
BIEMs of Light May 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • When a social organization visited the Christian rehabilitation center near Ternopil, Ukraine, to test residents for hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc., our minister Andrei Eliseev offered the men’s services in a volunteer capacity. He rejoices that not only does this connection allow them to provide a useful community service, but it also gives periodic opportunities to share the Gospel!

  • Despite Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv being under lockdown due to the escalating cases of Covid, the spring session of our seminary went smoothly. The lockdown halted most public and commercial transportation, which made it impossible for many students to attend. Still, over 25 students were able to come. We praise God that 12 of the 18 graduates were able to attend the graduation service. 

  • In recent days, our director for Central Asia has been traveling in those lands and joining in evangelism. Praise God, a number of former Muslims have repented and come to Christ!

  • Another recent event was a youth conference held in the Moscow region. There, guest speakers testified of God’s working, answered questions, and inspired teens and young adults to joyful service for the Lord! Thank God for a rising generation of believers becoming active in ministry!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • The BIEM board of directors approved plans for a new church plant in the country of Belarus on the outskirts of the large city of Brest. A place to meet is urgently needed. Please pray that property for this new church can be purchased soon.  

  • This month, we plan to bring two of our Ukrainian missionaries (Vitaly Bilyak and Igor Fomichov) to the U.S. to visit churches and give updates. Please pray for no problems and smooth traveling as they travel both internationally and within the U.S. throughout May.

  • Please pray for favorable weather and safety as construction continues on the new church in Smolin, Ukraine. On any construction project, each day presents opportunities for injuries to happen. May God protect those working and aid them in making swift progress.

  • Now that May is here, we must increasingly turn our thoughts toward plans for summer camps overseas. We have a long way to go to collect the $40,000 we typically expend for all of these camps. Please pray God prompts those who can help to remember this need!

April Video Update

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Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Praise God we were finally able to travel overseas.  This month's video features some young musicians in Kyiv, Ukraine that BIEM has been able to supply with musical instruments.  It is a blessing to be able to bring donated instruments to our brothers and sisters overseas.  Even better to hear them play.  In some cases, Sam has had the chance to play with them like in this video.   If you have any musical instruments you would be interested in donating, please contact us.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light April 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, Pastor River (not his real name) was excited to report 3 more Muslims accepted Christ as Savior this past week. Hallelujah, the Kingdom of Heaven is growing!

  • In March, a family and youth conference in Belarus ministered both to families and older teens on the topic of marriage. Topics included the image of Christ and the church, the importance of marriage, and ways of managing conflicts within marriage. The organizers were very pleased with this conference and anticipate continuing fruit from it in Christian homes.

  • At the new church in Borschiv, Ukraine, BIEM missionary Sergei Skripnik reports new people attending, including a woman who had been deeply involved in the occult and magic. After a conversation, she agreed to burn all of her occult books. Now she is the first to arrive for church services! Sergei says, “Pray for her, that the Lord will fully free this soul from all filth.”

  • In our February BIEM’s of Light we requested prayer for the church building project in Siberia, Russia where authorities halted the construction.  We are glad to report that the issues have been resolved and construction has resumed.  Praise God!  Thank you for praying!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • In March, we requested prayer concerning another possible church-planting opportunity in the Republic of Belarus. Please continue praying as the Board of Directors considers all the details.

  • According to reports, the government of Ukraine is contemplating another Covid-sparked lockdown that would affect public transportation. If that happens, our spring session of the Seminary in April would be in jeopardy. Please pray for wise decisions, both by authorities and seminary leaders.

  • As reconstruction continues on the building in Borschiv, the work has shifted to creating Sunday school rooms upstairs. This will include adding insulation, drywall, ductwork, and other items, to make the rooms functional. Please pray for the safety of the workers plus finances for materials.

  • Due to the war in Ukraine and the coronavirus, it has been a while since a group from the USA has gone on a mission trip to Ukraine.  Praise God that now an American group is planning on a missions trip to Ukraine this summer to work in our camps.  Please pray for this project.

March Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings in Christ!  This month's video comes from Borschiv, Ukraine where brother Sergei and his wife Vika are planting a church in this needy area that has no Bible-believing churches.  Brother Sergei shares the progress being made as they are now working on the attic.  He also shares the wonderful blessing of souls being saved.  About $5,000 is needed to complete the attic you see in the video which will have 5 rooms.  Please pray about this need and help with a gift if you can. 

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light March 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • The Kellers, our missionaries in Kyiv, Ukraine, often engage in street evangelism. Because of a recent lockdown due to Covid-19, they got to speak with more people than ever before. How? So many businesses were closed that their evangelism table was the only attraction!

  • Some months ago, the Ryzhuks, our missionaries in Belarus, requested prayer for their son Tolik who underwent back surgery. Tolik is now doing great and manages a physically demanding job. On May 29, he is to marry Sasha, a young lady who was already winning souls at the age of 12.

