans making mission trips to Ukraine to work in summer camps. The war in Eastern Ukraine and Covid-19 has prevented Americans from participating in our camps.  However, we rejoice that this summer we have 3 groups of Americans (18 people) traveling to work in 4 different camps! 

  • We praise God for creative brethren on our ministry fields! This year in Belarus, they held a unique camp, not for kids but for widows. BIEM missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk says, “Many of them live lives that are far from easy. The widows were encouraged and comforted in the Lord. They returned home joyful and asked that, if the Lord prolongs our lives, that we hold a similar camp next year.”

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Covid-19 continues to create challenges for ministry. For instance, in one Russian city, BIEM missionary pastor Oleg writes, “Cases of Covid-19 have not terminated. In fact, we are getting more people infected every day. On one hand, people are afraid of being vaccinated, because they don’t trust the government. On the other hand, they stay home most of the time, because of fear.”

  • The Hoblitzes, one of BIEM’s couples in the nation of Georgia writes, “We praise the Lord that we can continue our evangelism dinners. It’s a joy to minister to students from Africa, India, and other countries…Many students lack assurance of salvation; some have not understood salvation at all, and some come from typically hostile backgrounds. Just a week ago we had a chance to explain the Gospel to a Muslim young lady.” Please pray for such souls to understand and embrace the Gospel.

  • In Central Asia, 51 youth attended a camp, the majority from Muslim families. Not all responded to the Gospel, but some did! And everyone heard the Good News. Please pray for God to water the spiritual seed that was sown in their hearts.

  • Please pray for the church in Borshchiv as they along with their entire community experienced flooded basements due to a torrential rainstorm.  Fortunately, their basement is unfinished and was used just for supplies that will cost $500 to replace.  Another $1200 is needed to provide this church with a pump and generator for future prevention.

BIEMs of Light July 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  •  In Central Asia, another soul has come to Christ through the women’s shelter. A woman who fled from her physically abusive husband said, “I thought about everything you said and how you work. I see you are different, and I believe that your God is really true, and I want to be like you. Tell me more about Jesus … I want to receive Him as my Savior.” Hallelujah!

  • Recently, the church in Ternopil, Ukraine, ordained Andrei Eliseev to the ministry of deacon. Andrei oversees the daily operation of the nearby Christian rehabilitation center. This is especially exciting since Andrei himself was once addicted to substances but underwent rehabilitation and discovered new life in Christ. How exciting to see God redeeming ruined lives and helping such believers to grow in grace and knowledge of the Word of God!

  • The church planted by the Hoblitzes (BIEM missionaries in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia), holds evangelism dinners for university students from Africa, India, and other nations. Some students come from lands that are hostile to the Gospel, but they feel welcome there. Some haven’t accepted Christ yet but do attend services and listen. Praise God for yet another method of evangelizing.

  • Thank you to everyone who prayed for us to have wisdom concerning our next 40-foot container shipment. (Changing procedures make it more difficult to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine efficiently and economically.) We have developed a procedure that we hope will meet the required regulations while keeping expenses to a minimum. We’ll try it this autumn!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray for a need in Chernihiv, Ukraine where Lyosha Savchuk has been leading the church which is now outgrowing their facility. Pray for direction, and funds for a larger facility.

  • Last month, we requested prayer that BIEM would receive the $40,000 needed to hold this year’s summer camps. Praise the Lord, the full amount has been received! Now, if you would, please shift your camp prayers to safety for the campers, wisdom, clear articulation for camp leaders, and for the Holy Spirit to work through camps in the hearts of all campers who attend.

  • In recent days, some new believers have been baptized in Western Asia. Others there are planning to be baptized soon. Please pray for these relatively new believers who live in predominantly Muslim areas, that they will grow in grace and strength and knowledge of the Word of God.

  • As the Taliban gains strength in Afghanistan, many refugees are pouring into bordering countries where BIEM has personnel. While this does provide opportunities to reach out to these needy people there is serious concern that the Taliban will attempt to advance beyond Afghanistan. Please pray that this does not happen.

BIEMs of Light June 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • On May 29, our missionaries Nikolai and Svetlana Ryzhuk in Drogichin, Belarus, had a God-glorifying wedding for their son Tolik and his bride Alexandra. The ceremony also gave an opportunity for 40 unsaved relatives to hear the Gospel. One returned for church the next day.

  • In May, our director for Central Asia led a Muslim man there to faith in Christ. Also, local evangelists working with him have been blessed with additional salvation decisions. God is saving souls in spiritually difficult places!

  • Near Moscow, a recent conference was held for men who have been freed of addictions through the Christian rehabilitation ministry. It’s exciting to see how God has totally changed lives, blessed many of them with wives and children, and transformed them into active church members through this ministry. May God be praised!

  • In Kyiv, Ukraine, our missionaries the Kellers are thrilled for the increased opportunities spring weather has provided for street evangelism. They and their team use a variety of methods to engage passersby in conversation, which then naturally leads to spiritual conversations. Praise God for caring hearts and active believers.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • BIEM is currently in the midst of three church-building projects—two in Smolin and Borschiv, Ukraine, and a third project in Siberia. All three are in different stages of progress. Please pray for each one. Pray for safety for the workers, for healthy curiosity among unsaved neighbors, and for sufficient funds to push each project to completion soon.

  • In Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, our missionary Bruce Tuttle is involved 100% in pastoral/church-planting training. In recent times, he has increasingly visited Tbilisi in the Republic of Georgia to teach there as well. Seeing a need for a permanent training center in Tbilisi, Bruce is prayerfully contemplating transitioning to Tbilisi. Please pray for God’s guidance in the many decisions this will entail.

  • Praise God, of the $40,000 needed for this year’s summer camps, we now have over $35,000 on hand. Just a little over $4,000 is yet needed, so please keep praying. Also, please pray for God to prepare receptive hearts in the children, teens, and young adults who will be attending. May He be glorified through these camping ministries!

  • Please pray that the Lord will enable us to ship a container of supplies and humanitarian aid to Ukraine soon. International logistics for such shipments to Ukraine have changed, which greatly complicates matters. We need divine wisdom and guidance. Thanks for praying.