  • The 2nd Baptist Church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, recently hosted a benefit concert for a local charity that assists children with disabilities. (The Buykos’ daughter Angelica is one of the singers.) The church was packed, including residents who had never stepped inside before. We praise God for this opportunity to demonstrate care, for both people’s spiritual and physical needs.

  • In Kyiv, Ukraine, despite the pandemic and the fact that students weren’t allowed to travel from Belarus or Eastern Ukraine, the January session of our seminary had 40 students for all of the classes, plus 30 others who came to audit 3 days of special teaching on the Christian home. We praise the Lord for opportunities to deepen students’ knowledge of God’s Word and to strengthen loving bonds within families.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray concerning a possible new church-planting opportunity for BIEM in the country of Belarus. We always seek God’s guidance as we prayerfully consider each possibility.

  • In the nation of Georgia, a number of Baptist churches have been coordinating a food outreach to families economically disadvantaged by Covid. Please pray that this project will glorify God and help the churches to establish ongoing relationships with families that need the Gospel.

  • As mentioned in various Challenger prayer letters, the church in Chervona Sloboda, Ukraine, has developed a very effective puppet ministry that has evangelized in schools, orphanages, and other locations. But due to restrictions from the virus, organizations haven’t been able to invite them for months. Please pray for God to open opportunities to resume this effective outreach.

  • Although we can’t share details, our workers in various places have recently reported exciting salvation decisions involving souls in Kyrgyzstan, Iran, and other challenging locations. However, new believers in these areas sometimes fear letting others know of decisions for Christ. Please pray for God to encourage their hearts and to strengthen their new faith. Also, pray for a team of 4 evangelists who continue to travel and share the Gospel.

February Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings in Christ!  This month's video comes from brother Sasha who, along with his family, serves in a restricted Islamic state.  Despite difficult circumstances, God is blessing their work with the fruit of souls.  When one follows the Lord in believer’s baptism, they can often face hostilities and even mortal danger, frequently from their own relatives.  Praise God for those who take on the name "Christian" and all that goes with it in these needy fields.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light February 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In Central Asia, local authorities sent a commission from the mayor’s office consisting of the city prosecutor, plain clothes police, the health department, and a fire inspector, to examine the building Pastor Righteous and his congregation meet in. Praise God, not only did they find no cause for closing the building or persecuting the believers, but Pastor Righteous also had a chance to share his salvation story with them!

  • BIEM’s director in Ukraine, Eugene Buyko, reports that outreaches during this time of Covid have resulted in more souls attending church. May these visitors hear, believe, and trust in Christ!

  • In the past, soldiers on the military base in Desna, Ukraine, could not attend our church plant without difficult-to-acquire permissions, and an escorting officer. In a dramatic change, the base commander is now permitting soldiers to attend freely. Praise the Lord!

  • We praise God for answered prayer in Belarus. Anton, the nephew of our missionary Nikolai Ryzhuk, was in an automobile accident and spent 45 days in a coma. Doctors were already giving up hope. But God woke Anton up! He is in his right mind and is walking again.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • BIEM has been assisting with a church-building project in Siberia. Recently, building inspectors halted the project by imposing several complications. Local believers have suspended further work until the inspections are completed. Please pray for a good resolution.

  • In Chernigiv, Ukraine, BIEM missionary Lyosha Savchuk reports that a number of youths have begun coming to the church. He attributes this to boredom brought about by the lockdown. Whatever the reason, praise God for these seeking souls. Pray for their salvation.

  • In Western Asia, our missionary Sasha R. is operating under fairly tight restrictions due to Covid. He requests prayer that they will be able to return to regular church services, and for an evangelistic outreach they are planning.

  • In the country of Georgia, which lies between Turkey and Russia, our missionaries the Hoblitzes write, “There is a small Muslim village called Sakar, about two hours from Tbilisi, where we have begun an outreach and where we hope to have a church plant. We have mentioned this before as a prayer request. So far, we have had good fruit there among Muslim children and a few parents.  Through an amazing, unexpected provision, we have been able to purchase land there with a building on it (land is cheaper in outlying villages). We are praying for a young couple to go and live there and plant a church.”

January Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Warm greetings from the Sobodians! Even though it is definitely not warm outside. Especially in Ukraine, which has been hit with a blast of snow and cold as you can see from this month's video.

Praise God for the tremendous progress of the church building being constructed in Smolin Ukraine. As you can see in the video, the frame and exterior walls are nearly complete. Next will be windows, doors, and a roof, although those must wait until there is a break in the weather.

In the meantime, the church continues to meet in the tent even in the cold and snow. Praise God for the wonderful news Sasha shares in the video, of a neighboring family who has begun to attend. Please pray that they will come to Christ.

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light January 2021

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In December, all of the staff in BIEM’s home office contracted Covid-19, but we praise God for strengthening them. The office is back to normal operations. However, our bookkeeper, Amy Slobodian, still has a persistent cough related to the virus and the resulting pneumonia. Doctors have changed her medication 3 times, so this is also a prayer request.

  • During Christmas week, some of our evangelists in Central Asia reported a number of salvation decisions among Muslims in diverse places. Praise God for opening their eyes to Truth and touching their hearts!

  • In the town of Ivanovo, Belarus, BIEM missionary Nikolai visited a tiny congregation (which has no pastor) to hold a service, including the Lord’s Supper. A man who had never been there before showed up. Toward the end of the service, that stranger stood and declared, “I’m a sinner. I want to repent.” As it turned out, the man was only passing through town. While waiting for his next train, he decided to visit the little church—and God worked!

  • Praise God, a building project in connection with the Christian Rehabilitation Center in Vilna Tarasivka, Ukraine, received more donations than expected! BIEM missionary Bruce Tuttle shares that he attended a recent church service where 2 more of the men in the program repented and placed their faith in Christ. May God bless this ministry and the building project!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Ukraine has announced a lockdown as cases of Covid-19 have soared. Please pray for health for the believers, and that our missionaries will still be able to minister to people’s needs.

  • Please pray that our Seminary in Kiev will still be able to hold its winter session later in January, as those responsible consider all possible measures to enable classes.

  • Because some churches celebrate Christmas on December 25 (as in the West) and others on January 7 (traditionally in the East), evangelistic Christmas services and outreaches are continuing into January. Please pray that God will especially work in souls during this time.

  • Praise God that about 20 teenagers are still regularly attending as a result of this summer's camp program operated by the church in Ternopil, Ukraine.  Brother Vitaly Bilyak states that these are unchurched youth, some with rough backgrounds who are basically off the streets.  Please pray for their salvation and growth.

December Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings!  For this month's video update we bring you Christmas greetings from several of our Ukrainian church planters via Zoom conference.  With current travel restrictions, we have been doing a lot of Zoom meetings these days.  

Beginning with Eugene, who is our Ukrainian director, each one shares a Christmas greeting, a blessing and a prayer need.  It is truly exciting to hear how God is blessing the evangelistic efforts of these men.  A work for God that you also play an important part in.

We have inserted pictures into the video as the men speak.  There is one picture I would like to call your attention to. When Igor is speaking, one of the pictures shows his family along with his mother and sister.  You may remember that early last year, we shared in our Challenger how his mother came to Christ after 18 years of prayers and efforts of concerned folks around her.  Check out page two of that volume of the Challenger which you can access by clicking on the following link:

More great news is that now his sister has also come to Christ and is faithfully attending church services and growing in the Lord.  It is such a blessing to see her along with the rest of the family in this picture. 

In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian


BIEMs of Light December 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We praise God for more souls coming to Christ in Central Asia.   Many have been saved through the “King of Glory” film project conducted by our missionaries.  The Lord is working abundantly!  This is a wonderful answer to the prayers many have prayed for this project.

  • In Western Asia, one of our missionaries who conducts online services due to Covid restrictions, reports a number of salvation decision from viewers in various lands—Belarus, Siberia, the Republic of Georgia, Ukraine, and Abkhazia. Also, God allowed his church to hold a Thanksgiving service in an outdoor café. Many Muslim patrons of the café watched and listened to testimonies with interest. Afterward, café staff approached and requested prayer!

  • Last month we requested prayer for a planned youth conference in Brest, Belarus. Praise God, that conference took place, and as time passed, there were no reports of sickness among those who attended. The conference provided an uplifting, encouraging time for young believers.

  • Praise God for continuing opportunities provided by the Coronavirus in Ukraine where the church in Bilogorodka assembled and distributed care packages with Gospel literature.  Praise God for the compassionate hearts of these church members who reached out to widows, a local orphanage, and to families in their community stricken by the virus.

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • Please pray for our missionaries. A number of them have contracted Covid-19. Several have already recovered, but each regrets those days when they couldn’t minister actively.

  • Please pray for favorable weather for construction work on the new church going up in Smolin, Ukraine. For services, believers have put up a military tent which is heated by a very simple woodburning furnace that is basically a barrel with an exhaust pipe.  Not the most comfortable setting for worship services but one that certainly demonstrates their dedication.

  • Sasha, one of our missionaries to a predominantly Muslim land, was able to conduct a baptism right in the Mediterranean Sea as a public testimony. This church has often done so. Pray that they may continue to have such services without incident, and that onlookers will understand the Gospel.

  • Please pray for a full recovery of BIEM missionary Bruce T., who is suffering from the coronavirus.  Though he is improving he has been unable to teach the students in his Pastoral Training school in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine.  Praise God that these classes have been able to continue since Bruce enlisted the help of two other missionaries, who are teaching the classes by Zoom.

November Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings!  We trust that you are enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.  We certainly have much to be thankful for.

This month's video update comes to you from Bilogorodka, Ukraine.  Because of the coronavirus we cannot travel overseas for the time being.  However, we have excellent communication through internet-based tools like Facetime, Skype, What'sApp, and Zoom.

 In this video you will see and hear from the ladies at the church in Bilogordka who are in the middle of preparing care packages for widows, as well as for those who are suffering from Covid-19.  They are purchasing these items with funds from their church, together with funds from BIEM.   Praise God for their labor of love and for those who give to make such projects possible.  These efforts are a great blessing to the needy and greatly lift up the testimony of the church in their community.  Such projects are also carried out by BIEM church planters in other locations as well.

 In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian

BIEMs of Light November 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • In the nation of Georgia, our missionary “M.T.” started a Bible study for 4 young people. The study stopped due to quarantine, but 2 of them continued reading Scripture and trusted Christ at home. One shared her new faith with a girlfriend, and that girl trust Christ, too! A male in the group shared Scripture with 2 other teens, and they also repented and placed faith in Christ. Like ripples in a pond, the circle of believers expanding!

  • Churches in Eastern Europe and Russia have each been setting aside a Sunday to celebrate Harvest Holiday. Despite a very odd year, God has provided an increase from their gardens, fields, and orchards, plus new souls have come to the Lord. May He be praised!

  • In the 1990s, the first soul saved through Pavel Rumachik’s new church near Moscow had been a drug dealer. Recently, that man’s son, too, was baptized. Praise God for changed lives!

  • Despite the lingering Covid-19 situation, we had a good group of volunteers who donated their time to help with our calendar mailing. We thank the Lord for friends who contribute in various ways—taking photos, doing the printing, packaging… At times friends even volunteer to assist with maintenance and yardwork around BIEM. We praise God for each one!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • v Many friends recall the church on the military base in Desna. That ministry has resulted in a good number of church planters. One of those church-planting couples is heading up for us a church-building project in Smolin, which is near another military base in Goncharovsk. The foundation is in, and walls are going up. It’s important to finish the walls, roof, doors, and windows before the extreme winter weather. To do so, BIEM is trying hard to raise $50,000 quickly. Please pray that the Lord will prompt hearts of some who can help reach these goals.

  • Sasha, one of our missionaries to a predominantly Muslim land, plans to hold a baptism next week right in the Mediterranean Sea as a public testimony. This church has often done so. Pray that they may continue to have such services without incident, and that onlookers will understand the Gospel.

  • This month in the country of Belarus, multiple churches plan to hold a youth conference in Brest. Please pray for good attendance at the messages will help to solidify these young people’s faith.

  • We rejoice that in recent days a number of souls in Central Asia have come to Christ! Our missionary “Samuel” led one family to Christ, and now another woman, too. Another Muslim woman has listened to the Gospel. She dreamed about a blood-stained cross and agreed to start reading a New Testament in her language. God is moving!

October Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Remember the church started on the Ukrainian military base in Desna,
Ukraine? One of the men saved there was Sasha Petrenko. After some
training, Sasha and his wife Ira moved to Goncharovsk, the next
military city to the north, to start a church. God gave them a
harvest of souls, even though renting a place to meet in was always
very, very difficult. When war came to the East it became impossible,
since Goncharovsk has even tighter security than Desna. This base
provides many of the fighting men for the war.

After much prayer and consultation with our nationals, we raised
funds to buy a house in the neighboring town of Smolin, which is only
about 5 miles from Goncharovsk. This location works well for the
church and expands their outreach into Smolin. The plan was to
remodel the house into a simple church building by adding onto it.
However, it soon became apparent that this would not work, and the
only realistic solution was to demolish it and build a new structure.
This month's video features this project.

The old building has been demolished, and the church secured a
military tent to meet in while the church is being built. The
foundation has been laid and the walls are going up. It is important
that we get not only the walls up, but the roof, windows, and doors
in before the severe weather of late winter comes. We need to raise
at least $50,000 to do this, so any help would be very much

In Christ,

Sam & Amy Slobodian

September Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

Greetings!   This month's video update comes from Western Ukraine where BIEM church planter Vitaly Bilyak has planted a church right in the heart of the large city of Ternopil.  In this video brother Vitaly shares about this summers camping program. 

Since this is an urban ministry getting out of the city is special for camp participants.   This summer this young church conducted 3 different camps.  Praise God for this wonderful work that is shining the light of the Gospel in Western Ukraine.

In Christ, 


Sam & Amy Slobodian

Aid During Covid-19

Aid During Covid-19, Spring 2020


In the spring of 2020, the lands where BIEM missionaries are laboring went into various degrees of self-quarantine. However, rather than simply hunkering down and wasting time, BIEM’s missionaries scrambled to stay in touch with their congregations and others to whom they had ministered. They turned to technology to hold worship services, Bible studies, and other fellowships through Zoom and Facebook Live.

In addition, however, when some became aware of locals who had material needs our people rallied to help out, confident that this would bring glory to God and might also lead to future open doors for ministry.

For instance, in Borschiv, Ukraine, Sergei and Vika Skripnik shared the following in March: 

Despite worldwide events, the Lord is continuing His work. Of course, just like everyone else, we have limitations in conducting various events. But we have no limitations when it comes to prayer and spending time in the Word. By God’s mercy, we are continuing to gather in home groups (not everyone comes, of course), and we continue to have services in the village of Aleksintsy (we have 10 people there). We believe that all will work for good to those who love God.

Many people are gripped by fear and expectation of disaster, but for us this is another opportunity to witness about Him, who gives peace and salvation. As best we can, we are helping people [with gifts of food]. Since the public buses aren’t running, most of the stores are closed. It’s a good time to have a car. You know, it had been a long time since I thanked the Lord that we have a car, but now we understand and rejoice in God’s mercy.

In their April report, Vika Skripnik added…

We once again were able to distribute some sacks of groceries to families of children who attend our Sunday school. This gives us a chance to chat with the children and their parents. Many say that they didn’t value time before the quarantine, but now many are reevaluating their priorities in life. People here now divide life as “Before Quarantine” and “After Quarantine.”

One time I went to visit Angelina (the girl with cerebral palsy, whom you helped so much), but I couldn’t see her because she had chicken pox. I talked with the mother, and she told me how, before Easter, Angelina had gotten sick. (Her temperature had risen to 104° F.) But all during the quarantine, public transportation was not running, and the nearest hospital was 8 miles away. There was no way to get her there. So, Angelina’s brother and sister (children who attend our Sunday school) said to their mother, “Mama, don’t worry. Let’s just pray really, really hard, and Angelina will get better. You’ll see. Jesus won’t leave us.” A while later, her fever went down.

Our God is very powerful, mighty. Through the children and their behavior, the Lord is knocking on the hearts of the parents.

I thank our Savior, who extends our lives and gives the opportunity to serve Him in all sorts of times, including during this time of quarantine. I had the opportunity to visit several families, to chat with children and their parents, and people’s hearts are more open right now.

This is Maria, a young mom who is raising two daughters by herself. At one time, she had attended summer camps. She even came to a Sunday worship service. Now she realizes that she has made a lot of mistakes in life. I talk with her a lot. I witness to her of our Lord.

I believe the day is coming when Maria will receive the Lord into her heart. I thank the Lord for sending such people my way to meet them, and we can show them our Christ in practice. With God’s help, we were able to buy this family an electric hotplate for preparing food to eat and to provide them with a few groceries. Now there are a lot of such families that have no one to turn to for help.

I was also able to meet another family. I pray for each of them, that the Lord will thaw the ice in their hearts. Only He can do this. 

Near Ternopil, Ukraine, Vitaly Bilyak’s church had been visiting an orphanage (“children’s home”) regularly to teach Bible lessons to the children. The quarantine halted those visits. He writes:


…Furthermore, by law, all of these children were supposed to return to their disadvantaged families all over the Ternopil region. The government takes a very superficial view of this: during a quarantine, children should be with their families. Only 12 children remained in the children’s home. These were kids who had nowhere to go, orphans and kids whose parents had lost parental rights. In mid-April I telephoned the administration at the children’s home. I understood that they would not permit a group to come and visit those children, but could we somehow support these children and the children’s home as a whole? In talking to them, I learned that they needed funds for sanitizing, disinfecting, toilet paper, and masks… My wife and I drove to stores to buy the necessary items. In addition, we bought sweets, cookies, and fruit for the kids who had not gone home. As it turned out, we were the first visitors to that children’s home in two months. Of course, we didn’t have an opportunity to give the children a Bible lesson, but we were able to chat with them a bit and to offer encouragement, give them some sweets, and to leave many essential items for disinfecting, cleaning the kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms… Now they have asked whether we can help these kids with shoes for summertime. I will write about this in one of my following letters. For now, we’re using some of the funds leftover due to the youth being quarantined.

Please pray for the ministry to the orphans and children from problem homes (the parents are addicted to drugs, or alcohol, or are prostitutes). The leadership of the children’s home is concerned about these children. The majority went home to very poor families in difficult straits. The courts have already returned some of the kids to the children’s home due to their families’ horrible living conditions. 

During the quarantine time, the second Baptist church in Bilogorodka, Ukraine, pastored by Evgeny Buyko, delivered 80 food parcels to both believing and unbelieving families in need. As they did so, church members kept in mind 1 John 3:18, “My little children, let us love not in word, or in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” In part, the Buykos’ report to BIEM says:


As in other countries, Ukraine today is going through complicated times due to the spread of coronavirus. In cities and in villages, educational institutions are closed, movement on the streets is limited, many people are out of work or have gone on unpaid time off. Besides the painful conversations about how to overcome the pandemic and not get sick, Ukrainians are extremely worried about whether there will be enough funds to pay for community services and whether they will have a means to feed their families.

And at a time when the majority are falling into panic, God’s children sense in themselves the mercy and goodness of our Heavenly Father. Our church in the village of Bilogorodka has clear confirmation of this. My heart is overflowing with joy for what I want to share with you.

Our second Baptist church in Bilogorodka numbers about 50 people who attend, including children and teens. Of those, about 15 people are of advanced age, or have disabilities, and are in need of attention and support, especially during the quarantine time.

When we recognized that there would be restrictions on public movements and that elderly ones are at-risk, some of our members got the idea of buying groceries for those who are especially in need.

By God’s mercy, for this act of care and goodness we were able to gather fairly quickly enough funds to purchase food for 80 parcels. Some of the funds came from our church budget. Brothers and sisters of the church donated more. Also, friends of our church gave, including the BIEM mission, for which we sincerely thank you!

Every package included a variety of things, such as flour, sugar, sunflower oil, tinned fish, meat paté, cookies, chocolate, and tea. Elderly and disabled believers received such blessings of food from the first and second Baptist churches, to the glory of the Creator. Some unbelievers in town also received one.


Later, in a supplemental message, Mrs. Sofia Buyko shared the following…

I personally received the task of delivering one food parcel to a Christian widow. When she opened the door and saw such a large package of food, tears appeared in her eyes. She shared that she had asked God for help. Her supplies were very meager, and she hadn’t been sure she would have anything to eat within a few days.

A different sister who’s well along in years, who herself is in difficult straits, asked whether there might be someone else who needed these groceries more than she? This showed once again how the quarantine has rallied our church. Each of us was thinking more about someone else than about self. Praise be to our loving God for that.

If God’s children always have hope despite difficulties, then people who don’t know Him have panic and hopelessness.

When a deacon was delivering food parcels to needy unbelievers in town, he saw bewilderment in their eyes. For them, his arrival was like thunder coming from a clear, sunny sky. It was hard for them to believe that others could simply care about them and bless them in such a way.

For us, this act of doing good and expressing care opened hearts for the Gospel and created an opportunity to fulfill the Word of God, in which it’s written that we should love, not in words only, but also in deeds. We thank God that His love and mercy cover us all the days of our lives.

Meanwhile, the first Baptist church in Bilogorodka had similar opportunities for glorifying God. Pastor Anatoly Kosyanchuk expresses it this way:


Knowing the needs of several church members, especially in the quarantine conditions, other members of the church who were able took part in giving to aid those with needs. Food parcels were purchased and distributed to their homes. And right away, people in town started talking about how we in the church care for each other. Praise God that we were able to do this. Prayer groups share their needs by telephone, and while on the line the two people then pray for these needs. Previously, these groups prayed for needs twice a week, but now nearly every day.

We sincerely thank you, too, for your prayers, your support, and help. May the Lord bless you and protect you and help you to get through these difficulties in the name of Christ and for His glory.

In the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, BIEM’s Yura Levtseniuk volunteered his services for driving medical personnel to and from the hospital during weeks when public transportation wasn’t running. He writes:

Thank you very much for the sincere prayers of our beloved friends! We praise the Lord for you! God is good to us. Throughout the course of this whole quarantine, my family and church have been totally healthy. The Lord used us during this time that has been difficult for everyone.  In our city, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ was glorified through the ministry of “Lviv’s Angels.” This is a divinely appointed time, which we must use, and it won’t be repeated! A large number of medical personnel were evangelized. Many gospels were distributed. Doctors received the Word of God like never before! Violetta and I still transport doctors from the nearest villages to work. And this is effective, because it gives us a whole hour to talk about Christ with them. Please pray for the village of Tulygolovy, which is 50 kilometers from Lviv. People have already asked that we come to them even after the quarantine, and I’m thinking of organizing a Bible study group there. Pray that this would develop.

In Drogichin, Belarus, the Ryzhuk family had opportunity to come to the aid of needy ones. Nikolai shared the following:

While distributing sacks of groceries to needy ones, I was particularly burdened for one family. About 7 months ago, a woman and her 4 children began attending our worship services. We decided to take that family some groceries, and to use this opportunity to get better acquainted. The woman’s name is Lena. The 3 older children attend school, but not the youngest one. Lena told a little about her difficult life. After her fourth child was born, her husband deserted her and went to live with his mother, because as he said, “I’m not able to feed you. Live however you want.” Two years have passed since then. The government gave her a two-room apartment. There’s practically nothing in it. The things she does have are all old and worn out. I was amazed at how this woman lives without grumbling.

I asked why she is missing teeth. She said her husband hit her, and she has no money for a dentist. Another thing that amazed me is that she doesn’t ask our church for any assistance. So, our heart-to-heart action brought her special joy. I recorded a bit on video about how she lives. Great gratitude to you for all your love and your prayers for us. May the Lord abundantly bless you, your families, and your country!

 In Chervona Sloboda, Ukraine, a town that had been particularly unfriendly toward believers who came with the goal of planting a new church, the church received a very unexpected request for aid. Vitaly Yurchenko wrote…


Recently, the mayor of Chervona Sloboda fell ill. She needed emergency heart surgery. She herself couldn’t pay for this operation and asked whether we could help. We took up a special collection for her and delivered the funds. We prayed for her and telephoned her to express our care and support. Valentina Nikolaevna (the mayor) was very thankful. The operation was successful, and Valentina promised to come to church to thank God for His help. Back when friends had come from the U.S. to serve widows, Valentina Nikolaevna attended that event. She really enjoyed it, and she was thankful for that ministry. We hope that our mayor will open her heart to Jesus Christ. We ask that you, too, pray for her.

In Mizotsky, Ukraine, Pavel Usach was able to soften hearts at another orphanage with a gift from America—pillows! Here are his details:


I’m sure you remember buying pillows for the boarding school. Those pillows stayed in my house for several months because I couldn’t get them to their destination. I recently contacted the administration of the orphanage by phone, and I was allowed to take 49 pillows to the Mizotsky children’s home. We were welcomed by the director and headmaster of the school, and they were very happy, because we hadn’t forgotten them, even in such a difficult time. Many thanks to everyone who had a role in buying these pillows for children who will come go there for the new school year. Imagine how those children had been sleeping on pillows that were bought back in the 1990s, that is, pillows that are more than 20 years old. It will be such a pleasure for them to receive these wonderful, soft pillows that were purchased in the USA.

That is why we sincerely thank you for such a wonderful sacrifice and for the opportunity to serve together the One God, doing good deeds for His glory. I think that this gift will help us to ensure that we don’t have any obstacles to visit the children there during the new school year.


In conclusion, here is a separate thought-provoking message from Eugene Buyko, who serves as BIEM director in Ukraine:


A Mosaic of God’s Love


“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7


When are the Lord’s goodness and blessings sweeter to the heart, during days of plenty and abundance, or during days of sorrow and sadness? Now, during the time of quarantine, when all around there are feelings of anxiety and fear, we children of God do not cease to rejoice in the mercy of the Heavenly Father and to lift up prayers for His care about our needs.

Today we’d like to tell about BIEM’s container of humanitarian aid from American brothers and sisters for the Ukrainian people. The container traveled a difficult road, burdened by changes in the bureaucratic system in our country. Due to many checks and various new laws, the timeline for opening it got delayed for months. While the process of completing the paperwork was still being done, we asked, “What’s taking so long? Why so many obstacles?” So, it turned out, dear brothers and sisters, that we received your gifts, not before New Year’s Day as expected, but during the time of quarantine. Then we understood that God has His timing for everything. He unceasingly cares for our needs. After all, before the New Year, the situation in our country was stable. Humanitarian aid was not perceived to be so valuable as it is now, during the time of isolation, when funding is so limited, yet needs are so many.

How is it possible to describe receiving gifts that we have from you by God’s mercy? Certainly, humanitarian aid can be measured according to physical categories—weight, length, height, etc. On the other hand, this aid is the story of people, like a mosaic that takes shape into a wondrous picture of God’s love.

Let me start with an 84-year-old widow, a cancer patient for whom every step is very difficult. What do adult Pampers mean for her? Thanks to them, she can wake up dry after a night of sleep. This is such a valuable blessing and impermissible luxury in Ukrainian reality, that no one who hasn’t looked after elderly, ill people can understand the joy from such a gift.

Nor the smile on the face of a 16-year-old teen, afflicted from birth with children’s cerebral palsy, sitting in a wheelchair, thanks to which he can now move comfortably. After all, before this gift, his parents could set their son only on a tiny, old child’s wheelchair that didn’t meet the boy’s needs.

In addition, in one children’s home for children in western Ukraine about 50 pillows have been provided. And let us emphasize, that kids in this establishment have slept for 30 years on the very same pillows. No one ever changed them. You can’t help wondering, How does a child feel in that first moment when he lays his head on a fresh, new pillow?

Furthermore, gifts in the form of clothing, domestic items (dishware, blankets, pillows, sheets) were received by two rehabilitation centers and a boarding school near Kyiv. The mosaic of God’s love sprinkled blessings on residents in Bilogorodka, Chervona Sloboda, Ternopil, Kyiv, Desna, Lutsk…

Many children received terrific toys, such toys as they couldn’t dream of during the quarantine. After all, the parents’ primary concern was how to make enough money to buy them food.

Dear brothers and sisters, we sincerely thank you for caring about our many needs: beginning with children’s beds and things for babies, ending with essential items needed by elderly people to maintain a quality of life. Thanks to your gifts, prayers of praise are rising in many homes all over Ukraine!

Summer Camps 2020

Summer Camps 2020

Despite the obstacles and delays caused by Covid-19 concerns, BIEM praises the Lord for the summer camps we were able to sponsor in multiple countries in Eastern Europe.

BIEMs of Light September 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We requested prayer for 4 Afghani men—Salim, Amin, Shafo, and Farid—who had been listening to presentations of the Gospel. Praise God, Farid has now placed his faith in Christ!

  • Praise God for the street evangelism led by BIEM missionaries Vitaly and Alexandra Keller in downtown Kyiv, Ukraine.  Every week they and their team meet and engage passersby with interesting methods of introducing the Gospel. They encounter both Ukrainians and foreign visitors.  Please pray for God to impress on listeners the weight of their sins and their need of the Savior.

  • The Gospel is not bound by pandemics. In Central Asia, citizens are still under lockdown due to Covid-19, but Pastor River texted to say that last week he led 5 Muslims there to Christ!

  • Excellent progress is being made on transforming the house purchased in Borschiv, Ukraine, into a church building. From the roof to the new, large septic system, improvements and repairs are preparing this location for public worship. We praise God for it and for the generous donors who made it possible!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • By September, summer camps are over and children and teens in Eastern Europe start back to school. Please pray that the truths they heard will remain fresh in their minds. May God continue to open kids’ eyes to their spiritual needs and draw them to faith in Himself.

  • BIEM is currently involved in three church building projects. Please pray for God to supply both the resources and the workers needed for each one.

  • Please pray for brother Tim, a BIEM missionary who recently suffered 8 broken bones when a heavy item accidentally fell on his foot. He faces a difficult rehabilitation. Please pray for a full recovery and that he would be spared the arthritis that doctors mentioned as a possibility. 

  • Please pray for a BIEM missionary family in Russia we will refer to as Brother V. Due to stricter controls of the borders and international financial transfers that began with the coronavirus, this family has not been able to receive the support BIEM has collected for them in the U.S. To survive, Brother V. has taken a maintenance job. One Russian church has also taken them on for partial support during this crisis. Arrangements have been made for brother V to travel to a nearby country to receive the support that has accumulated. Please pray for God’s provision and continued blessing on the ministry despite these challenges.

August Video Update

Watch this video on Vimeo by either clicking on the following link or by copying and pasting it in your browser:

Dear Pastors and Friends, 

 Hello from the Slobodians! This month's video update comes from Borschiv, Ukraine which is in an area of western Ukraine that has been neglected as far as a Gospel witness. This is where Sergei and Vika Skripnik are serving as missionaries. For a long time, this dedicated couple focused on village ministry. However, they always had a vision to one day plant a church in the city of Borschiv. Recently, through the generosity of a friend of BIEM, this dream was made possible and they were able to purchase a building right in the city.

The main need right now concerning this ministry is the vacant corner lot next door which is available for $5,000. Obtaining this would give the church more land which could be used for parking as well as other ministry needs. Furthermore, since this corner lot is across from a large field that is slated for the construction of new homes, this would give the church a wonderful degree of visibility in the community. Please pray concerning this need, and for Sergei and Vika and the believers there in Borschiv as they are working hard on this church building project.


In Christ, 

Sam & Amy Slobodian

BIEMs of Light August 2020

Praises Rejoice with us!

  • We requested prayer for 4 Afghani men—Salim, Amin, Shafo, and Farid—who had been listening to presentations of the Gospel. Praise God, Farid has now placed his faith in Christ!

  • In June, we also requested prayers for our camp fund, which had only 50% of the amount needed. The Lord heard those prayers and provided the rest of the funds needed. Some camps are already underway, and we’ve already received reports of salvation decisions!

  • Some weeks ago, our BIEM receptionist, Lauren, let us know she would be moving on. We prayed much concerning a replacement, since a Christian ministry needs workers who love service for the Lord rather than just people needing a job. God provided! The next time you phone the office, the new voice you hear will belong to Caileigh. Thank You, Lord!

  • The Christian rehabilitation center near Rumyantsevo, Russia, needed to replace its van. Although they were able to get some money for their old one, they still needed $5,000 for a trustworthy vehicle. Thanks to BIEM’s donors we were able to supply their need. Praise God!

Prayer - Pray with us!

  • T. Smith, our Field Director for Central Asia, has severely broken the bones in one foot. His doctor advises that he stay off it until October. Please pray for good healing.

  • We have requested prayer for more ministers to serve in the rehabilitation center near Ternopil, Ukraine. God has answered. Volodya B. was once addicted to substances but went through the program and found freedom from substance abuse, plus salvation in Christ. He feels led of the Lord to stay and help others. However, in such cases the men still undergoing the program sometimes express jealousy or lack of respect toward a peer with new authority. Please pray for Volodya, that the Lord will give him divine wisdom and insight into how best to relate to the men he will be assisting out of their addictions.

  • When 40 days of rain fell in western Ukraine, flooding and tremendous property damage resulted. BIEM’s missionary Vitaly Bilyak organized relief trips to 3 villages, where volunteers delivered clothing, bottled water, food, and other necessities—including New Testaments for anyone who didn’t have one. The volunteers brought glory to God. Please pray for those villagers, for their physical needs, yes, but also for the salvation of any who don’t know Christ.

  • Due to covid-19, our mission field in Central Asia has particularly suffered. They have no government programs for unemployment, no stimulus checks, no huge humanitarian aid supply… Please pray for the believers, but also for the unbelievers who are observing them.